{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies      #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- instance NFData FieldLabel

(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998

\section[Name]{@Name@: to transmit name info from renamer to typechecker}

-- |
-- #name_types#
-- GHC uses several kinds of name internally:
-- * 'GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence.OccName': see "GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence#name_types"
-- * 'GHC.Types.Name.Reader.RdrName': see "GHC.Types.Name.Reader#name_types"
-- * 'GHC.Types.Name.Name' is the type of names that have had their scoping and
--   binding resolved. They have an 'OccName' but also a 'GHC.Types.Unique.Unique'
--   that disambiguates Names that have the same 'OccName' and indeed is used for all
--   'Name' comparison. Names also contain information about where they originated
--   from, see "GHC.Types.Name#name_sorts"
-- * 'GHC.Types.Id.Id': see "GHC.Types.Id#name_types"
-- * 'GHC.Types.Var.Var': see "GHC.Types.Var#name_types"
-- #name_sorts#
-- Names are one of:
--  * External, if they name things declared in other modules. Some external
--    Names are wired in, i.e. they name primitives defined in the compiler itself
--  * Internal, if they name things in the module being compiled. Some internal
--    Names are system names, if they are names manufactured by the compiler

module GHC.Types.Name (
        -- * The main types
        Name,                                   -- Abstract

        -- ** Creating 'Name's
        mkSystemName, mkSystemNameAt,
        mkInternalName, mkClonedInternalName, mkDerivedInternalName,
        mkSystemVarName, mkSysTvName,
        mkExternalName, mkWiredInName,

        -- ** Manipulating and deconstructing 'Name's
        nameUnique, setNameUnique,
        nameOccName, nameNameSpace, nameModule, nameModule_maybe,

        nameSrcLoc, nameSrcSpan, pprNameDefnLoc, pprDefinedAt,
        pprFullName, pprTickyName,

        -- ** Predicates on 'Name's
        isSystemName, isInternalName, isExternalName,
        isTyVarName, isTyConName, isDataConName,
        isValName, isVarName, isDynLinkName, isFieldName,
        isWiredInName, isWiredIn, isBuiltInSyntax, isTupleTyConName,
        nameIsLocalOrFrom, nameIsExternalOrFrom, nameIsHomePackage,
        nameIsHomePackageImport, nameIsFromExternalPackage,

        -- * Class 'NamedThing' and overloaded friends
        getSrcLoc, getSrcSpan, getOccString, getOccFS,

        pprInfixName, pprPrefixName, pprModulePrefix, pprNameUnqualified,

        -- Re-export the OccName stuff
        module GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
    ) where

import GHC.Prelude

import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.TyThing ( TyThing )
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Builtin.Types ( listTyCon )

import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Unit.Home
import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Unique
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Data.Maybe
import GHC.Utils.Binary
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.OldList (intersperse)

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Data
import qualified Data.Semigroup as S
import GHC.Types.Basic (Boxity(Boxed, Unboxed))
import GHC.Builtin.Uniques (isTupleTyConUnique, isSumTyConUnique, isTupleDataConLikeUnique)

*                                                                      *
\subsection[Name-datatype]{The @Name@ datatype, and name construction}
*                                                                      *

-- | A unique, unambiguous name for something, containing information about where
-- that thing originated.
data Name = Name
  { Name -> NameSort
n_sort :: NameSort
    -- ^ What sort of name it is

  , Name -> OccName
n_occ  :: OccName
    -- ^ Its occurrence name.
    -- NOTE: kept lazy to allow known names to be known constructor applications
    -- and to inline better. See Note [Fast comparison for built-in Names]

  , Name -> Unique
n_uniq :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Unique
    -- ^ Its unique.

  , Name -> SrcSpan
n_loc  :: !SrcSpan
    -- ^ Definition site
    -- NOTE: we make the n_loc field strict to eliminate some potential
    -- (and real!) space leaks, due to the fact that we don't look at
    -- the SrcLoc in a Name all that often.

-- See Note [About the NameSorts]
data NameSort
  = External Module
        -- Either an import from another module
        -- or a top-level name
        -- See Note [About the NameSorts]

  | WiredIn Module TyThing BuiltInSyntax
        -- A variant of External, for wired-in things

  | Internal            -- A user-defined local Id or TyVar
                        -- defined in the module being compiled
                        -- See Note [About the NameSorts]

  | System              -- A system-defined Id or TyVar.  Typically the
                        -- OccName is very uninformative (like 's')

instance Outputable NameSort where
  ppr :: NameSort -> SDoc
ppr (External Module
_)    = String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
  ppr (WiredIn Module
_ TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_) = String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
  ppr  NameSort
Internal       = String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
  ppr  NameSort
System         = String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String

instance NFData Name where
  rnf :: Name -> ()
rnf Name{OccName
n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_uniq :: Name -> Unique
n_loc :: Name -> SrcSpan
n_sort :: NameSort
n_occ :: OccName
n_uniq :: Unique
n_loc :: SrcSpan
..} = NameSort -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf NameSort
n_sort () -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` OccName -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf OccName
n_occ () -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` Unique
n_uniq Unique -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` SrcSpan -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf SrcSpan

-- Needs NFData Name, so the instance is here to avoid cyclic imports.
instance NFData FieldLabel where
  rnf :: FieldLabel -> ()
rnf (FieldLabel DuplicateRecordFields
a FieldSelectors
b Name
c) = DuplicateRecordFields -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf DuplicateRecordFields
a () -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` FieldSelectors -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf FieldSelectors
b () -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` Name -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf Name

instance NFData NameSort where
  rnf :: NameSort -> ()
rnf (External Module
m) = Module -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf Module
  rnf (WiredIn Module
m TyThing
t BuiltInSyntax
b) = Module -> ()
forall a. NFData a => a -> ()
rnf Module
m () -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` TyThing
t TyThing -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` BuiltInSyntax
b BuiltInSyntax -> () -> ()
forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` ()
    -- XXX this is a *lie*, we're not going to rnf the TyThing, but
    -- since the TyThings for WiredIn Names are all static they can't
    -- be hiding space leaks or errors.
  rnf NameSort
Internal = ()
  rnf NameSort
System = ()

-- | BuiltInSyntax is for things like @(:)@, @[]@ and tuples,
-- which have special syntactic forms.  They aren't in scope
-- as such.
data BuiltInSyntax = BuiltInSyntax | UserSyntax

Note [Fast comparison for built-in Names]
Consider this wired-in Name in GHC.Builtin.Names:

   int8TyConName = tcQual gHC_INTERNAL_INT  (fsLit "Int8")  int8TyConKey

Ultimately this turns into something like:

   int8TyConName = Name gHC_INTERNAL_INT (mkOccName ..."Int8") int8TyConKey

So a comparison like `x == int8TyConName` will turn into `getUnique x ==
int8TyConKey`, nice and efficient.  But if the `n_occ` field is strict, that
definition will look like:

   int8TyConName = case (mkOccName..."Int8") of occ ->
                   Name gHC_INTERNAL_INT occ int8TyConKey

and now the comparison will not optimise.  This matters even more when there are
numerous comparisons (see #19386):

if | tc == int8TyCon  -> ...
   | tc == int16TyCon -> ...

when we would like to get a single multi-branched case.

