{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards         #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Distribution.Fields.Parser
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
-- Portability :  portable
module Distribution.Fields.Parser (
    -- * Types
    -- * Grammar and parsing
    -- $grammar
    -- * Internal
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8          as B8
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import           Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import           Distribution.Fields.Field
import           Distribution.Fields.Lexer
import           Distribution.Fields.LexerMonad
                 (LexResult (..), LexState (..), LexWarning (..), unLex)
import           Distribution.Parsec.Position   (Position (..))
import           Prelude ()
import           Text.Parsec.Combinator         hiding (eof, notFollowedBy)
import           Text.Parsec.Error
import           Text.Parsec.Pos
import           Text.Parsec.Prim               hiding (many, (<|>))

import qualified Data.Text                as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding       as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Either (isLeft)

-- | The 'LexState'' (with a prime) is an instance of parsec's 'Stream'
-- wrapped around lexer's 'LexState' (without a prime)
data LexState' = LexState' !LexState (LToken, LexState')

mkLexState' :: LexState -> LexState'
mkLexState' :: LexState -> LexState'
mkLexState' LexState
st = LexState -> (LToken, LexState') -> LexState'
LexState' LexState
                   (case Lex LToken -> LexState -> LexResult LToken
forall a. Lex a -> LexState -> LexResult a
unLex Lex LToken
lexToken LexState
st of LexResult LexState
st' LToken
tok -> (LToken
tok, LexState -> LexState'
mkLexState' LexState

type Parser a = ParsecT LexState' () Identity a

instance Stream LexState' Identity LToken where
  uncons :: LexState' -> Identity (Maybe (LToken, LexState'))
uncons (LexState' LexState
_ (LToken
tok, LexState'
st')) =
    case LToken
tok of
      L Position
_ Token
EOF -> Maybe (LToken, LexState') -> Identity (Maybe (LToken, LexState'))
forall a. a -> Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return Maybe (LToken, LexState')
forall a. Maybe a
_       -> Maybe (LToken, LexState') -> Identity (Maybe (LToken, LexState'))
forall a. a -> Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((LToken, LexState') -> Maybe (LToken, LexState')
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (LToken
tok, LexState'

-- | Get lexer warnings accumulated so far
getLexerWarnings :: Parser [LexWarning]
getLexerWarnings :: Parser [LexWarning]
getLexerWarnings = do
  LexState' (LexState { warnings :: LexState -> [LexWarning]
warnings = [LexWarning]
ws }) (LToken, LexState')
_ <- ParsecT LexState' () Identity LexState'
forall (m :: * -> *) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m s
  [LexWarning] -> Parser [LexWarning]
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return [LexWarning]

-- | Set Alex code i.e. the mode "state" lexer is in.
setLexerMode :: Int -> Parser ()
setLexerMode :: Int -> Parser ()
setLexerMode Int
code = do
  LexState' LexState
ls (LToken, LexState')
_ <- ParsecT LexState' () Identity LexState'
forall (m :: * -> *) s u. Monad m => ParsecT s u m s
  LexState' -> Parser ()
forall (m :: * -> *) s u. Monad m => s -> ParsecT s u m ()
setInput (LexState' -> Parser ()) -> LexState' -> Parser ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! LexState -> LexState'
mkLexState' LexState
ls { curCode = code }

getToken :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getToken :: forall a. (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getToken Token -> Maybe a
getTok = (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos (\(L Position
_ Token
t) -> Token -> Maybe a
getTok Token

