{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}

module GHC.Driver.Errors.Types (
  , GhcMessageOpts(..)
  , DriverMessage(..)
  , DriverMessageOpts(..)
  , DriverMessages, PsMessage(PsHeaderMessage)
  , WarningMessages
  , ErrorMessages
  , WarnMsg
  -- * Constructors
  , ghcUnknownMessage
  -- * Utility functions
  , hoistTcRnMessage
  , hoistDsMessage
  , checkBuildingCabalPackage
  ) where

import GHC.Prelude

import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Typeable

import GHC.Driver.DynFlags (DynFlags, PackageArg, gopt, ReexportedModule)
import GHC.Driver.Flags (GeneralFlag (Opt_BuildingCabalPackage))
import GHC.Types.Error
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Unit.Module.Graph
import GHC.Unit.State

import GHC.Parser.Errors.Types ( PsMessage(PsHeaderMessage) )
import GHC.HsToCore.Errors.Types ( DsMessage )
import GHC.Hs.Extension          (GhcTc)

import Language.Haskell.Syntax.Decls (RuleDecl)
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt

import GHC.Generics ( Generic )

import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types

-- | A collection of warning messages.
-- /INVARIANT/: Each 'GhcMessage' in the collection should have 'SevWarning' severity.
type WarningMessages = Messages GhcMessage

-- | A collection of error messages.
-- /INVARIANT/: Each 'GhcMessage' in the collection should have 'SevError' severity.
type ErrorMessages   = Messages GhcMessage

-- | A single warning message.
-- /INVARIANT/: It must have 'SevWarning' severity.
type WarnMsg         = MsgEnvelope GhcMessage

{- Note [GhcMessage]

We might need to report diagnostics (error and/or warnings) to the users. The
'GhcMessage' type is the root of the diagnostic hierarchy.

It's useful to have a separate type constructor for the different stages of
the compilation pipeline. This is not just helpful for tools, as it gives a
clear indication on where the error occurred exactly. Furthermore it increases
the modularity amongst the different components of GHC (i.e. to avoid having
"everything depend on everything else") and allows us to write separate
functions that renders the different kind of messages.


-- | The umbrella type that encompasses all the different messages that GHC
-- might output during the different compilation stages. See
-- Note [GhcMessage].
data GhcMessage where
  -- | A message from the parsing phase.
  GhcPsMessage      :: PsMessage -> GhcMessage
  -- | A message from typecheck/renaming phase.
  GhcTcRnMessage    :: TcRnMessage -> GhcMessage
  -- | A message from the desugaring (HsToCore) phase.
  GhcDsMessage      :: DsMessage -> GhcMessage
  -- | A message from the driver.
  GhcDriverMessage  :: DriverMessage -> GhcMessage

  -- | An \"escape\" hatch which can be used when we don't know the source of
  -- the message or if the message is not one of the typed ones. The
  -- 'Diagnostic' and 'Typeable' constraints ensure that if we /know/, at
  -- pattern-matching time, the originating type, we can attempt a cast and
  -- access the fully-structured error. This would be the case for a GHC
  -- plugin that offers a domain-specific error type but that doesn't want to
  -- place the burden on IDEs/application code to \"know\" it. The
  -- 'Diagnostic' constraint ensures that worst case scenario we can still
  -- render this into something which can be eventually converted into a
  -- 'DecoratedSDoc'.
  GhcUnknownMessage :: (UnknownDiagnostic (DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage)) -> GhcMessage

  deriving (forall x. GhcMessage -> Rep GhcMessage x)
-> (forall x. Rep GhcMessage x -> GhcMessage) -> Generic GhcMessage
forall x. Rep GhcMessage x -> GhcMessage
forall x. GhcMessage -> Rep GhcMessage x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cfrom :: forall x. GhcMessage -> Rep GhcMessage x
from :: forall x. GhcMessage -> Rep GhcMessage x
$cto :: forall x. Rep GhcMessage x -> GhcMessage
to :: forall x. Rep GhcMessage x -> GhcMessage

