Copyright | (c) The University of Glasgow 1992-2002 |
License | see libraries/base/LICENSE |
Maintainer | |
Stability | internal |
Portability | non-portable (requires POSIX) |
Safe Haskell | Trustworthy |
Language | Haskell2010 |
POSIX support layer for the standard libraries.
The API of this module is unstable and not meant to be consumed by the general public.
If you absolutely must depend on it, make sure to use a tight upper
bound, e.g., base < 4.X
rather than base < 5
, because the interface can
change rapidly without much warning.
This library is built on *every* platform, including Win32.
Non-POSIX compliant in order to support the following features: * S_ISSOCK (no sockets in POSIX)
- puts :: String -> IO ()
- data CFLock
- data CGroup
- data CLconv
- data CPasswd
- data CSigaction
- data CSigset
- data CStat
- data CTermios
- data CTm
- data CTms
- data CUtimbuf
- data CUtsname
- type FD = CInt
- fdFileSize :: FD -> IO Integer
- fileType :: FilePath -> IO IODeviceType
- fdStat :: FD -> IO (IODeviceType, CDev, CIno)
- fdType :: FD -> IO IODeviceType
- statGetType :: Ptr CStat -> IO IODeviceType
- statGetType_maybe :: Ptr CStat -> IO (Maybe IODeviceType)
- ioe_unknownfiletype :: IOException
- fdGetMode :: FD -> IO IOMode
- withFilePath :: FilePath -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
- newFilePath :: FilePath -> IO CString
- peekFilePath :: CString -> IO FilePath
- peekFilePathLen :: CStringLen -> IO FilePath
- checkForInteriorNuls :: FilePath -> CStringLen -> IO ()
- throwInternalNulError :: FilePath -> IO a
- setEcho :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
- getEcho :: FD -> IO Bool
- setCooked :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
- tcSetAttr :: FD -> (Ptr CTermios -> IO a) -> IO a
- get_saved_termios :: CInt -> IO (Ptr CTermios)
- set_saved_termios :: CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO ()
- setNonBlockingFD :: FD -> Bool -> IO ()
- setCloseOnExec :: FD -> IO ()
- type CFilePath = CString
- c_interruptible_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
- c_safe_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
- hostIsThreaded :: Bool
- c_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
- c_interruptible_open_ :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
- rtsIsThreaded_ :: Int
- c_safe_open_ :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt
- c_fstat :: CInt -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
- lstat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
- c_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
- c_safe_read :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
- c_umask :: CMode -> IO CMode
- c_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
- c_safe_write :: CInt -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO CSsize
- c_pipe :: Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
- c_lseek :: CInt -> COff -> CInt -> IO COff
- c_access :: CString -> CInt -> IO CInt
- c_chmod :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
- c_close :: CInt -> IO CInt
- c_creat :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
- c_dup :: CInt -> IO CInt
- c_dup2 :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
- c_isatty :: CInt -> IO CInt
- c_unlink :: CString -> IO CInt
- c_utime :: CString -> Ptr CUtimbuf -> IO CInt
- c_getpid :: IO CPid
- c_stat :: CFilePath -> Ptr CStat -> IO CInt
- c_ftruncate :: CInt -> COff -> IO CInt
- c_fcntl_read :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt
- c_fcntl_write :: CInt -> CInt -> CLong -> IO CInt
- c_fcntl_lock :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CFLock -> IO CInt
- c_fork :: IO CPid
- c_link :: CString -> CString -> IO CInt
- c_mkfifo :: CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
- c_sigemptyset :: Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
- c_sigaddset :: Ptr CSigset -> CInt -> IO CInt
- c_sigprocmask :: CInt -> Ptr CSigset -> Ptr CSigset -> IO CInt
- c_tcgetattr :: CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
- c_tcsetattr :: CInt -> CInt -> Ptr CTermios -> IO CInt
- c_waitpid :: CPid -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> IO CPid
- o_RDONLY :: CInt
- o_WRONLY :: CInt
- o_RDWR :: CInt
- o_APPEND :: CInt
- o_CREAT :: CInt
- o_EXCL :: CInt
- o_TRUNC :: CInt
- o_NOCTTY :: CInt
- o_NONBLOCK :: CInt
- o_BINARY :: CInt
- c_s_isreg :: CMode -> CInt
- c_s_ischr :: CMode -> CInt
- c_s_isblk :: CMode -> CInt
- c_s_isdir :: CMode -> CInt
- c_s_isfifo :: CMode -> CInt
- s_isreg :: CMode -> Bool
- s_ischr :: CMode -> Bool
- s_isblk :: CMode -> Bool
- s_isdir :: CMode -> Bool
- s_isfifo :: CMode -> Bool
- sizeof_stat :: Int
- st_mtime :: Ptr CStat -> IO CTime
- st_size :: Ptr CStat -> IO COff
- st_mode :: Ptr CStat -> IO CMode
- st_dev :: Ptr CStat -> IO CDev
- st_ino :: Ptr CStat -> IO CIno
- const_echo :: CInt
- const_tcsanow :: CInt
- const_icanon :: CInt
- const_vmin :: CInt
- const_vtime :: CInt
- const_sigttou :: CInt
- const_sig_block :: CInt
- const_sig_setmask :: CInt
- const_f_getfl :: CInt
- const_f_setfl :: CInt
- const_f_setfd :: CInt
- const_fd_cloexec :: CLong
- sizeof_termios :: Int
- sizeof_sigset_t :: Int
- c_lflag :: Ptr CTermios -> IO CTcflag
- poke_c_lflag :: Ptr CTermios -> CTcflag -> IO ()
- ptr_c_cc :: Ptr CTermios -> IO (Ptr Word8)
- s_issock :: CMode -> Bool
- c_s_issock :: CMode -> CInt
- sEEK_CUR :: CInt
- sEEK_SET :: CInt
- sEEK_END :: CInt
data CSigaction Source #
statGetType :: Ptr CStat -> IO IODeviceType Source #
Return a known device type or throw an exception if the device type is unknown.
statGetType_maybe :: Ptr CStat -> IO (Maybe IODeviceType) Source #
Unlike statGetType
, statGetType_maybe
will not throw an exception
if the CStat refers to a unknown device type.
Since: base-
peekFilePathLen :: CStringLen -> IO FilePath Source #
checkForInteriorNuls :: FilePath -> CStringLen -> IO () Source #
Check an encoded FilePath
for internal NUL octets as these are
disallowed in POSIX filepaths. See #13660.
throwInternalNulError :: FilePath -> IO a Source #
setCloseOnExec :: FD -> IO () Source #
c_interruptible_open :: CFilePath -> CInt -> CMode -> IO CInt Source #
The same as c_safe_open
, but an interruptible operation
as described in Control.Exceptionβit respects uninterruptibleMask
but not mask
We want to be able to interrupt an openFile call if it's expensive (NFS, FUSE, etc.), and we especially need to be able to interrupt a blocking open call. See #17912.
Since: base-
hostIsThreaded :: Bool Source #
Consult the RTS to find whether it is threaded.
Since: base-
rtsIsThreaded_ :: Int Source #
Since: base-
o_NONBLOCK :: CInt Source #
c_s_isfifo :: CMode -> CInt Source #
sizeof_stat :: Int Source #
const_echo :: CInt Source #
const_tcsanow :: CInt Source #
const_icanon :: CInt Source #
const_vmin :: CInt Source #
const_vtime :: CInt Source #
const_sigttou :: CInt Source #
const_f_getfl :: CInt Source #
const_f_setfl :: CInt Source #
const_f_setfd :: CInt Source #
sizeof_termios :: Int Source #
c_s_issock :: CMode -> CInt Source #