getTokenWithPos :: (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos :: forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos LToken -> Maybe a
getTok = (LToken -> [Char])
-> (SourcePos -> LToken -> LexState' -> SourcePos)
-> (LToken -> Maybe a)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall s (m :: * -> *) t a u.
Stream s m t =>
(t -> [Char])
-> (SourcePos -> t -> s -> SourcePos)
-> (t -> Maybe a)
-> ParsecT s u m a
tokenPrim (\(L Position
_ Token
t) -> Token -> [Char]
describeToken Token
t) SourcePos -> LToken -> LexState' -> SourcePos
updatePos LToken -> Maybe a
    updatePos :: SourcePos -> LToken -> LexState' -> SourcePos
    updatePos :: SourcePos -> LToken -> LexState' -> SourcePos
updatePos SourcePos
pos (L (Position Int
col Int
line) Token
_) LexState'
_ = [Char] -> Int -> Int -> SourcePos
newPos (SourcePos -> [Char]
sourceName SourcePos
pos) Int
col Int

describeToken :: Token -> String
describeToken :: Token -> [Char]
describeToken Token
t = case Token
t of
  TokSym   ByteString
s      -> [Char]
"symbol "   [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ByteString -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show ByteString
  TokStr   ByteString
s      -> [Char]
"string "   [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ByteString -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show ByteString
  TokOther ByteString
s      -> [Char]
"operator " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ ByteString -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show ByteString
  Indent Int
_        -> [Char]
"new line"
  TokFieldLine ByteString
_  -> [Char]
"field content"
Colon           -> [Char]
OpenBrace       -> [Char]
CloseBrace      -> [Char]
--  SemiColon       -> "\";\""
EOF             -> [Char]
"end of file"
  LexicalError ByteString
is -> [Char]
"character in input " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Char -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show (ByteString -> Char
B8.head ByteString

tokSym :: Parser (Name Position)
tokSym', tokStr, tokOther :: Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokIndent :: Parser Int
tokColon, tokOpenBrace, tokCloseBrace :: Parser ()
tokFieldLine :: Parser (FieldLine Position)

tokSym :: Parser (Name Position)
tokSym        = (LToken -> Maybe (Name Position)) -> Parser (Name Position)
forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos ((LToken -> Maybe (Name Position)) -> Parser (Name Position))
-> (LToken -> Maybe (Name Position)) -> Parser (Name Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \LToken
t -> case LToken
t of L Position
pos (TokSym   ByteString
x) -> Name Position -> Maybe (Name Position)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Position -> ByteString -> Name Position
forall ann. ann -> ByteString -> Name ann
mkName Position
pos ByteString
x);  LToken
_ -> Maybe (Name Position)
forall a. Maybe a
tokSym' :: Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokSym'       = (LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
-> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos ((LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
 -> Parser (SectionArg Position))
-> (LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
-> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \LToken
t -> case LToken
t of L Position
pos (TokSym   ByteString
x) -> SectionArg Position -> Maybe (SectionArg Position)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Position -> ByteString -> SectionArg Position
forall ann. ann -> ByteString -> SectionArg ann
SecArgName Position
pos ByteString
x);  LToken
_ -> Maybe (SectionArg Position)
forall a. Maybe a
tokStr :: Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokStr        = (LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
-> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos ((LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
 -> Parser (SectionArg Position))
-> (LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
-> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \LToken
t -> case LToken
t of L Position
pos (TokStr   ByteString
x) -> SectionArg Position -> Maybe (SectionArg Position)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Position -> ByteString -> SectionArg Position
forall ann. ann -> ByteString -> SectionArg ann
SecArgStr Position
pos ByteString
x);  LToken
_ -> Maybe (SectionArg Position)
forall a. Maybe a
tokOther :: Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokOther      = (LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
-> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos ((LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
 -> Parser (SectionArg Position))
-> (LToken -> Maybe (SectionArg Position))
-> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \LToken
t -> case LToken
t of L Position
pos (TokOther ByteString
x) -> SectionArg Position -> Maybe (SectionArg Position)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Position -> ByteString -> SectionArg Position
forall ann. ann -> ByteString -> SectionArg ann
SecArgOther Position
pos ByteString
x);  LToken
_ -> Maybe (SectionArg Position)
forall a. Maybe a
tokIndent :: Parser Int
tokIndent     = (Token -> Maybe Int) -> Parser Int
forall a. (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getToken ((Token -> Maybe Int) -> Parser Int)
-> (Token -> Maybe Int) -> Parser Int
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Token
t -> case Token
t of Indent   Int
x -> Int -> Maybe Int
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just Int
x;  Token
_ -> Maybe Int
forall a. Maybe a
tokColon :: Parser ()
tokColon      = (Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ()
forall a. (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getToken ((Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ())
-> (Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Token
t -> case Token
t of Token
Colon      -> () -> Maybe ()
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (); Token
_ -> Maybe ()
forall a. Maybe a
tokOpenBrace :: Parser ()
tokOpenBrace  = (Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ()
forall a. (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getToken ((Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ())
-> (Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Token
t -> case Token
t of Token
OpenBrace  -> () -> Maybe ()
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (); Token
_ -> Maybe ()
forall a. Maybe a
tokCloseBrace :: Parser ()
tokCloseBrace = (Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ()
forall a. (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getToken ((Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ())
-> (Token -> Maybe ()) -> Parser ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Token
t -> case Token
t of Token
CloseBrace -> () -> Maybe ()
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (); Token
_ -> Maybe ()
forall a. Maybe a
tokFieldLine :: Parser (FieldLine Position)
tokFieldLine  = (LToken -> Maybe (FieldLine Position))
-> Parser (FieldLine Position)
forall a. (LToken -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
getTokenWithPos ((LToken -> Maybe (FieldLine Position))
 -> Parser (FieldLine Position))
-> (LToken -> Maybe (FieldLine Position))
-> Parser (FieldLine Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \LToken
t -> case LToken
t of L Position
pos (TokFieldLine ByteString
s) -> FieldLine Position -> Maybe (FieldLine Position)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Position -> ByteString -> FieldLine Position
forall ann. ann -> ByteString -> FieldLine ann
FieldLine Position
pos ByteString
s); LToken
_ -> Maybe (FieldLine Position)
forall a. Maybe a