data GhcMessageOpts = GhcMessageOpts { GhcMessageOpts -> DiagnosticOpts PsMessage
psMessageOpts :: DiagnosticOpts PsMessage
                                     , GhcMessageOpts -> DiagnosticOpts TcRnMessage
tcMessageOpts :: DiagnosticOpts TcRnMessage
                                     , GhcMessageOpts -> DiagnosticOpts DsMessage
dsMessageOpts :: DiagnosticOpts DsMessage
                                     , GhcMessageOpts -> DiagnosticOpts DriverMessage
driverMessageOpts :: DiagnosticOpts DriverMessage

-- | Creates a new 'GhcMessage' out of any diagnostic. This function is also
-- provided to ease the integration of #18516 by allowing diagnostics to be
-- wrapped into the general (but structured) 'GhcMessage' type, so that the
-- conversion can happen gradually. This function should not be needed within
-- GHC, as it would typically be used by plugin or library authors (see
-- comment for the 'GhcUnknownMessage' type constructor)
ghcUnknownMessage :: (DiagnosticOpts a ~ NoDiagnosticOpts, Diagnostic a, Typeable a) => a -> GhcMessage
ghcUnknownMessage :: forall a.
(DiagnosticOpts a ~ NoDiagnosticOpts, Diagnostic a, Typeable a) =>
a -> GhcMessage
ghcUnknownMessage = UnknownDiagnostic (DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage) -> GhcMessage
GhcUnknownMessage (UnknownDiagnostic (DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage) -> GhcMessage)
-> (a -> UnknownDiagnostic (DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage))
-> a
-> GhcMessage
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> UnknownDiagnostic (DiagnosticOpts GhcMessage)
forall a b.
(Diagnostic a, Typeable a, DiagnosticOpts a ~ NoDiagnosticOpts) =>
a -> UnknownDiagnostic b

-- | Abstracts away the frequent pattern where we are calling 'ioMsgMaybe' on
-- the result of 'IO (Messages TcRnMessage, a)'.
hoistTcRnMessage :: Monad m => m (Messages TcRnMessage, a) -> m (Messages GhcMessage, a)
hoistTcRnMessage :: forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
m (Messages TcRnMessage, a) -> m (Messages GhcMessage, a)
hoistTcRnMessage = ((Messages TcRnMessage, a) -> (Messages GhcMessage, a))
-> m (Messages TcRnMessage, a) -> m (Messages GhcMessage, a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((Messages TcRnMessage -> Messages GhcMessage)
-> (Messages TcRnMessage, a) -> (Messages GhcMessage, a)
forall a b c. (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) a b c.
Bifunctor p =>
(a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
first ((TcRnMessage -> GhcMessage)
-> Messages TcRnMessage -> Messages GhcMessage
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Messages a -> Messages b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap TcRnMessage -> GhcMessage

-- | Abstracts away the frequent pattern where we are calling 'ioMsgMaybe' on
-- the result of 'IO (Messages DsMessage, a)'.
hoistDsMessage :: Monad m => m (Messages DsMessage, a) -> m (Messages GhcMessage, a)
hoistDsMessage :: forall (m :: * -> *) a.
Monad m =>
m (Messages DsMessage, a) -> m (Messages GhcMessage, a)
hoistDsMessage = ((Messages DsMessage, a) -> (Messages GhcMessage, a))
-> m (Messages DsMessage, a) -> m (Messages GhcMessage, a)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ((Messages DsMessage -> Messages GhcMessage)
-> (Messages DsMessage, a) -> (Messages GhcMessage, a)
forall a b c. (a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
forall (p :: * -> * -> *) a b c.
Bifunctor p =>
(a -> b) -> p a c -> p b c
first ((DsMessage -> GhcMessage)
-> Messages DsMessage -> Messages GhcMessage
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Messages a -> Messages b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap DsMessage -> GhcMessage

-- | A collection of driver messages
type DriverMessages = Messages DriverMessage

-- | A message from the driver.
data DriverMessage where
  -- | Simply wraps a generic 'Diagnostic' message @a@.
  DriverUnknownMessage :: UnknownDiagnostic (DiagnosticOpts DriverMessage) -> DriverMessage

  -- | A parse error in parsing a Haskell file header during dependency
  -- analysis
  DriverPsHeaderMessage :: !PsMessage -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverMissingHomeModules is a warning (controlled with -Wmissing-home-modules) that
      arises when running GHC in --make mode when some modules needed for compilation
      are not included on the command line. For example, if A imports B, `ghc --make
      A.hs` will cause this warning, while `ghc --make A.hs B.hs` will not.

