Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data DumpFlag
- = Opt_D_dump_cmm
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_from_stg
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_raw
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose_by_proc
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_verbose
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_cfg
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_cbe
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_switch
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_proc
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_sp
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_sink
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_caf
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_procmap
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_split
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_info
- | Opt_D_dump_cmm_cps
- | Opt_D_dump_cfg_weights
- | Opt_D_dump_asm
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_native
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_liveness
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_regalloc_stages
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_conflicts
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_asm_expanded
- | Opt_D_dump_c_backend
- | Opt_D_dump_llvm
- | Opt_D_dump_core_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_deriv
- | Opt_D_dump_ds
- | Opt_D_dump_ds_preopt
- | Opt_D_dump_foreign
- | Opt_D_dump_inlinings
- | Opt_D_dump_rule_firings
- | Opt_D_dump_rule_rewrites
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_occur_anal
- | Opt_D_dump_parsed
- | Opt_D_dump_parsed_ast
- | Opt_D_dump_rn
- | Opt_D_dump_rn_ast
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl_iterations
- | Opt_D_dump_spec
- | Opt_D_dump_prep
- | Opt_D_dump_stg_from_core
- | Opt_D_dump_stg_unarised
- | Opt_D_dump_stg_final
- | Opt_D_dump_call_arity
- | Opt_D_dump_exitify
- | Opt_D_dump_stranal
- | Opt_D_dump_str_signatures
- | Opt_D_dump_cpranal
- | Opt_D_dump_cpr_signatures
- | Opt_D_dump_tc
- | Opt_D_dump_tc_ast
- | Opt_D_dump_hie
- | Opt_D_dump_types
- | Opt_D_dump_rules
- | Opt_D_dump_cse
- | Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper
- | Opt_D_dump_rn_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_rn_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_opt_cmm
- | Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_cs_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_ec_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_if_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_vt_trace
- | Opt_D_dump_splices
- | Opt_D_th_dec_file
- | Opt_D_dump_BCOs
- | Opt_D_dump_ticked
- | Opt_D_dump_rtti
- | Opt_D_source_stats
- | Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg
- | Opt_D_dump_hi
- | Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs
- | Opt_D_dump_mod_cycles
- | Opt_D_dump_mod_map
- | Opt_D_dump_timings
- | Opt_D_dump_view_pattern_commoning
- | Opt_D_verbose_core2core
- | Opt_D_dump_debug
- | Opt_D_dump_json
- | Opt_D_ppr_debug
- | Opt_D_no_debug_output
- | Opt_D_dump_faststrings
- data GeneralFlag
- = Opt_DumpToFile
- | Opt_D_faststring_stats
- | Opt_D_dump_minimal_imports
- | Opt_DoCoreLinting
- | Opt_DoLinearCoreLinting
- | Opt_DoStgLinting
- | Opt_DoCmmLinting
- | Opt_DoAsmLinting
- | Opt_DoAnnotationLinting
- | Opt_NoLlvmMangler
- | Opt_FastLlvm
- | Opt_NoTypeableBinds
- | Opt_DistinctConstructorTables
- | Opt_InfoTableMap
- | Opt_WarnIsError
- | Opt_ShowWarnGroups
- | Opt_HideSourcePaths
- | Opt_PrintExplicitForalls
- | Opt_PrintExplicitKinds
- | Opt_PrintExplicitCoercions
- | Opt_PrintExplicitRuntimeReps
- | Opt_PrintEqualityRelations
- | Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps
- | Opt_PrintUnicodeSyntax
- | Opt_PrintExpandedSynonyms
- | Opt_PrintPotentialInstances
- | Opt_PrintTypecheckerElaboration
- | Opt_CallArity
- | Opt_Exitification
- | Opt_Strictness
- | Opt_LateDmdAnal
- | Opt_KillAbsence
- | Opt_KillOneShot
- | Opt_FullLaziness
- | Opt_FloatIn
- | Opt_LateSpecialise
- | Opt_Specialise
- | Opt_SpecialiseAggressively
- | Opt_CrossModuleSpecialise
- | Opt_InlineGenerics
- | Opt_InlineGenericsAggressively
- | Opt_StaticArgumentTransformation
- | Opt_CSE
- | Opt_StgCSE
- | Opt_StgLiftLams
- | Opt_LiberateCase
- | Opt_SpecConstr
- | Opt_SpecConstrKeen
- | Opt_DoLambdaEtaExpansion
- | Opt_IgnoreAsserts
- | Opt_DoEtaReduction
- | Opt_CaseMerge
- | Opt_CaseFolding
- | Opt_UnboxStrictFields
- | Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields
- | Opt_DictsCheap
- | Opt_EnableRewriteRules
- | Opt_EnableThSpliceWarnings
- | Opt_RegsGraph
- | Opt_RegsIterative
- | Opt_PedanticBottoms
- | Opt_LlvmTBAA
- | Opt_LlvmFillUndefWithGarbage
- | Opt_IrrefutableTuples
- | Opt_CmmSink
- | Opt_CmmStaticPred
- | Opt_CmmElimCommonBlocks
- | Opt_AsmShortcutting
- | Opt_OmitYields
- | Opt_FunToThunk
- | Opt_DictsStrict
- | Opt_DmdTxDictSel
- | Opt_Loopification
- | Opt_CfgBlocklayout
- | Opt_WeightlessBlocklayout
- | Opt_CprAnal
- | Opt_WorkerWrapper
- | Opt_SolveConstantDicts
- | Opt_AlignmentSanitisation
- | Opt_CatchBottoms
- | Opt_NumConstantFolding
- | Opt_SimplPreInlining
- | Opt_IgnoreInterfacePragmas
- | Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
- | Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings
- | Opt_WriteInterface
- | Opt_WriteHie
- | Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs
- | Opt_ProfCountEntries
- | Opt_Pp
- | Opt_ForceRecomp
- | Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges
- | Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges
- | Opt_ExcessPrecision
- | Opt_EagerBlackHoling
- | Opt_NoHsMain
- | Opt_SplitSections
- | Opt_StgStats
- | Opt_HideAllPackages
- | Opt_HideAllPluginPackages
- | Opt_PrintBindResult
- | Opt_Haddock
- | Opt_HaddockOptions
- | Opt_BreakOnException
- | Opt_BreakOnError
- | Opt_PrintEvldWithShow
- | Opt_PrintBindContents
- | Opt_GenManifest
- | Opt_EmbedManifest
- | Opt_SharedImplib
- | Opt_BuildingCabalPackage
- | Opt_IgnoreDotGhci
- | Opt_GhciSandbox
- | Opt_GhciHistory
- | Opt_GhciLeakCheck
- | Opt_ValidateHie
- | Opt_LocalGhciHistory
- | Opt_NoIt
- | Opt_HelpfulErrors
- | Opt_DeferTypeErrors
- | Opt_DeferTypedHoles
- | Opt_DeferOutOfScopeVariables
- | Opt_PIC
- | Opt_PIE
- | Opt_PICExecutable
- | Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs
- | Opt_Ticky
- | Opt_Ticky_Allocd
- | Opt_Ticky_LNE
- | Opt_Ticky_Dyn_Thunk
- | Opt_RPath
- | Opt_RelativeDynlibPaths
- | Opt_Hpc
- | Opt_FamAppCache
- | Opt_ExternalInterpreter
- | Opt_OptimalApplicativeDo
- | Opt_VersionMacros
- | Opt_WholeArchiveHsLibs
- | Opt_SingleLibFolder
- | Opt_ExposeInternalSymbols
- | Opt_KeepCAFs
- | Opt_KeepGoing
- | Opt_ByteCode
- | Opt_LinkRts
- | Opt_ErrorSpans
- | Opt_DeferDiagnostics
- | Opt_DiagnosticsShowCaret
- | Opt_PprCaseAsLet
- | Opt_PprShowTicks
- | Opt_ShowHoleConstraints
- | Opt_ShowValidHoleFits
- | Opt_SortValidHoleFits
- | Opt_SortBySizeHoleFits
- | Opt_SortBySubsumHoleFits
- | Opt_AbstractRefHoleFits
- | Opt_UnclutterValidHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowTypeAppOfHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowTypeAppVarsOfHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowDocsOfHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowTypeOfHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowProvOfHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowMatchesOfHoleFits
- | Opt_ShowLoadedModules
- | Opt_HexWordLiterals
- | Opt_SuppressCoercions
- | Opt_SuppressVarKinds
- | Opt_SuppressModulePrefixes
- | Opt_SuppressTypeApplications
- | Opt_SuppressIdInfo
- | Opt_SuppressUnfoldings
- | Opt_SuppressTypeSignatures
- | Opt_SuppressUniques
- | Opt_SuppressStgExts
- | Opt_SuppressTicks
- | Opt_SuppressTimestamps
- | Opt_AutoLinkPackages
- | Opt_ImplicitImportQualified
- | Opt_KeepHscppFiles
- | Opt_KeepHiDiffs
- | Opt_KeepHcFiles
- | Opt_KeepSFiles
- | Opt_KeepTmpFiles
- | Opt_KeepRawTokenStream
- | Opt_KeepLlvmFiles
- | Opt_KeepHiFiles
- | Opt_KeepOFiles
- | Opt_BuildDynamicToo
- | Opt_DistrustAllPackages
- | Opt_PackageTrust
- | Opt_PluginTrustworthy
- | Opt_G_NoStateHack
- | Opt_G_NoOptCoercion
- data WarningFlag
- = Opt_WarnDuplicateExports
- | Opt_WarnDuplicateConstraints
- | Opt_WarnRedundantConstraints
- | Opt_WarnHiShadows
- | Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude
- | Opt_WarnIncompletePatterns
- | Opt_WarnIncompleteUniPatterns
- | Opt_WarnIncompletePatternsRecUpd
- | Opt_WarnOverflowedLiterals
- | Opt_WarnEmptyEnumerations
- | Opt_WarnMissingFields
- | Opt_WarnMissingImportList
- | Opt_WarnMissingMethods
- | Opt_WarnMissingSignatures
- | Opt_WarnMissingLocalSignatures
- | Opt_WarnNameShadowing
- | Opt_WarnOverlappingPatterns
- | Opt_WarnTypeDefaults
- | Opt_WarnMonomorphism
- | Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds
- | Opt_WarnUnusedLocalBinds
- | Opt_WarnUnusedPatternBinds
- | Opt_WarnUnusedImports
- | Opt_WarnUnusedMatches
- | Opt_WarnUnusedTypePatterns
- | Opt_WarnUnusedForalls
- | Opt_WarnUnusedRecordWildcards
- | Opt_WarnRedundantBangPatterns
- | Opt_WarnRedundantRecordWildcards
- | Opt_WarnWarningsDeprecations
- | Opt_WarnDeprecatedFlags
- | Opt_WarnMissingMonadFailInstances
- | Opt_WarnSemigroup
- | Opt_WarnDodgyExports
- | Opt_WarnDodgyImports
- | Opt_WarnOrphans
- | Opt_WarnAutoOrphans
- | Opt_WarnIdentities
- | Opt_WarnTabs
- | Opt_WarnUnrecognisedPragmas
- | Opt_WarnDodgyForeignImports
- | Opt_WarnUnusedDoBind
- | Opt_WarnWrongDoBind
- | Opt_WarnAlternativeLayoutRuleTransitional
- | Opt_WarnUnsafe
- | Opt_WarnSafe
- | Opt_WarnTrustworthySafe
- | Opt_WarnMissedSpecs
- | Opt_WarnAllMissedSpecs
- | Opt_WarnUnsupportedCallingConventions
- | Opt_WarnUnsupportedLlvmVersion
- | Opt_WarnMissedExtraSharedLib
- | Opt_WarnInlineRuleShadowing
- | Opt_WarnTypedHoles
- | Opt_WarnPartialTypeSignatures
- | Opt_WarnMissingExportedSignatures
- | Opt_WarnUntickedPromotedConstructors
- | Opt_WarnDerivingTypeable
- | Opt_WarnDeferredTypeErrors
- | Opt_WarnDeferredOutOfScopeVariables
- | Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances
- | Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadFailInstances
- | Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
- | Opt_WarnMissingPatternSynonymSignatures
- | Opt_WarnUnrecognisedWarningFlags
- | Opt_WarnSimplifiableClassConstraints
- | Opt_WarnCPPUndef
- | Opt_WarnUnbangedStrictPatterns
- | Opt_WarnMissingHomeModules
- | Opt_WarnPartialFields
- | Opt_WarnMissingExportList
- | Opt_WarnInaccessibleCode
- | Opt_WarnStarIsType
- | Opt_WarnStarBinder
- | Opt_WarnImplicitKindVars
- | Opt_WarnSpaceAfterBang
- | Opt_WarnMissingDerivingStrategies
- | Opt_WarnPrepositiveQualifiedModule
- | Opt_WarnUnusedPackages
- | Opt_WarnInferredSafeImports
- | Opt_WarnMissingSafeHaskellMode
- | Opt_WarnCompatUnqualifiedImports
- | Opt_WarnDerivingDefaults
- | Opt_WarnInvalidHaddock
- | Opt_WarnOperatorWhitespaceExtConflict
- | Opt_WarnOperatorWhitespace
- | Opt_WarnAmbiguousFields
- | Opt_WarnImplicitLift
- | Opt_WarnMissingKindSignatures
- data WarnReason
- = NoReason
- | Reason !WarningFlag
- | ErrReason !(Maybe WarningFlag)