colon, openBrace, closeBrace :: Parser ()

sectionArg :: Parser (SectionArg Position)
sectionArg :: Parser (SectionArg Position)
sectionArg   = Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokSym' Parser (SectionArg Position)
-> Parser (SectionArg Position) -> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokStr Parser (SectionArg Position)
-> Parser (SectionArg Position) -> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> Parser (SectionArg Position)
tokOther Parser (SectionArg Position)
-> [Char] -> Parser (SectionArg Position)
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
"section parameter"

fieldSecName :: Parser (Name Position)
fieldSecName :: Parser (Name Position)
fieldSecName = Parser (Name Position)
tokSym              Parser (Name Position) -> [Char] -> Parser (Name Position)
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
"field or section name"

colon :: Parser ()
colon        = Parser ()
tokColon      Parser () -> [Char] -> Parser ()
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
openBrace :: Parser ()
openBrace    = Parser ()
tokOpenBrace  Parser () -> [Char] -> Parser ()
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
closeBrace :: Parser ()
closeBrace   = Parser ()
tokCloseBrace Parser () -> [Char] -> Parser ()
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]

fieldContent :: Parser (FieldLine Position)
fieldContent :: Parser (FieldLine Position)
fieldContent = Parser (FieldLine Position)
tokFieldLine Parser (FieldLine Position)
-> [Char] -> Parser (FieldLine Position)
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
"field contents"

newtype IndentLevel = IndentLevel Int

zeroIndentLevel :: IndentLevel
zeroIndentLevel :: IndentLevel
zeroIndentLevel = Int -> IndentLevel
IndentLevel Int

incIndentLevel :: IndentLevel -> IndentLevel
incIndentLevel :: IndentLevel -> IndentLevel
incIndentLevel (IndentLevel Int
i) = Int -> IndentLevel
IndentLevel (Int -> Int
forall a. Enum a => a -> a
succ Int