      Useful for cabal to ensure GHC won't pick up modules listed neither in
      'exposed-modules' nor in 'other-modules'.

      Test case: warnings/should_compile/MissingMod

  DriverMissingHomeModules :: UnitId -> [ModuleName] -> !BuildingCabalPackage -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverUnknown is a warning that arises when a user tries to
      reexport a module which isn't part of that unit.
  DriverUnknownReexportedModules :: UnitId -> [ReexportedModule] -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverUnknownHiddenModules is a warning that arises when a user tries to
      hide a module which isn't part of that unit.
  DriverUnknownHiddenModules :: UnitId -> [ModuleName] -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverUnusedPackages occurs when when package is requested on command line,
      but was never needed during compilation. Activated by -Wunused-packages.

     Test cases: warnings/should_compile/UnusedPackages
  DriverUnusedPackages :: [(UnitId, PackageName, Version, PackageArg)] -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverUnnecessarySourceImports (controlled with -Wunused-imports) occurs if there
      are {-# SOURCE #-} imports which are not necessary. See 'warnUnnecessarySourceImports'
      in 'GHC.Driver.Make'.

     Test cases: warnings/should_compile/T10637
  DriverUnnecessarySourceImports :: !ModuleName -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverDuplicatedModuleDeclaration occurs if a module 'A' is declared in
       multiple files.

     Test cases: None.
  DriverDuplicatedModuleDeclaration :: !Module -> [FilePath] -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverModuleNotFound occurs if a module 'A' can't be found.

     Test cases: None.
  DriverModuleNotFound :: !ModuleName -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverFileModuleNameMismatch occurs if a module 'A' is defined in a file with a different name.
      The first field is the name written in the source code; the second argument is the name extracted
      from the filename.

     Test cases: module/mod178, /driver/bug1677
  DriverFileModuleNameMismatch :: !ModuleName -> !ModuleName -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverUnexpectedSignature occurs when GHC encounters a module 'A' that imports a signature
      file which is neither in the 'signatures' section of a '.cabal' file nor in any package in
      the home modules.


      -- MyStr.hsig is defined, but not added to 'signatures' in the '.cabal' file.
      signature MyStr where
          data Str

      -- A.hs, which tries to import the signature.
      module A where
      import MyStr

     Test cases: driver/T12955
  DriverUnexpectedSignature :: !ModuleName -> !BuildingCabalPackage -> GenInstantiations UnitId -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverFileNotFound occurs when the input file (e.g. given on the command line) can't be found.

     Test cases: None.
  DriverFileNotFound :: !FilePath -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverStaticPointersNotSupported occurs when the 'StaticPointers' extension is used
       in an interactive GHCi context.

     Test cases: ghci/scripts/StaticPtr
  DriverStaticPointersNotSupported :: DriverMessage

  {-| DriverBackpackModuleNotFound occurs when Backpack can't find a particular module
      during its dependency analysis.

     Test cases: -
  DriverBackpackModuleNotFound :: !ModuleName -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverUserDefinedRuleIgnored is a warning that occurs when user-defined rules
      are ignored. This typically happens when Safe Haskell.

     Test cases:

  DriverUserDefinedRuleIgnored :: !(RuleDecl GhcTc) -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverMixedSafetyImport is an error that occurs when a module is imported
      both as safe and unsafe.