TL;DR: we make the `n_occ` field lazy.

Note [About the NameSorts]
1.  Initially:
    * All types, classes, data constructors get Extenal Names
    * Top-level Ids (including locally-defined ones) get External Names,
    * All other local (non-top-level) Ids get Internal names

2.  In the Tidy phase (GHC.Iface.Tidy):
      * An Id that is "externally-visible" is given an External Name,
        even if the name was Internal up to that point
      * An Id that is not externally visible is given an Internal Name.
        even if the name was External up to that point
    See GHC.Iface.Tidy.tidyTopName

    An Id is externally visible if it is mentioned in the interface file; e.g.
        - it is exported
        - it is mentioned in an unfolding
    See GHC.Iface.Tidy.chooseExternalIds

3.  In any invocation of GHC, an External Name for "M.x" has one and only one
    unique.  This unique association is ensured via the Name Cache;
    see Note [The Name Cache] in GHC.Iface.Env.

4.  In code generation, things with a External name are given C static
    labels, so they finally appear in the .o file's symbol table.  They
    appear in the symbol table in the form M.n. That is why
    externally-visible things are made External (see (2) above).

5.  A System Name differs in the following ways:
        a) has unique attached when printing dumps
        b) unifier eliminates sys tyvars in favour of user provs where possible

    Before anything gets printed in interface files or output code, it's
    fed through a 'tidy' processor, which zaps the OccNames to have
    unique names; and converts all sys-locals to user locals
    If any desugarer sys-locals have survived that far, they get changed to
    "ds1", "ds2", etc.

6. A WiredIn Name is used for things (Id, TyCon) that are fully known to the compiler,
   not read from an interface file. E.g. Bool, True, Int, Float, and many others.

   A WiredIn Name contains contains a TyThing, so we don't have to look it up.

   The BuiltInSyntax flag => It's a syntactic form, not "in scope" (e.g. [])
   All built-in syntax thigs are WiredIn.

instance HasOccName Name where
  occName :: Name -> OccName
occName = Name -> OccName

nameUnique              :: Name -> Unique
nameOccName             :: Name -> OccName
nameNameSpace           :: Name -> NameSpace
nameModule              :: HasDebugCallStack => Name -> Module
nameSrcLoc              :: Name -> SrcLoc
nameSrcSpan             :: Name -> SrcSpan

nameUnique :: Name -> Unique
nameUnique    Name
name = Name -> Unique
n_uniq Name
nameOccName :: Name -> OccName
nameOccName   Name
name = Name -> OccName
n_occ  Name
nameNameSpace :: Name -> NameSpace
nameNameSpace Name
name = OccName -> NameSpace
occNameSpace (Name -> OccName
n_occ Name
nameSrcLoc :: Name -> SrcLoc
nameSrcLoc    Name
name = SrcSpan -> SrcLoc
srcSpanStart (Name -> SrcSpan
n_loc Name
nameSrcSpan :: Name -> SrcSpan
nameSrcSpan   Name
name = Name -> SrcSpan
n_loc  Name

*                                                                      *
\subsection{Predicates on names}
*                                                                      *

isInternalName    :: Name -> Bool
isExternalName    :: Name -> Bool
isSystemName      :: Name -> Bool
isWiredInName     :: Name -> Bool

isWiredInName :: Name -> Bool
isWiredInName (Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = WiredIn Module
_ TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_}) = Bool
isWiredInName Name
_                               = Bool

isWiredIn :: NamedThing thing => thing -> Bool
isWiredIn :: forall thing. NamedThing thing => thing -> Bool
isWiredIn = Name -> Bool
isWiredInName (Name -> Bool) -> (thing -> Name) -> thing -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. thing -> Name
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> Name

wiredInNameTyThing_maybe :: Name -> Maybe TyThing
wiredInNameTyThing_maybe :: Name -> Maybe TyThing
wiredInNameTyThing_maybe (Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = WiredIn Module
_ TyThing
thing BuiltInSyntax
_}) = TyThing -> Maybe TyThing
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just TyThing
wiredInNameTyThing_maybe Name
_                                   = Maybe TyThing
forall a. Maybe a

isBuiltInSyntax :: Name -> Bool
isBuiltInSyntax :: Name -> Bool
isBuiltInSyntax (Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = WiredIn Module
_ TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
BuiltInSyntax}) = Bool
isBuiltInSyntax Name
_                                           = Bool

isTupleTyConName :: Name -> Bool
isTupleTyConName :: Name -> Bool
isTupleTyConName = Maybe (Boxity, Arity) -> Bool
forall a. Maybe a -> Bool
isJust (Maybe (Boxity, Arity) -> Bool)
-> (Name -> Maybe (Boxity, Arity)) -> Name -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Unique -> Maybe (Boxity, Arity)
isTupleTyConUnique (Unique -> Maybe (Boxity, Arity))
-> (Name -> Unique) -> Name -> Maybe (Boxity, Arity)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Name -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique

isSumTyConName :: Name -> Bool
isSumTyConName :: Name -> Bool
isSumTyConName = Maybe Arity -> Bool
forall a. Maybe a -> Bool
isJust (Maybe Arity -> Bool) -> (Name -> Maybe Arity) -> Name -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Unique -> Maybe Arity
isSumTyConUnique (Unique -> Maybe Arity) -> (Name -> Unique) -> Name -> Maybe Arity
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Name -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique

-- | This matches a datacon as well as its worker and promoted tycon.
isUnboxedTupleDataConLikeName :: Name -> Bool
isUnboxedTupleDataConLikeName :: Name -> Bool
isUnboxedTupleDataConLikeName Name
  | Just (Boxity
Unboxed, Arity
_) <- Unique -> Maybe (Boxity, Arity)
isTupleDataConLikeUnique (Name -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique
getUnique Name
n) = Bool
  | Bool
otherwise = Bool

isExternalName :: Name -> Bool
isExternalName (Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = External Module
_})    = Bool
isExternalName (Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = WiredIn Module
_ TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_}) = Bool
isExternalName Name
_                               = Bool

isInternalName :: Name -> Bool
isInternalName Name
name = Bool -> Bool
not (Name -> Bool
isExternalName Name

isHoleName :: Name -> Bool
isHoleName :: Name -> Bool
isHoleName = Module -> Bool
forall u. GenModule (GenUnit u) -> Bool
isHoleModule (Module -> Bool) -> (Name -> Module) -> Name -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HasDebugCallStack => Name -> Module
Name -> Module

-- | Will the 'Name' come from a dynamically linked package?
isDynLinkName :: Platform -> Module -> Name -> Bool
isDynLinkName :: Platform -> Module -> Name -> Bool
isDynLinkName Platform
platform Module
this_mod Name
  | Just Module
mod <- Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe Name
    -- Issue #8696 - when GHC is dynamically linked, it will attempt
    -- to load the dynamic dependencies of object files at compile
    -- time for things like QuasiQuotes or
    -- TemplateHaskell. Unfortunately, this interacts badly with
    -- intra-package linking, because we don't generate indirect
    -- (dynamic) symbols for intra-package calls. This means that if a
    -- module with an intra-package call is loaded without its
    -- dependencies, then GHC fails to link.
    -- In the mean time, always force dynamic indirections to be
    -- generated: when the module name isn't the module being
    -- compiled, references are dynamic.
    = case Platform -> OS
platformOS Platform
platform of
        -- On Windows the hack for #8696 makes it unlinkable.
        -- As the entire setup of the code from Cmm down to the RTS expects
        -- the use of trampolines for the imported functions only when
        -- doing intra-package linking, e.g. referring to a symbol defined in the same
        -- package should not use a trampoline.
        -- I much rather have dynamic TH not supported than the entire Dynamic linking
        -- not due to a hack.
        -- Also not sure this would break on Windows anyway.
OSMinGW32 -> Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module
mod Unit -> Unit -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module

        -- For the other platforms, still perform the hack
_         -> Module
mod Module -> Module -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Module

  | Bool
otherwise = Bool
False  -- no, it is not even an external name

nameModule :: HasDebugCallStack => Name -> Module
nameModule Name
name =
  Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe Name
name Maybe Module -> Module -> Module
forall a. Maybe a -> a -> a
  String -> SDoc -> Module
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SDoc -> a
pprPanic String
"nameModule" (NameSort -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (Name -> NameSort
n_sort Name
name) SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<+> Name -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr Name

nameModule_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe :: Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe (Name { n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = External Module
mod})    = Module -> Maybe Module
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Module
nameModule_maybe (Name { n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = WiredIn Module
mod TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_}) = Module -> Maybe Module
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Module
nameModule_maybe Name
_                                  = Maybe Module
forall a. Maybe a

is_interactive_or_from :: Module -> Module -> Bool
is_interactive_or_from :: Module -> Module -> Bool
is_interactive_or_from Module
from Module
mod = Module
from Module -> Module -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Module
mod Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Module -> Bool
isInteractiveModule Module

-- Return the pun for a name if available.
-- Used for pretty-printing under ListTuplePuns.
-- Arity 1 is skipped here because unary tuples have no prefix representation,
-- since that is occupied by the unit tuple.
namePun_maybe :: Name -> Maybe FastString
namePun_maybe :: Name -> Maybe FastString
namePun_maybe Name
  | Name -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique
getUnique Name
name Unique -> Unique -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TyCon -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique
getUnique TyCon
listTyCon = FastString -> Maybe FastString
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (String -> FastString
fsLit String

  | Just (Boxity
boxity, Arity
ar) <- Unique -> Maybe (Boxity, Arity)
isTupleTyConUnique (Name -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique
getUnique Name
  , Arity
ar Arity -> Arity -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Arity
1 =
lpar, String
rpar) =
        case Boxity
boxity of
Boxed -> (String
"(", String
Unboxed -> (String
"(#", String
    in FastString -> Maybe FastString
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (String -> FastString
fsLit (String -> FastString) -> String -> FastString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
lpar String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Arity -> String
commas Arity
ar String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String

  | Just Arity
ar <- Unique -> Maybe Arity
isSumTyConUnique (Name -> Unique
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> Unique
getUnique Name
  = FastString -> Maybe FastString
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (String -> FastString
fsLit (String -> FastString) -> String -> FastString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"(# " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Arity -> String
bars Arity
ar String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
" #)")
    commas :: Arity -> String
commas Arity
ar = Arity -> Char -> String
forall a. Arity -> a -> [a]
replicate (Arity
arArity -> Arity -> Arity
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1) Char
    bars :: Arity -> String
bars Arity
ar = Char -> String -> String
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse Char
' ' (Arity -> Char -> String
forall a. Arity -> a -> [a]
replicate (Arity
arArity -> Arity -> Arity
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1) Char

namePun_maybe Name
_ = Maybe FastString
forall a. Maybe a

nameIsLocalOrFrom :: Module -> Name -> Bool
-- ^ Returns True if the name is
--   (a) Internal
--   (b) External but from the specified module
--   (c) External but from the 'interactive' package
-- The key idea is that
--    False means: the entity is defined in some other module
--                 you can find the details (type, fixity, instances)
--                     in some interface file
--                 those details will be stored in the EPT or HPT
--    True means:  the entity is defined in this module or earlier in
--                     the GHCi session
--                 you can find details (type, fixity, instances) in the
--                     TcGblEnv or TcLclEnv
-- The isInteractiveModule part is because successive interactions of a GHCi session
-- each give rise to a fresh module (Ghci1, Ghci2, etc), but they all come
-- from the magic 'interactive' package; and all the details are kept in the
-- TcLclEnv, TcGblEnv, NOT in the HPT or EPT.
-- See Note [The interactive package] in "GHC.Runtime.Context"

