ghc-9.12: The GHC API
Safe HaskellNone



Temporary file-system management



data TmpFs Source #

Temporary file-system

initTmpFs :: IO TmpFs Source #

Initialise an empty TmpFs

forkTmpFsFrom :: TmpFs -> IO TmpFs Source #

Initialise an empty TmpFs sharing unique numbers and per-process temporary directories with the given TmpFs

It's not safe to use the subdirs created by the original TmpFs with the forked one. Use newTempSubDir to create new subdirs instead.

mergeTmpFsInto :: TmpFs -> TmpFs -> IO () Source #

Merge the first TmpFs into the second.

The first TmpFs is returned emptied.

data PathsToClean Source #

A collection of paths that must be deleted before ghc exits.




emptyPathsToClean :: PathsToClean Source #

An empty PathsToClean

data TempFileLifetime Source #

Used when a temp file is created. This determines which component Set of PathsToClean will get the temp file



A file with lifetime TFL_CurrentModule will be cleaned up at the end of upweep_mod


A file with lifetime TFL_GhcSession will be cleaned up at the end of runGhc(T)


Instances details
Show TempFileLifetime Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Utils.TmpFs

newtype TempDir Source #


TempDir FilePath 

cleanTempFiles :: Logger -> TmpFs -> IO () Source #

Delete all paths in tmp_files_to_clean and tmp_subdirs_to_clean.

cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles :: Logger -> TmpFs -> IO () Source #

Delete all paths in tmp_files_to_clean and tmp_subdirs_to_clean That have lifetime TFL_CurrentModule. If a file must be cleaned eventually, but must survive a cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles, ensure it has lifetime TFL_GhcSession.

keepCurrentModuleTempFiles :: HasCallStack => Logger -> TmpFs -> IO () Source #

Keep all the paths in tmp_files_to_clean and tmp_subdirs_to_clean that have lifetime TFL_CurrentModule. This function is used when `-keep-tmp-files` is used in an OPTIONS_GHC pragma. This function removes the temporary file from the TmpFs so we no longer remove it at the env when cleanTempFiles is called.

addFilesToClean :: TmpFs -> TempFileLifetime -> [FilePath] -> IO () Source #

Ensure that new_files are cleaned on the next call of cleanTempFiles or cleanCurrentModuleTempFiles, depending on lifetime. If any of new_files are already tracked, they will have their lifetime updated.

changeTempFilesLifetime :: TmpFs -> TempFileLifetime -> [FilePath] -> IO () Source #

Update the lifetime of files already being tracked. If any files are not being tracked they will be discarded.

newTempSubDir :: Logger -> TmpFs -> TempDir -> IO FilePath Source #

Create a new temporary subdirectory that doesn't already exist The temporary subdirectory is automatically removed at the end of the GHC session, but its contents aren't. Make sure to leave the directory empty before the end of the session, either by removing content directly or by using addFilesToClean.

If the created subdirectory is not empty, it will not be removed (along with its parent temporary directory) and a warning message will be printed at verbosity 2 and higher.

withSystemTempDirectory Source #


:: String

Directory name template. See openTempFile.

-> (FilePath -> IO a)

Callback that can use the directory

-> IO a 

Create and use a temporary directory in the system standard temporary directory.

Behaves exactly the same as withTempDirectory, except that the parent temporary directory will be that returned by getTemporaryDirectory.

withTempDirectory Source #


:: FilePath

Temp directory to create the directory in

-> String

Directory name template. See openTempFile.

-> (FilePath -> IO a)

Callback that can use the directory

-> IO a 

Create and use a temporary directory.

Creates a new temporary directory inside the given directory, making use of the template. The temp directory is deleted after use. For example:

withTempDirectory "src" "sdist." $ \tmpDir -> do ...

The tmpDir will be a new subdirectory of the given directory, e.g. src/sdist.342.