old-time- Time librarySource codeContentsIndex
Clock times
Time differences
Calendar times

The standard time library from Haskell 98. This library is deprecated, please look at Data.Time in the time package instead.

System.Time provides functionality for clock times, including timezone information (i.e, the functionality of "time.h", adapted to the Haskell environment). It follows RFC 1129 in its use of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

data ClockTime = TOD Integer Integer
getClockTime :: IO ClockTime
data TimeDiff = TimeDiff {
tdYear :: Int
tdMonth :: Int
tdDay :: Int
tdHour :: Int
tdMin :: Int
tdSec :: Int
tdPicosec :: Integer
noTimeDiff :: TimeDiff
diffClockTimes :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiff
addToClockTime :: TimeDiff -> ClockTime -> ClockTime
normalizeTimeDiff :: TimeDiff -> TimeDiff
timeDiffToString :: TimeDiff -> String
formatTimeDiff :: TimeLocale -> String -> TimeDiff -> String
data CalendarTime = CalendarTime {
ctYear :: Int
ctMonth :: Month
ctDay :: Int
ctHour :: Int
ctMin :: Int
ctSec :: Int
ctPicosec :: Integer
ctWDay :: Day
ctYDay :: Int
ctTZName :: String
ctTZ :: Int
ctIsDST :: Bool
data Month
= January
| February
| March
| April
| May
| June
| July
| August
| September
| October
| November
| December
data Day
= Sunday
| Monday
| Tuesday
| Wednesday
| Thursday
| Friday
| Saturday
toCalendarTime :: ClockTime -> IO CalendarTime
toUTCTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime
toClockTime :: CalendarTime -> ClockTime
calendarTimeToString :: CalendarTime -> String
formatCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> CalendarTime -> String
Clock times
data ClockTime Source
A representation of the internal clock time. Clock times may be compared, converted to strings, or converted to an external calendar time CalendarTime for I/O or other manipulations.
TOD Integer Integer

Construct a clock time. The arguments are a number of seconds since 00:00:00 (UTC) on 1 January 1970, and an additional number of picoseconds.

In Haskell 98, the ClockTime type is abstract.

show/hide Instances
getClockTime :: IO ClockTimeSource
returns the current time in its internal representation.
Time differences
data TimeDiff Source
records the difference between two clock times in a user-readable way.
tdYear :: Int
tdMonth :: Int
tdDay :: Int
tdHour :: Int
tdMin :: Int
tdSec :: Int
tdPicosec :: Integer
show/hide Instances
noTimeDiff :: TimeDiffSource
null time difference.
diffClockTimes :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiffSource
diffClockTimes t1 t2 returns the difference between two clock times t1 and t2 as a TimeDiff.
addToClockTime :: TimeDiff -> ClockTime -> ClockTimeSource
addToClockTime d t adds a time difference d and a clock time t to yield a new clock time. The difference d may be either positive or negative.
normalizeTimeDiff :: TimeDiff -> TimeDiffSource
converts a time difference to normal form.
timeDiffToString :: TimeDiff -> StringSource
formats time differences using local conventions.
formatTimeDiff :: TimeLocale -> String -> TimeDiff -> StringSource
formats time differences using local conventions and a formatting string. The formatting string is that understood by the ISO C strftime() function.
Calendar times
data CalendarTime Source
CalendarTime is a user-readable and manipulable representation of the internal ClockTime type.
ctYear :: IntYear (pre-Gregorian dates are inaccurate)
ctMonth :: MonthMonth of the year
ctDay :: IntDay of the month (1 to 31)
ctHour :: IntHour of the day (0 to 23)
ctMin :: IntMinutes (0 to 59)
ctSec :: IntSeconds (0 to 61, allowing for up to two leap seconds)
ctPicosec :: IntegerPicoseconds
ctWDay :: DayDay of the week
ctYDay :: IntDay of the year (0 to 364, or 365 in leap years)
ctTZName :: StringName of the time zone
ctTZ :: IntVariation from UTC in seconds
ctIsDST :: BoolTrue if Daylight Savings Time would be in effect, and False otherwise
show/hide Instances
data Month Source
A month of the year.
show/hide Instances
data Day Source
A day of the week.
show/hide Instances
toCalendarTime :: ClockTime -> IO CalendarTimeSource
converts an internal clock time to a local time, modified by the timezone and daylight savings time settings in force at the time of conversion. Because of this dependence on the local environment, toCalendarTime is in the IO monad.
toUTCTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTimeSource
converts an internal clock time into a CalendarTime in standard UTC format.
toClockTime :: CalendarTime -> ClockTimeSource
converts a CalendarTime into the corresponding internal ClockTime, ignoring the contents of the ctWDay, ctYDay, ctTZName and ctIsDST fields.
calendarTimeToString :: CalendarTime -> StringSource
formats calendar times using local conventions.
formatCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> CalendarTime -> StringSource
formats calendar times using local conventions and a formatting string. The formatting string is that understood by the ISO C strftime() function.
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