nameIsLocalOrFrom :: Module -> Name -> Bool
nameIsLocalOrFrom Module
from Name
  | Just Module
mod <- Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe Name
name = Module -> Module -> Bool
is_interactive_or_from Module
from Module
  | Bool
otherwise                         = Bool

nameIsExternalOrFrom :: Module -> Name -> Bool
-- ^ Returns True if the name is external or from the 'interactive' package
-- See documentation of `nameIsLocalOrFrom` function
nameIsExternalOrFrom :: Module -> Name -> Bool
nameIsExternalOrFrom Module
from Name
  | Just Module
mod <- Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe Name
name = Module -> Module -> Bool
is_interactive_or_from Module
from Module
  | Bool
otherwise                         = Bool

nameIsHomePackage :: Module -> Name -> Bool
-- True if the Name is defined in module of this package
nameIsHomePackage :: Module -> Name -> Bool
nameIsHomePackage Module
  = \Name
nm -> case Name -> NameSort
n_sort Name
nm of
              External Module
nm_mod    -> Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module
nm_mod Unit -> Unit -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Unit
              WiredIn Module
nm_mod TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_ -> Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module
nm_mod Unit -> Unit -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Unit
Internal -> Bool
System   -> Bool
    this_pkg :: Unit
this_pkg = Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module

nameIsHomePackageImport :: Module -> Name -> Bool
-- True if the Name is defined in module of this package
-- /other than/ the this_mod
nameIsHomePackageImport :: Module -> Name -> Bool
nameIsHomePackageImport Module
  = \Name
nm -> case Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe Name
nm of
              Maybe Module
Nothing -> Bool
              Just Module
nm_mod -> Module
nm_mod Module -> Module -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Module
                          Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module
nm_mod Unit -> Unit -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Unit
    this_pkg :: Unit
this_pkg = Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module

-- | Returns True if the Name comes from some other package: neither this
-- package nor the interactive package.
nameIsFromExternalPackage :: HomeUnit -> Name -> Bool
nameIsFromExternalPackage :: HomeUnit -> Name -> Bool
nameIsFromExternalPackage HomeUnit
home_unit Name
  | Just Module
mod <- Name -> Maybe Module
nameModule_maybe Name
  , HomeUnit -> Module -> Bool
notHomeModule HomeUnit
home_unit Module
mod   -- Not the current unit
  , Bool -> Bool
not (Module -> Bool
isInteractiveModule Module
mod) -- Not the 'interactive' package
  = Bool
  | Bool
  = Bool

isTyVarName :: Name -> Bool
isTyVarName :: Name -> Bool
isTyVarName Name
name = OccName -> Bool
isTvOcc (Name -> OccName
nameOccName Name

isTyConName :: Name -> Bool
isTyConName :: Name -> Bool
isTyConName Name
name = OccName -> Bool
isTcOcc (Name -> OccName
nameOccName Name

isDataConName :: Name -> Bool
isDataConName :: Name -> Bool
isDataConName Name
name = OccName -> Bool
isDataOcc (Name -> OccName
nameOccName Name

isValName :: Name -> Bool
isValName :: Name -> Bool
isValName Name
name = OccName -> Bool
isValOcc (Name -> OccName
nameOccName Name

isVarName :: Name -> Bool
isVarName :: Name -> Bool
isVarName = OccName -> Bool
isVarOcc (OccName -> Bool) -> (Name -> OccName) -> Name -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Name -> OccName

isFieldName :: Name -> Bool
isFieldName :: Name -> Bool
isFieldName = OccName -> Bool
isFieldOcc (OccName -> Bool) -> (Name -> OccName) -> Name -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Name -> OccName

isSystemName :: Name -> Bool
isSystemName (Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
System}) = Bool
isSystemName Name
_                        = Bool

*                                                                      *
\subsection{Making names}
*                                                                      *

-- | Create a name which is (for now at least) local to the current module and hence
-- does not need a 'Module' to disambiguate it from other 'Name's
mkInternalName :: Unique -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkInternalName :: Unique -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkInternalName Unique
uniq OccName
occ SrcSpan
loc = Name { n_uniq :: Unique
n_uniq = Unique
                                   , n_sort :: NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
                                   , n_occ :: OccName
n_occ = OccName
                                   , n_loc :: SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc }
        -- NB: You might worry that after lots of huffing and
        -- puffing we might end up with two local names with distinct
        -- uniques, but the same OccName.  Indeed we can, but that's ok
        --      * the insides of the compiler don't care: they use the Unique
        --      * when printing for -ddump-xxx you can switch on -dppr-debug to get the
        --        uniques if you get confused
        --      * for interface files we tidyCore first, which makes
        --        the OccNames distinct when they need to be

mkClonedInternalName :: Unique -> Name -> Name
mkClonedInternalName :: Unique -> Name -> Name
mkClonedInternalName Unique
uniq (Name { n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ, n_loc :: Name -> SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc })
  = Name { n_uniq :: Unique
n_uniq = Unique
uniq, n_sort :: NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
         , n_occ :: OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ, n_loc :: SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc }

mkDerivedInternalName :: (OccName -> OccName) -> Unique -> Name -> Name
mkDerivedInternalName :: (OccName -> OccName) -> Unique -> Name -> Name
mkDerivedInternalName OccName -> OccName
derive_occ Unique
uniq (Name { n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ, n_loc :: Name -> SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc })
  = Name { n_uniq :: Unique
n_uniq = Unique
uniq, n_sort :: NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
         , n_occ :: OccName
n_occ = OccName -> OccName
derive_occ OccName
occ, n_loc :: SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc }

-- | Create a name which definitely originates in the given module
mkExternalName :: Unique -> Module -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
{-# INLINE mkExternalName #-}
-- WATCH OUT! External Names should be in the Name Cache
-- (see Note [The Name Cache] in GHC.Iface.Env), so don't just call mkExternalName
-- with some fresh unique without populating the Name Cache
mkExternalName :: Unique -> Module -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkExternalName Unique
uniq Module
mod OccName
occ SrcSpan
  = Name { n_uniq :: Unique
n_uniq = Unique
uniq, n_sort :: NameSort
n_sort = Module -> NameSort
External Module
           n_occ :: OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ, n_loc :: SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc }

-- | Create a name which is actually defined by the compiler itself
mkWiredInName :: Module -> OccName -> Unique -> TyThing -> BuiltInSyntax -> Name
{-# INLINE mkWiredInName #-}
mkWiredInName :: Module -> OccName -> Unique -> TyThing -> BuiltInSyntax -> Name
mkWiredInName Module
mod OccName
occ Unique
uniq TyThing
thing BuiltInSyntax
  = Name { n_uniq :: Unique
n_uniq = Unique
           n_sort :: NameSort
n_sort = Module -> TyThing -> BuiltInSyntax -> NameSort
WiredIn Module
mod TyThing
thing BuiltInSyntax
           n_occ :: OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ, n_loc :: SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
wiredInSrcSpan }

-- | Create a name brought into being by the compiler
mkSystemName :: Unique -> OccName -> Name
mkSystemName :: Unique -> OccName -> Name
mkSystemName Unique
uniq OccName
occ = Unique -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkSystemNameAt Unique
uniq OccName
occ SrcSpan

mkSystemNameAt :: Unique -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkSystemNameAt :: Unique -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkSystemNameAt Unique
uniq OccName
occ SrcSpan
loc = Name { n_uniq :: Unique
n_uniq = Unique
uniq, n_sort :: NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
                                   , n_occ :: OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ, n_loc :: SrcSpan
n_loc = SrcSpan
loc }

mkSystemVarName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkSystemVarName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkSystemVarName Unique
uniq FastString
fs = Unique -> OccName -> Name
mkSystemName Unique
uniq (FastString -> OccName
mkVarOccFS FastString

mkSysTvName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkSysTvName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkSysTvName Unique
uniq FastString
fs = Unique -> OccName -> Name
mkSystemName Unique
uniq (FastString -> OccName
mkTyVarOccFS FastString

-- | Make a name for a foreign call
mkFCallName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkFCallName :: Unique -> FastString -> Name
mkFCallName Unique
uniq FastString
str = Unique -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
mkInternalName Unique
uniq (FastString -> OccName
mkVarOccFS FastString
str) SrcSpan
   -- The encoded string completely describes the ccall

-- When we renumber/rename things, we need to be
-- able to change a Name's Unique to match the cached
-- one in the thing it's the name of.  If you know what I mean.
setNameUnique :: Name -> Unique -> Name
setNameUnique :: Name -> Unique -> Name
setNameUnique Name
name Unique
uniq = Name
name {n_uniq = uniq}

-- This is used for hsigs: we want to use the name of the originally exported
-- entity, but edit the location to refer to the reexport site
setNameLoc :: Name -> SrcSpan -> Name
setNameLoc :: Name -> SrcSpan -> Name
setNameLoc Name
name SrcSpan
loc = Name
name {n_loc = loc}

tidyNameOcc :: Name -> OccName -> Name
-- We set the OccName of a Name when tidying
-- In doing so, we change System --> Internal, so that when we print
-- it we don't get the unique by default.  It's tidy now!
tidyNameOcc :: Name -> OccName -> Name
tidyNameOcc name :: Name
name@(Name { n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
System }) OccName
occ = Name
name { n_occ = occ, n_sort = Internal}
tidyNameOcc Name
name                            OccName
occ = Name
name { n_occ = occ }

-- | Make the 'Name' into an internal name, regardless of what it was to begin with
localiseName :: Name -> Name
localiseName :: Name -> Name
localiseName Name
n = Name
n { n_sort = Internal }

*                                                                      *
\subsection{Hashing and comparison}
*                                                                      *

cmpName :: Name -> Name -> Ordering
cmpName :: Name -> Name -> Ordering
cmpName Name
n1 Name
n2 = Name -> Unique
n_uniq Name
n1 Unique -> Unique -> Ordering
`nonDetCmpUnique` Name -> Unique
n_uniq Name

-- | Compare Names lexicographically
-- This only works for Names that originate in the source code or have been
-- tidied.
stableNameCmp :: Name -> Name -> Ordering
stableNameCmp :: Name -> Name -> Ordering
stableNameCmp (Name { n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
s1, n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ1 })
              (Name { n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
s2, n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ2 })
  = NameSort -> NameSort -> Ordering
sort_cmp NameSort
s1 NameSort
s2 Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
S.<> OccName -> OccName -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
compare OccName
occ1 OccName
    -- The ordinary compare on OccNames is lexicographic
    -- Later constructors are bigger
    sort_cmp :: NameSort -> NameSort -> Ordering
sort_cmp (External Module
m1) (External Module
m2)       = Module
m1 Module -> Module -> Ordering
`stableModuleCmp` Module
    sort_cmp (External {}) NameSort
_                   = Ordering
    sort_cmp (WiredIn {}) (External {})        = Ordering
    sort_cmp (WiredIn Module
m1 TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_) (WiredIn Module
m2 TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_) = Module
m1 Module -> Module -> Ordering
`stableModuleCmp` Module
    sort_cmp (WiredIn {})     NameSort
_                = Ordering
    sort_cmp NameSort
Internal         (External {})    = Ordering
    sort_cmp NameSort
Internal         (WiredIn {})     = Ordering
    sort_cmp NameSort
Internal         NameSort
Internal         = Ordering
    sort_cmp NameSort
Internal         NameSort
System           = Ordering
    sort_cmp NameSort
System           NameSort
System           = Ordering
    sort_cmp NameSort
System           NameSort
_                = Ordering

*                                                                      *
\subsection[Name-instances]{Instance declarations}
*                                                                      *

-- | The same comments as for `Name`'s `Ord` instance apply.
instance Eq Name where
a == :: Name -> Name -> Bool
== Name
b = case (Name
a Name -> Name -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
`compare` Name
b) of { Ordering
EQ -> Bool
True;  Ordering
_ -> Bool
False }
a /= :: Name -> Name -> Bool
/= Name
b = case (Name
a Name -> Name -> Ordering
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Ordering
`compare` Name
b) of { Ordering
EQ -> Bool
False; Ordering
_ -> Bool
True }

-- | __Caution__: This instance is implemented via `nonDetCmpUnique`, which
-- means that the ordering is not stable across deserialization or rebuilds.
-- See `nonDetCmpUnique` for further information, and #15240 for a bug
-- caused by improper use of this instance.