indentOfAtLeast :: IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
indentOfAtLeast :: IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
indentOfAtLeast (IndentLevel Int
i) = Parser IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
try (Parser IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel)
-> Parser IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
j <- Parser Int
  Bool -> Parser ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Int
j Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
i) Parser () -> [Char] -> Parser ()
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
"indentation of at least " [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ Int -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show Int
  IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Int -> IndentLevel
IndentLevel Int

newtype LexerMode = LexerMode Int

inLexerMode :: LexerMode -> Parser p -> Parser p
inLexerMode :: forall p. LexerMode -> Parser p -> Parser p
inLexerMode (LexerMode Int
mode) Parser p
p =
  do Int -> Parser ()
setLexerMode Int
mode; p
x <- Parser p
p; Int -> Parser ()
setLexerMode Int
in_section; p -> Parser p
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return p

-- Cabal file grammar

-- $grammar
-- @
-- CabalStyleFile ::= SecElems
-- SecElems       ::= SecElem* '\\n'?
-- SecElem        ::= '\\n' SecElemLayout | SecElemBraces
-- SecElemLayout  ::= FieldLayout | FieldBraces | SectionLayout | SectionBraces
-- SecElemBraces  ::= FieldInline | FieldBraces |                 SectionBraces
-- FieldLayout    ::= name ':' line? ('\\n' line)*
-- FieldBraces    ::= name ':' '\\n'? '{' content '}'
-- FieldInline    ::= name ':' content
-- SectionLayout  ::= name arg* SecElems
-- SectionBraces  ::= name arg* '\\n'? '{' SecElems '}'
-- @
-- and the same thing but left factored...
-- @
-- SecElems              ::= SecElem*
-- SecElem               ::= '\\n' name SecElemLayout
--                         |      name SecElemBraces
-- SecElemLayout         ::= ':'   FieldLayoutOrBraces
--                         | arg*  SectionLayoutOrBraces
-- FieldLayoutOrBraces   ::= '\\n'? '{' content '}'
--                         | line? ('\\n' line)*
-- SectionLayoutOrBraces ::= '\\n'? '{' SecElems '\\n'? '}'
--                         | SecElems
-- SecElemBraces         ::= ':' FieldInlineOrBraces
--                         | arg* '\\n'? '{' SecElems '\\n'? '}'
-- FieldInlineOrBraces   ::= '\\n'? '{' content '}'
--                         | content
-- @
-- Note how we have several productions with the sequence:
-- > '\\n'? '{'
-- That is, an optional newline (and indent) followed by a @{@ token.
-- In the @SectionLayoutOrBraces@ case you can see that this makes it
-- not fully left factored (because @SecElems@ can start with a @\\n@).
-- Fully left factoring here would be ugly, and though we could use a
-- lookahead of two tokens to resolve the alternatives, we can't
-- conveniently use Parsec's 'try' here to get a lookahead of only two.
-- So instead we deal with this case in the lexer by making a line
-- where the first non-space is @{@ lex as just the @{@ token, without
-- the usual indent token. Then in the parser we can resolve everything
-- with just one token of lookahead and so without using 'try'.

-- Top level of a file using cabal syntax
cabalStyleFile :: Parser [Field Position]
cabalStyleFile :: Parser [Field Position]
cabalStyleFile = do [Field Position]
es <- IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
elements IndentLevel
                    Parser ()
                    [Field Position] -> Parser [Field Position]
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return [Field Position]

-- Elements that live at the top level or inside a section, i.e. fields
-- and sections content
-- elements ::= element*
elements :: IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
elements :: IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
elements IndentLevel
ilevel = ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> Parser [Field Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
many (IndentLevel -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
element IndentLevel