- data Language
- optimisationFlags :: EnumSet GeneralFlag
Debugging flags
Enum DumpFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags succ :: DumpFlag -> DumpFlag Source # pred :: DumpFlag -> DumpFlag Source # toEnum :: Int -> DumpFlag Source # fromEnum :: DumpFlag -> Int Source # enumFrom :: DumpFlag -> [DumpFlag] Source # enumFromThen :: DumpFlag -> DumpFlag -> [DumpFlag] Source # enumFromTo :: DumpFlag -> DumpFlag -> [DumpFlag] Source # enumFromThenTo :: DumpFlag -> DumpFlag -> DumpFlag -> [DumpFlag] Source # | |
Show DumpFlag Source # | |
Eq DumpFlag Source # | |
data GeneralFlag Source #
Enumerates the simple on-or-off dynamic flags
Enum GeneralFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags succ :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag Source # pred :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag Source # toEnum :: Int -> GeneralFlag Source # fromEnum :: GeneralFlag -> Int Source # enumFrom :: GeneralFlag -> [GeneralFlag] Source # enumFromThen :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag -> [GeneralFlag] Source # enumFromTo :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag -> [GeneralFlag] Source # enumFromThenTo :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag -> [GeneralFlag] Source # | |
Show GeneralFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags | |
Eq GeneralFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags (==) :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag -> Bool # (/=) :: GeneralFlag -> GeneralFlag -> Bool # |
data WarningFlag Source #
Enum WarningFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags succ :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag Source # pred :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag Source # toEnum :: Int -> WarningFlag Source # fromEnum :: WarningFlag -> Int Source # enumFrom :: WarningFlag -> [WarningFlag] Source # enumFromThen :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag -> [WarningFlag] Source # enumFromTo :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag -> [WarningFlag] Source # enumFromThenTo :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag -> WarningFlag -> [WarningFlag] Source # | |
Show WarningFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags | |
Eq WarningFlag Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags (==) :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag -> Bool # (/=) :: WarningFlag -> WarningFlag -> Bool # |
data WarnReason Source #
Used when outputting warnings: if a reason is given, it is displayed. If a warning isn't controlled by a flag, this is made explicit at the point of use.
NoReason | |
Reason !WarningFlag | Warning was enabled with the flag |
ErrReason !(Maybe WarningFlag) | Warning was made an error because of -Werror or -Werror=WarningFlag |
Show WarnReason Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags | |
ToJson WarnReason Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags json :: WarnReason -> JsonDoc Source # | |
Outputable WarnReason Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags ppr :: WarnReason -> SDoc Source # |
Bounded Language Source # | |
Enum Language Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Driver.Flags succ :: Language -> Language Source # pred :: Language -> Language Source # toEnum :: Int -> Language Source # fromEnum :: Language -> Int Source # enumFrom :: Language -> [Language] Source # enumFromThen :: Language -> Language -> [Language] Source # enumFromTo :: Language -> Language -> [Language] Source # enumFromThenTo :: Language -> Language -> Language -> [Language] Source # | |
Show Language Source # | |
Outputable Language Source # | |
Eq Language Source # | |