-- For a deterministic lexicographic ordering, use `stableNameCmp`.
instance Ord Name where
    compare :: Name -> Name -> Ordering
compare = Name -> Name -> Ordering

instance Uniquable Name where
    getUnique :: Name -> Unique
getUnique = Name -> Unique

instance NamedThing Name where
    getName :: Name -> Name
getName Name
n = Name

instance Data Name where
  -- don't traverse?
  toConstr :: Name -> Constr
toConstr Name
_   = String -> Constr
abstractConstr String
  gunfold :: forall (c :: * -> *).
(forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r)
-> (forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c Name
gunfold forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r
_ forall r. r -> c r
_  = String -> Constr -> c Name
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
  dataTypeOf :: Name -> DataType
dataTypeOf Name
_ = String -> DataType
mkNoRepType String

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

-- | Assumes that the 'Name' is a non-binding one. See
-- 'GHC.Iface.Syntax.putIfaceTopBndr' and 'GHC.Iface.Syntax.getIfaceTopBndr' for
-- serializing binding 'Name's. See 'UserData' for the rationale for this
-- distinction.
instance Binary Name where
   put_ :: WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
put_ WriteBinHandle
bh Name
name =
      case Proxy Name -> WriteBinHandle -> BinaryWriter Name
forall a. Typeable a => Proxy a -> WriteBinHandle -> BinaryWriter a
findUserDataWriter Proxy Name
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy WriteBinHandle
bh of
        BinaryWriter Name
tbl -> BinaryWriter Name -> WriteBinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
forall s. BinaryWriter s -> WriteBinHandle -> s -> IO ()
putEntry BinaryWriter Name
tbl WriteBinHandle
bh Name

   get :: ReadBinHandle -> IO Name
get ReadBinHandle
bh =
      case Proxy Name -> ReadBinHandle -> BinaryReader Name
forall a. Typeable a => Proxy a -> ReadBinHandle -> BinaryReader a
findUserDataReader Proxy Name
forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy ReadBinHandle
bh of
        BinaryReader Name
tbl -> BinaryReader Name -> ReadBinHandle -> IO Name
forall s. BinaryReader s -> ReadBinHandle -> IO s
getEntry BinaryReader Name
tbl ReadBinHandle

*                                                                      *
\subsection{Pretty printing}
*                                                                      *

instance Outputable Name where
    ppr :: Name -> SDoc
ppr Name
name = Name -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Name -> doc
pprName Name

instance OutputableBndr Name where
    pprBndr :: BindingSite -> Name -> SDoc
pprBndr BindingSite
_ Name
name = Name -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Name -> doc
pprName Name
    pprInfixOcc :: Name -> SDoc
pprInfixOcc  = Name -> SDoc
forall a. (Outputable a, NamedThing a) => a -> SDoc
    pprPrefixOcc :: Name -> SDoc
pprPrefixOcc = Name -> SDoc
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> SDoc

pprName :: forall doc. IsLine doc => Name -> doc
pprName :: forall doc. IsLine doc => Name -> doc
pprName name :: Name
name@(Name {n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
sort, n_uniq :: Name -> Unique
n_uniq = Unique
uniq, n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
  = doc -> (PprStyle -> SDoc) -> doc
forall doc. IsOutput doc => doc -> (PprStyle -> SDoc) -> doc
docWithStyle doc
codeDoc PprStyle -> SDoc
   codeDoc :: doc
codeDoc = case NameSort
sort of
               WiredIn Module
mod TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_ -> Module -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Module -> doc
pprModule Module
mod doc -> doc -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> Char -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Char -> doc
char Char
'_' doc -> doc -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> doc
               External Module
mod    -> Module -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Module -> doc
pprModule Module
mod doc -> doc -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> Char -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Char -> doc
char Char
'_' doc -> doc -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> doc
                                  -- In code style, always qualify
                                  -- ToDo: maybe we could print all wired-in things unqualified
                                  --       in code style, to reduce symbol table bloat?
System          -> Unique -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Unique -> doc
pprUniqueAlways Unique
Internal        -> Unique -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Unique -> doc
pprUniqueAlways Unique
   z_occ :: doc
z_occ = FastZString -> doc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastZString -> doc
ztext (FastZString -> doc) -> FastZString -> doc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ FastString -> FastZString
zEncodeFS (FastString -> FastZString) -> FastString -> FastZString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ OccName -> FastString
occNameMangledFS OccName

   normalDoc :: PprStyle -> SDoc
normalDoc PprStyle
sty =
     (Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc
forall doc. IsOutput doc => (Bool -> doc) -> doc
getPprDebug ((Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc) -> (Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Bool
debug ->
     (SDocContext -> Bool) -> (Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc
forall a. (SDocContext -> a) -> (a -> SDoc) -> SDoc
sdocOption SDocContext -> Bool
sdocListTuplePuns ((Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc) -> (Bool -> SDoc) -> SDoc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Bool
listTuplePuns ->
       Bool -> Maybe FastString -> SDoc -> SDoc
handlePuns Bool
listTuplePuns (Name -> Maybe FastString
namePun_maybe Name
name) (SDoc -> SDoc) -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
       case NameSort
sort of
         WiredIn Module
mod TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
builtin   -> Bool
-> PprStyle
-> Unique
-> Module
-> OccName
-> Bool
-> BuiltInSyntax
-> SDoc
pprExternal Bool
debug PprStyle
sty Unique
uniq Module
mod OccName
occ Bool
True  BuiltInSyntax
         External Module
mod            -> Bool
-> PprStyle
-> Unique
-> Module
-> OccName
-> Bool
-> BuiltInSyntax
-> SDoc
pprExternal Bool
debug PprStyle
sty Unique
uniq Module
mod OccName
occ Bool
False BuiltInSyntax
System                  -> Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> OccName -> SDoc
pprSystem   Bool
debug PprStyle
sty Unique
uniq OccName
Internal                -> Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> OccName -> SDoc
pprInternal Bool
debug PprStyle
sty Unique
uniq OccName

   handlePuns :: Bool -> Maybe FastString -> SDoc -> SDoc
   handlePuns :: Bool -> Maybe FastString -> SDoc -> SDoc
handlePuns Bool
True (Just FastString
pun) SDoc
_ = FastString -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastString -> doc
ftext FastString
   handlePuns Bool
_    Maybe FastString
_          SDoc
r = SDoc
{-# SPECIALISE pprName :: Name -> SDoc #-}
{-# SPECIALISE pprName :: Name -> HLine #-} -- see Note [SPECIALIZE to HDoc] in GHC.Utils.Outputable