-- An individual element, ie a field or a section. These can either use
-- layout style or braces style. For layout style then it must start on
-- a line on its own (so that we know its indentation level).
-- element ::= '\\n' name elementInLayoutContext
--           |      name elementInNonLayoutContext
element :: IndentLevel -> Parser (Field Position)
element :: IndentLevel -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
element IndentLevel
ilevel =
      (do IndentLevel
ilevel' <- IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
indentOfAtLeast IndentLevel
          Name Position
name    <- Parser (Name Position)
-> Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
elementInLayoutContext (IndentLevel -> IndentLevel
incIndentLevel IndentLevel
ilevel') Name Position
  ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (do Name Position
name    <- Parser (Name Position)
          Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
elementInNonLayoutContext Name Position

-- An element (field or section) that is valid in a layout context.
-- In a layout context we can have fields and sections that themselves
-- either use layout style or that use braces style.
-- elementInLayoutContext ::= ':'  fieldLayoutOrBraces
--                          | arg* sectionLayoutOrBraces
elementInLayoutContext :: IndentLevel -> Name Position -> Parser (Field Position)
elementInLayoutContext :: IndentLevel
-> Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
elementInLayoutContext IndentLevel
ilevel Name Position
name =
      (do Parser ()
colon; IndentLevel
-> Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
fieldLayoutOrBraces IndentLevel
ilevel Name Position
  ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (do [SectionArg Position]
args  <- Parser (SectionArg Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [SectionArg Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
many Parser (SectionArg Position)
          [Field Position]
elems <- IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
sectionLayoutOrBraces IndentLevel
          Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Name Position
-> [SectionArg Position] -> [Field Position] -> Field Position
forall ann.
Name ann -> [SectionArg ann] -> [Field ann] -> Field ann
Section Name Position
name [SectionArg Position]
args [Field Position]

-- An element (field or section) that is valid in a non-layout context.
-- In a non-layout context we can have only have fields and sections that
-- themselves use braces style, or inline style fields.
-- elementInNonLayoutContext ::= ':' FieldInlineOrBraces
--                             | arg* '\\n'? '{' elements '\\n'? '}'
elementInNonLayoutContext :: Name Position -> Parser (Field Position)
elementInNonLayoutContext :: Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
elementInNonLayoutContext Name Position
name =
      (do Parser ()
colon; Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
fieldInlineOrBraces Name Position
  ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (do [SectionArg Position]
args <- Parser (SectionArg Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [SectionArg Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
many Parser (SectionArg Position)
          Parser ()
          [Field Position]
elems <- IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
elements IndentLevel
          Parser Int -> Parser ()
forall s (m :: * -> *) t u a.
Stream s m t =>
ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
optional Parser Int
          Parser ()
          Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Name Position
-> [SectionArg Position] -> [Field Position] -> Field Position
forall ann.
Name ann -> [SectionArg ann] -> [Field ann] -> Field ann
Section Name Position
name [SectionArg Position]
args [Field Position]

-- The body of a field, using either layout style or braces style.
-- fieldLayoutOrBraces   ::= '\\n'? '{' content '}'
--                         | line? ('\\n' line)*
fieldLayoutOrBraces :: IndentLevel -> Name Position -> Parser (Field Position)
fieldLayoutOrBraces :: IndentLevel
-> Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
fieldLayoutOrBraces IndentLevel
ilevel Name Position
name = ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
braces ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
    braces :: ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
braces = do
          Parser ()
          [FieldLine Position]
ls <- LexerMode
-> Parser [FieldLine Position] -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall p. LexerMode -> Parser p -> Parser p
inLexerMode (Int -> LexerMode
LexerMode Int
in_field_braces) (Parser (FieldLine Position) -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
many Parser (FieldLine Position)
          Parser ()
          Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Name Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> Field Position
forall ann. Name ann -> [FieldLine ann] -> Field ann
Field Name Position
name [FieldLine Position]
    fieldLayout :: ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
fieldLayout = LexerMode
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall p. LexerMode -> Parser p -> Parser p
inLexerMode (Int -> LexerMode
LexerMode Int
in_field_layout) (ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
 -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position))
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
          Maybe (FieldLine Position)
l  <- Parser (FieldLine Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Maybe (FieldLine Position))
forall s (m :: * -> *) t u a.
Stream s m t =>
ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m (Maybe a)
optionMaybe Parser (FieldLine Position)
          [FieldLine Position]
ls <- Parser (FieldLine Position) -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
many (do IndentLevel
_ <- IndentLevel -> Parser IndentLevel
indentOfAtLeast IndentLevel
ilevel; Parser (FieldLine Position)
          Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position))
-> Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case Maybe (FieldLine Position)
l of
              Maybe (FieldLine Position)
Nothing -> Name Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> Field Position
forall ann. Name ann -> [FieldLine ann] -> Field ann
Field Name Position
name [FieldLine Position]
              Just FieldLine Position
l' -> Name Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> Field Position
forall ann. Name ann -> [FieldLine ann] -> Field ann
Field Name Position
name (FieldLine Position
l' FieldLine Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> [FieldLine Position]
forall a. a -> [a] -> [a]
: [FieldLine Position]

