unix- POSIX functionality
Copyright(c) The University of Glasgow 2002
LicenseBSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
Portabilitynon-portable (requires POSIX)
Safe HaskellSafe



POSIX.1-2008 support with ByteString file paths and environment strings.

This module exports exactly the same API as System.Posix, except that all file paths and environment strings are represented by ByteString instead of String. The System.Posix API implicitly translates all file paths and environment strings using the locale encoding, whereas this version of the API does no encoding or decoding and works directly in terms of raw bytes.

Note that if you do need to interpret file paths or environment strings as text, then some Unicode encoding or decoding should be applied first.



type RawFilePath = ByteString Source #

A literal POSIX file path

withDL :: RawFilePath -> [RTLDFlags] -> (DL -> IO a) -> IO a Source #

withDL_ :: RawFilePath -> [RTLDFlags] -> (DL -> IO a) -> IO () Source #

dlclose :: DL -> IO () Source #

dlsym :: DL -> String -> IO (FunPtr a) Source #

dlsym returns the address binding of the symbol described in symbol, as it occurs in the shared object identified by source.

undl :: DL -> Ptr () Source #

undl obtains the raw handle. You mustn't do something like withDL mod flags $ liftM undl >>= p -> use p

c_dlsym :: Ptr () -> CString -> IO (FunPtr a) Source #

haveRtldLocal :: Bool Source #

Deprecated: defaults to True

haveRtldNext :: Bool Source #

On some hosts (e.g. SuSe and Ubuntu Linux) RTLD_NEXT (and RTLD_DEFAULT) are not visible without setting the macro _GNU_SOURCE. Since we don't want to define this macro, you can use the function haveRtldNext to check whether the flag Next is available. Ideally, this will be optimized by the compiler so that it should be as efficient as an #ifdef.

If you fail to test the flag and use it although it is undefined, packDL will throw an error.

packDL :: DL -> Ptr () Source #

data DL Source #

Flags for dlsym. Notice that Next might not be available on your particular platform! Use haveRtldNext.

If RTLD_DEFAULT is not defined on your platform, packDL Default reduces to nullPtr.


DLHandle (Ptr ()) 


Instances details
Show DL Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.Posix.DynamicLinker.Prim


showsPrec :: Int -> DL -> ShowS #

show :: DL -> String #

showList :: [DL] -> ShowS #