-- | Print fully qualified name (with unit-id and module, but no unique)
pprFullName :: Module -> Name -> SDoc
pprFullName :: Module -> Name -> SDoc
pprFullName Module
this_mod Name{n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_sort = NameSort
sort, n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ} =
  let mod :: Module
mod = case NameSort
sort of
        WiredIn  Module
m TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_ -> Module
        External Module
m     -> Module
System         -> Module
Internal       -> Module
      in FastString -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastString -> doc
ftext (UnitId -> FastString
unitIdFS (Module -> UnitId
moduleUnitId Module
         SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
colon    SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> FastString -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastString -> doc
ftext (ModuleName -> FastString
moduleNameFS (ModuleName -> FastString) -> ModuleName -> FastString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Module -> ModuleName
forall unit. GenModule unit -> ModuleName
moduleName Module
         SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
dot      SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> FastString -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastString -> doc
ftext (OccName -> FastString
occNameFS OccName

-- | Print a ticky ticky styled name
-- Module argument is the module to use for internal and system names. When
-- printing the name in a ticky profile, the module name is included even for
-- local things. However, ticky uses the format "x (M)" rather than "M.x".
-- Hence, this function provides a separation from normal styling.
pprTickyName :: Module -> Name -> SDoc
pprTickyName :: Module -> Name -> SDoc
pprTickyName Module
this_mod Name
  | Name -> Bool
isInternalName Name
name = Name -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Name -> doc
pprName Name
name SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<+> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc
parens (Module -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr Module
  | Bool
otherwise           = Name -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Name -> doc
pprName Name

-- | Print the string of Name unqualifiedly directly.
pprNameUnqualified :: Name -> SDoc
pprNameUnqualified :: Name -> SDoc
pprNameUnqualified Name { n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_occ = OccName
occ } = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName

pprExternal :: Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> Module -> OccName -> Bool -> BuiltInSyntax -> SDoc
pprExternal :: Bool
-> PprStyle
-> Unique
-> Module
-> OccName
-> Bool
-> BuiltInSyntax
-> SDoc
pprExternal Bool
debug PprStyle
sty Unique
uniq Module
mod OccName
occ Bool
is_wired BuiltInSyntax
  | Bool
debug         = SDoc
pp_mod SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
                     SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc
braces ([SDoc] -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => [doc] -> doc
hsep [if Bool
is_wired then String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
"(w)" else SDoc
forall doc. IsOutput doc => doc
                                      NameSpace -> SDoc
pprNameSpaceBrief (OccName -> NameSpace
occNameSpace OccName
                                      Unique -> SDoc
pprUnique Unique
  | BuiltInSyntax
BuiltInSyntax <- BuiltInSyntax
is_builtin = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ  -- Never qualify builtin syntax
  | Bool
otherwise                   =
        if Module -> Bool
forall u. GenModule (GenUnit u) -> Bool
isHoleModule Module
            then case PprStyle -> QueryQualifyName
qualName PprStyle
sty Module
mod OccName
occ of
NameUnqual -> OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
_ -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc
braces (ModuleName -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => ModuleName -> doc
pprModuleName (Module -> ModuleName
forall unit. GenModule unit -> ModuleName
moduleName Module
mod) SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
dot SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
            else PprStyle -> Module -> OccName -> SDoc
pprModulePrefix PprStyle
sty Module
mod OccName
occ SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
    pp_mod :: SDoc
pp_mod = (SDocContext -> Bool) -> SDoc -> SDoc
ppUnlessOption SDocContext -> Bool
               (Module -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Module -> doc
pprModule Module
mod SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc

pprInternal :: Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> OccName -> SDoc
pprInternal :: Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> OccName -> SDoc
pprInternal Bool
debug PprStyle
sty Unique
uniq OccName
  | Bool
debug          = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc
braces ([SDoc] -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => [doc] -> doc
hsep [NameSpace -> SDoc
pprNameSpaceBrief (OccName -> NameSpace
occNameSpace OccName
                                                       Unique -> SDoc
pprUnique Unique
  | PprStyle -> Bool
dumpStyle PprStyle
sty  = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> Unique -> SDoc
ppr_underscore_unique Unique
                        -- For debug dumps, we're not necessarily dumping
                        -- tidied code, so we need to print the uniques.
  | Bool
otherwise      = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ   -- User style

-- Like Internal, except that we only omit the unique in Iface style
pprSystem :: Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> OccName -> SDoc
pprSystem :: Bool -> PprStyle -> Unique -> OccName -> SDoc
pprSystem Bool
debug PprStyle
_sty Unique
uniq OccName
  | Bool
debug          = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> Unique -> SDoc
ppr_underscore_unique Unique
                     SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc
braces (NameSpace -> SDoc
pprNameSpaceBrief (OccName -> NameSpace
occNameSpace OccName
  | Bool
otherwise      = OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> Unique -> SDoc
ppr_underscore_unique Unique
                                -- If the tidy phase hasn't run, the OccName
                                -- is unlikely to be informative (like 's'),
                                -- so print the unique

pprModulePrefix :: PprStyle -> Module -> OccName -> SDoc
-- Print the "M." part of a name, based on whether it's in scope or not
-- See Note [Printing original names] in GHC.Types.Name.Ppr
pprModulePrefix :: PprStyle -> Module -> OccName -> SDoc
pprModulePrefix PprStyle
sty Module
mod OccName
occ = (SDocContext -> Bool) -> SDoc -> SDoc
ppUnlessOption SDocContext -> Bool
sdocSuppressModulePrefixes (SDoc -> SDoc) -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    case PprStyle -> QueryQualifyName
qualName PprStyle
sty Module
mod OccName
occ of              -- See Outputable.QualifyName:
      NameQual ModuleName
modname -> ModuleName -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => ModuleName -> doc
pprModuleName ModuleName
modname SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
dot       -- Name is in scope
NameNotInScope1  -> Module -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Module -> doc
pprModule Module
mod SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
dot               -- Not in scope
NameNotInScope2  -> Unit -> SDoc
pprUnit (Module -> Unit
forall unit. GenModule unit -> unit
moduleUnit Module
mod) SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
colon           -- Module not in
                          SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> ModuleName -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => ModuleName -> doc
pprModuleName (Module -> ModuleName
forall unit. GenModule unit -> ModuleName
moduleName Module
mod) SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc
dot    -- scope either
NameUnqual       -> SDoc
forall doc. IsOutput doc => doc
empty                   -- In scope unqualified

pprUnique :: Unique -> SDoc
-- Print a unique unless we are suppressing them
pprUnique :: Unique -> SDoc
pprUnique Unique
  = (SDocContext -> Bool) -> SDoc -> SDoc
ppUnlessOption SDocContext -> Bool
sdocSuppressUniques (SDoc -> SDoc) -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      Unique -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Unique -> doc
pprUniqueAlways Unique

ppr_underscore_unique :: Unique -> SDoc
-- Print an underscore separating the name from its unique
-- But suppress it if we aren't printing the uniques anyway
ppr_underscore_unique :: Unique -> SDoc
ppr_underscore_unique Unique
  = (SDocContext -> Bool) -> SDoc -> SDoc
ppUnlessOption SDocContext -> Bool
sdocSuppressUniques (SDoc -> SDoc) -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      Char -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Char -> doc
char Char
'_' SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<> Unique -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => Unique -> doc
pprUniqueAlways Unique

ppr_occ_name :: OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name :: OccName -> SDoc
ppr_occ_name OccName
occ = FastString -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastString -> doc
ftext (OccName -> FastString
occNameFS OccName
        -- Don't use pprOccName; instead, just print the string of the OccName;
        -- we print the namespace in the debug stuff above

-- Prints (if mod information is available) "Defined at <loc>" or
--  "Defined in <mod>" information for a Name.
pprDefinedAt :: Name -> SDoc
pprDefinedAt :: Name -> SDoc
pprDefinedAt Name
name = String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
"Defined" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<+> Name -> SDoc
pprNameDefnLoc Name

pprNameDefnLoc :: Name -> SDoc
-- Prints "at <loc>" or
--     or "in <mod>" depending on what info is available
pprNameDefnLoc :: Name -> SDoc
pprNameDefnLoc Name
  = case Name -> SrcLoc
nameSrcLoc Name
name of
         -- nameSrcLoc rather than nameSrcSpan
         -- It seems less cluttered to show a location
         -- rather than a span for the definition point
       RealSrcLoc RealSrcLoc
s Maybe BufPos
_ -> String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
"at" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<+> RealSrcLoc -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr RealSrcLoc
       UnhelpfulLoc FastString
         | Name -> Bool
isInternalName Name
name Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Name -> Bool
isSystemName Name
         -> String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
"at" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<+> FastString -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => FastString -> doc
ftext FastString
         | Bool
         -> String -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => String -> doc
text String
"in" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
forall doc. IsLine doc => doc -> doc -> doc
<+> SDoc -> SDoc
quotes (Module -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (HasDebugCallStack => Name -> Module
Name -> Module
nameModule Name

-- | Get a string representation of a 'Name' that's unique and stable
-- across recompilations. Used for deterministic generation of binds for
-- derived instances.
-- eg. "$aeson_70dylHtv1FFGeai1IoxcQr$Data.Aeson.Types.Internal$String"
nameStableString :: Name -> String
nameStableString :: Name -> String
nameStableString Name{OccName
n_sort :: Name -> NameSort
n_occ :: Name -> OccName
n_uniq :: Name -> Unique
n_loc :: Name -> SrcSpan
n_sort :: NameSort
n_occ :: OccName
n_uniq :: Unique
n_loc :: SrcSpan
..} =
  NameSort -> String
nameSortStableString NameSort
n_sort String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ String
"$" String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ OccName -> String
occNameString OccName

nameSortStableString :: NameSort -> String
nameSortStableString :: NameSort -> String
nameSortStableString NameSort
System = String
nameSortStableString NameSort
Internal = String
nameSortStableString (External Module
mod) = Module -> String
moduleStableString Module
nameSortStableString (WiredIn Module
mod TyThing
_ BuiltInSyntax
_) = Module -> String
moduleStableString Module

*                                                                      *
\subsection{Overloaded functions related to Names}
*                                                                      *

-- | A class allowing convenient access to the 'Name' of various datatypes
class NamedThing a where
    getOccName :: a -> OccName
    getName    :: a -> Name

    getOccName a
n = Name -> OccName
nameOccName (a -> Name
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> Name
getName a
n)      -- Default method

instance NamedThing e => NamedThing (Located e) where
    getName :: Located e -> Name
getName = e -> Name
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> Name
getName (e -> Name) -> (Located e -> e) -> Located e -> Name
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Located e -> e
forall l e. GenLocated l e -> e

getSrcLoc           :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
getSrcSpan          :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcSpan
getOccString        :: NamedThing a => a -> String
getOccFS            :: NamedThing a => a -> FastString

getSrcLoc :: forall a. NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
getSrcLoc           = Name -> SrcLoc
nameSrcLoc           (Name -> SrcLoc) -> (a -> Name) -> a -> SrcLoc
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> Name
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> Name
getSrcSpan :: forall a. NamedThing a => a -> SrcSpan
getSrcSpan          = Name -> SrcSpan
nameSrcSpan          (Name -> SrcSpan) -> (a -> Name) -> a -> SrcSpan
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> Name
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> Name
getOccString :: forall a. NamedThing a => a -> String
getOccString        = OccName -> String
occNameString        (OccName -> String) -> (a -> OccName) -> a -> String
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> OccName
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> OccName
getOccFS :: forall a. NamedThing a => a -> FastString
getOccFS            = OccName -> FastString
occNameFS            (OccName -> FastString) -> (a -> OccName) -> a -> FastString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. a -> OccName
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> OccName

pprInfixName :: (Outputable a, NamedThing a) => a -> SDoc
-- See Outputable.pprPrefixVar, pprInfixVar;
-- add parens or back-quotes as appropriate
pprInfixName :: forall a. (Outputable a, NamedThing a) => a -> SDoc
pprInfixName  a
n = Bool -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprInfixVar (OccName -> Bool
isSymOcc (a -> OccName
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> OccName
getOccName a
n)) (a -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr a

pprPrefixName :: NamedThing a => a -> SDoc
pprPrefixName :: forall a. NamedThing a => a -> SDoc
pprPrefixName a
thing = Bool -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprPrefixVar (OccName -> Bool
isSymOcc (Name -> OccName
nameOccName Name
name)) (Name -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr Name
   name :: Name
name = a -> Name
forall a. NamedThing a => a -> Name
getName a