Synopsis |
newtype Day |
The Modified Julian Day is a standard count of days, with zero being the day 1858-11-17.
| Constructors | ModifiedJulianDay | | toModifiedJulianDay :: Integer | |
| Instances | |
addDays :: Integer -> Day -> Day |
diffDays :: Day -> Day -> Integer |
Gregorian calendar
toGregorian :: Day -> (Integer, Int, Int) |
convert to proleptic Gregorian calendar. First element of result is year, second month number (1-12), third day (1-31).
fromGregorian :: Integer -> Int -> Int -> Day |
convert from proleptic Gregorian calendar. First argument is year, second month number (1-12), third day (1-31).
Invalid values will be clipped to the correct range, month first, then day.
showGregorian :: Day -> String |
show in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-dd)
gregorianMonthLength :: Integer -> Int -> Int |
The number of days in a given month according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar. First argument is year, second is month.
addGregorianMonthsClip :: Integer -> Day -> Day |
Add months, with days past the last day of the month clipped to the last day.
For instance, 2005-01-30 + 1 month = 2005-02-28.
addGregorianMonthsRollOver :: Integer -> Day -> Day |
Add months, with days past the last day of the month rolling over to the next month.
For instance, 2005-01-30 + 1 month = 2005-03-02.
addGregorianYearsClip :: Integer -> Day -> Day |
Add years, matching month and day, with Feb 29th clipped to Feb 28th if necessary.
For instance, 2004-02-29 + 2 years = 2006-02-28.
addGregorianYearsRollOver :: Integer -> Day -> Day |
Add years, matching month and day, with Feb 29th rolled over to Mar 1st if necessary.
For instance, 2004-02-29 + 2 years = 2006-03-01.
isLeapYear :: Integer -> Bool |
Is this year a leap year according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar?
Produced by Haddock version 2.3.0 |