-- The body of a section, using either layout style or braces style.
-- sectionLayoutOrBraces ::= '\\n'? '{' elements \\n? '}'
--                         | elements
sectionLayoutOrBraces :: IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
sectionLayoutOrBraces :: IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
sectionLayoutOrBraces IndentLevel
ilevel =
      (do Parser ()
          [Field Position]
elems <- IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
elements IndentLevel
          Parser Int -> Parser ()
forall s (m :: * -> *) t u a.
Stream s m t =>
ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m ()
optional Parser Int
          Parser ()
          [Field Position] -> Parser [Field Position]
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return [Field Position]
  Parser [Field Position]
-> Parser [Field Position] -> Parser [Field Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (IndentLevel -> Parser [Field Position]
elements IndentLevel

-- The body of a field, using either inline style or braces.
-- fieldInlineOrBraces   ::= '\\n'? '{' content '}'
--                         | content
fieldInlineOrBraces :: Name Position -> Parser (Field Position)
fieldInlineOrBraces :: Name Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
fieldInlineOrBraces Name Position
name =
      (do Parser ()
          [FieldLine Position]
ls <- LexerMode
-> Parser [FieldLine Position] -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall p. LexerMode -> Parser p -> Parser p
inLexerMode (Int -> LexerMode
LexerMode Int
in_field_braces) (Parser (FieldLine Position) -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity [a]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f [a]
many Parser (FieldLine Position)
          Parser ()
          Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Name Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> Field Position
forall ann. Name ann -> [FieldLine ann] -> Field ann
Field Name Position
name [FieldLine Position]
  ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> (do [FieldLine Position]
ls <- LexerMode
-> Parser [FieldLine Position] -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall p. LexerMode -> Parser p -> Parser p
inLexerMode (Int -> LexerMode
LexerMode Int
in_field_braces) ([FieldLine Position]
-> Parser [FieldLine Position] -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall s (m :: * -> *) t a u.
Stream s m t =>
a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
option [] ((FieldLine Position -> [FieldLine Position])
-> Parser (FieldLine Position) -> Parser [FieldLine Position]
forall a b.
(a -> b)
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (\FieldLine Position
l -> [FieldLine Position
l]) Parser (FieldLine Position)
          Field Position -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity (Field Position)
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (Name Position -> [FieldLine Position] -> Field Position
forall ann. Name ann -> [FieldLine ann] -> Field ann
Field Name Position
name [FieldLine Position]

-- | Parse cabal style 'B8.ByteString' into list of 'Field's, i.e. the cabal AST.
readFields :: B8.ByteString -> Either ParseError [Field Position]
readFields :: ByteString -> Either ParseError [Field Position]
readFields ByteString
s = (([Field Position], [LexWarning]) -> [Field Position])
-> Either ParseError ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
-> Either ParseError [Field Position]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> Either ParseError a -> Either ParseError b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ([Field Position], [LexWarning]) -> [Field Position]
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst (ByteString -> Either ParseError ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
readFields' ByteString

