base- Basic libraries
This package contains the Standard Haskell Prelude and its support libraries, and a large collection of useful libraries ranging from data structures to parsing combinators and debugging utilities.
- Control
- Data
- Array
- Data.Bifoldable
- Data.Bifoldable1
- Data.Bifunctor
- Data.Bitraversable
- Data.Bits
- Data.Bool
- Data.Char
- Data.Coerce
- Data.Complex
- Data.Data
- Data.Dynamic
- Data.Either
- Data.Eq
- Data.Fixed
- Data.Foldable
- Data.Foldable1
- Data.Function
- Data.Functor
- Data.IORef
- Data.Int
- Data.Ix
- Data.Kind
- Data.List
- Data.Maybe
- Data.Monoid
- Data.Ord
- Data.Proxy
- Data.Ratio
- Data.STRef
- Data.Semigroup
- Data.String
- Data.Traversable
- Data.Tuple
- Type
- Data.Typeable
- Data.Unique
- Data.Version
- Data.Void
- Data.Word
- Debug
- Foreign
- GHC.Arr
- GHC.ArrayArray
- GHC.Base
- GHC.Bits
- GHC.ByteOrder
- GHC.Char
- GHC.Clock
- GHC.Conc
- GHC.ConsoleHandler
- GHC.Constants
- GHC.Desugar
- Encoding
- GHC.Enum
- GHC.Environment
- GHC.Err
- GHC.Event
- GHC.Exception
- GHC.ExecutionStack
- GHC.Exts
- GHC.Fingerprint
- GHC.Float
- GHC.Foreign
- GHC.ForeignPtr
- GHC.Generics
- GHC.IOArray
- GHC.InfoProv
- GHC.Int
- GHC.Integer
- GHC.IsList
- GHC.Ix
- GHC.List
- GHC.MVar
- GHC.Maybe
- GHC.Natural
- GHC.Num
- GHC.OldList
- GHC.OverloadedLabels
- GHC.Pack
- GHC.Profiling
- GHC.Ptr
- GHC.Read
- GHC.Real
- GHC.Records
- GHC.ResponseFile
- GHC.Show
- GHC.Stable
- GHC.StableName
- GHC.Stack
- GHC.StaticPtr
- GHC.Stats
- GHC.Storable
- GHC.TopHandler
- GHC.TypeError
- GHC.TypeLits
- GHC.TypeNats
- GHC.Unicode
- GHC.Weak
- GHC.Word
- Numeric
- Prelude
- System
- Text
- Type
- Unsafe