    Test cases:


  DriverMixedSafetyImport :: !ModuleName -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverCannotLoadInterfaceFile is an error that occurs when we cannot load the interface
      file for a particular module. This can happen for example in the context of Safe Haskell,
      when we have to load a module to check if it can be safely imported.

    Test cases: None.

  DriverCannotLoadInterfaceFile :: !Module -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverInferredSafeImport is a warning (controlled by the Opt_WarnSafe flag)
      that occurs when a module is inferred safe.

    Test cases: None.

  DriverInferredSafeModule :: !Module -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverMarkedTrustworthyButInferredSafe is a warning (controlled by the Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe flag)
      that occurs when a module is marked trustworthy in SafeHaskell but it has been inferred safe.

    Test cases:

  DriverMarkedTrustworthyButInferredSafe :: !Module -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverInferredSafeImport is a warning (controlled by the Opt_WarnInferredSafeImports flag)
      that occurs when a safe-inferred module is imported from a safe module.

    Test cases: None.

  DriverInferredSafeImport :: !Module -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverCannotImportUnsafeModule is an error that occurs when an usafe module
      is being imported from a safe one.

    Test cases: None.

  DriverCannotImportUnsafeModule :: !Module -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverMissingSafeHaskellMode is a warning (controlled by the Opt_WarnMissingSafeHaskellMode flag)
      that occurs when a module is using SafeHaskell features but SafeHaskell mode is not enabled.

    Test cases: None.

  DriverMissingSafeHaskellMode :: !Module -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverPackageNotTrusted is an error that occurs when a package is required to be trusted
      but it isn't.

    Test cases:

  DriverPackageNotTrusted :: !UnitState -> !UnitId -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverCannotImportFromUntrustedPackage is an error that occurs in the context of
      Safe Haskell when trying to import a module coming from an untrusted package.

    Test cases:

  DriverCannotImportFromUntrustedPackage :: !UnitState -> !Module -> DriverMessage

  DriverRedirectedNoMain :: !ModuleName -> DriverMessage

  DriverHomePackagesNotClosed :: ![UnitId] -> DriverMessage

  DriverInterfaceError :: !IfaceMessage -> DriverMessage

  -- TODO: Add structure messages rather than a String
  DriverInconsistentDynFlags :: String -> DriverMessage

  DriverSafeHaskellIgnoredExtension :: !LangExt.Extension -> DriverMessage

  DriverPackageTrustIgnored :: DriverMessage

  DriverUnrecognisedFlag :: String -> DriverMessage

  DriverDeprecatedFlag :: String -> String -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverModuleGraphCycle is an error that occurs if the module graph
       contains cyclic imports.

  Test cases:

  DriverModuleGraphCycle :: [ModuleGraphNode] -> DriverMessage

  {- | DriverInstantiationNodeInDependencyGeneration is an error that occurs
       if the module graph used for dependency generation contains
       Backpack 'InstantiationNode's. -}
  DriverInstantiationNodeInDependencyGeneration :: InstantiatedUnit -> DriverMessage

  {-| DriverNoConfiguredLLVMToolchain is an error that occurs if there is no
     LLVM toolchain configured but -fllvm is passed as an option to the compiler.

    Test cases: None.

  DriverNoConfiguredLLVMToolchain :: DriverMessage

deriving instance Generic DriverMessage

data DriverMessageOpts =
  DriverMessageOpts { DriverMessageOpts -> DiagnosticOpts PsMessage
psDiagnosticOpts :: DiagnosticOpts PsMessage
                    , DriverMessageOpts -> DiagnosticOpts IfaceMessage
ifaceDiagnosticOpts :: DiagnosticOpts IfaceMessage }

-- | Checks if we are building a cabal package by consulting the 'DynFlags'.
checkBuildingCabalPackage :: DynFlags -> BuildingCabalPackage
checkBuildingCabalPackage :: DynFlags -> BuildingCabalPackage
checkBuildingCabalPackage DynFlags
dflags =
  if GeneralFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
gopt GeneralFlag
Opt_BuildingCabalPackage DynFlags
     then BuildingCabalPackage
     else BuildingCabalPackage