-- | Like 'readFields' but also return lexer warnings
readFields' :: B8.ByteString -> Either ParseError ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
readFields' :: ByteString -> Either ParseError ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
readFields' ByteString
s = do
    Parsec LexState' () ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
-> [Char]
-> LexState'
-> Either ParseError ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
forall s t a.
Stream s Identity t =>
Parsec s () a -> [Char] -> s -> Either ParseError a
parse Parsec LexState' () ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
parser [Char]
"the input" LexState'
    parser :: Parsec LexState' () ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
parser = do
        [Field Position]
fields <- Parser [Field Position]
ws     <- Parser [LexWarning]
        ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
-> Parsec LexState' () ([Field Position], [LexWarning])
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ([Field Position]
fields, [LexWarning]

    lexSt :: LexState'
lexSt = LexState -> LexState'
mkLexState' (ByteString -> LexState
mkLexState ByteString

parseTest' :: Show a => Parsec LexState' () a -> SourceName -> B8.ByteString -> IO ()
parseTest' p fname s =
    case parse p fname (lexSt s) of
      Left err -> putStrLn (formatError s err)

      Right x  -> print x
    lexSt = mkLexState' . mkLexState

parseFile :: Show a => Parser a -> FilePath -> IO ()
parseFile p f = B8.readFile f >>= \s -> parseTest' p f s

parseStr  :: Show a => Parser a -> String -> IO ()
parseStr p = parseBS p . B8.pack

parseBS  :: Show a => Parser a -> B8.ByteString -> IO ()
parseBS p = parseTest' p "<input string>"

formatError :: B8.ByteString -> ParseError -> String
formatError input perr =
      [ "Parse error "++ show (errorPos perr) ++ ":"
      , errLine
      , indicator ++ errmsg ]
    pos       = errorPos perr
    ls        = lines' (T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode input)
    errLine   = T.unpack (ls !! (sourceLine pos - 1))
    indicator = replicate (sourceColumn pos) ' ' ++ "^"
    errmsg    = showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error"
                                  "expecting" "unexpected" "end of file"
                                  (errorMessages perr)

-- | Handles windows/osx/unix line breaks uniformly
lines' :: T.Text -> [T.Text]
lines' s1
  | T.null s1 = []
  | otherwise = case T.break (\c -> c == '\r' || c == '\n') s1 of
                  (l, s2) | Just (c,s3) <- T.uncons s2
                         -> case T.uncons s3 of
                              Just ('\n', s4) | c == '\r' -> l : lines' s4
                              _               -> l : lines' s3
                          | otherwise -> [l]

eof :: Parser ()
eof :: Parser ()
eof = Parser LToken -> Parser ()
notFollowedBy Parser LToken
forall s (m :: * -> *) t u.
(Stream s m t, Show t) =>
ParsecT s u m t
anyToken Parser () -> [Char] -> Parser ()
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a.
ParsecT s u m a -> [Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
<?> [Char]
"end of file"
    notFollowedBy :: Parser LToken -> Parser ()
    notFollowedBy :: Parser LToken -> Parser ()
notFollowedBy Parser LToken
p = Parser () -> Parser ()
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
try (    (do L Position
_ Token
t <- Parser LToken -> Parser LToken
forall s u (m :: * -> *) a. ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
try Parser LToken
p; [Char] -> Parser ()
forall s (m :: * -> *) t u a.
Stream s m t =>
[Char] -> ParsecT s u m a
unexpected (Token -> [Char]
describeToken Token
                           Parser () -> Parser () -> Parser ()
forall a.
ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
-> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Alternative f => f a -> f a -> f a
<|> () -> Parser ()
forall a. a -> ParsecT LexState' () Identity a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ())