ghc-9.12: The GHC API
Safe HaskellNone



Functions for collecting together and applying rewrite rules to a module. The CoreRule datatype itself is declared elsewhere.


Looking up rules

lookupRule :: RuleOpts -> InScopeEnv -> (Activation -> Bool) -> Id -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreRule] -> Maybe (CoreRule, CoreExpr) Source #

The main rule matching function. Attempts to apply all (active) supplied rules to this instance of an application in a given context, returning the rule applied and the resulting expression if successful.

matchExprs :: InScopeEnv -> [Var] -> [CoreExpr] -> [CoreExpr] -> Maybe (BindWrapper, [CoreExpr]) Source #

RuleBase, RuleEnv

type RuleBase = NameEnv [CoreRule] Source #

Gathers a collection of CoreRules. Maps (the name of) an Id to its rules

data RuleEnv Source #

A full rule environment which we can apply rules from. Like a RuleBase, but it also includes the set of visible orphans we use to filter out orphan rules which are not visible (even though we can see them...) See Note [Orphans] in GHC.Core

Checking rule applications

ruleCheckProgram Source #


:: RuleOpts

Rule options

-> CompilerPhase

Rule activation test

-> String

Rule pattern

-> (Id -> [CoreRule])

Rules for an Id

-> CoreProgram

Bindings to check in

-> SDoc

Resulting check message

Report partial matches for rules beginning with the specified string for the purposes of error reporting

Manipulating RuleInfo rules

RuleBase and RuleEnv

Misc. CoreRule helpers

rulesOfBinds :: [CoreBind] -> [CoreRule] Source #

Gather all the rules for locally bound identifiers from the supplied bindings

Making rules

mkRule :: Module -> Bool -> Bool -> RuleName -> Activation -> Name -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreExpr] -> CoreExpr -> CoreRule Source #

Used to make CoreRule for an Id defined in the module being compiled. See also CoreRule

roughTopNames :: [CoreExpr] -> [Maybe Name] Source #

Find the "top" free names of several expressions. Such names are either:

  1. The function finally being applied to in an application chain (if that name is a GlobalId: see GHC.Types.Var), or
  2. The TyCon if the expression is a Type

This is used for the fast-match-check for rules; if the top names don't match, the rest can't