6.6. Observing Code Coverage

Code coverage tools allow a programmer to determine what parts of their code have been actually executed, and which parts have never actually been invoked. GHC has an option for generating instrumented code that records code coverage as part of the Haskell Program Coverage (HPC) toolkit, which is included with GHC. HPC tools can be used to render the generated code coverage information into human understandable format.

Correctly instrumented code provides coverage information of two kinds: source coverage and boolean-control coverage. Source coverage is the extent to which every part of the program was used, measured at three different levels: declarations (both top-level and local), alternatives (among several equations or case branches) and expressions (at every level). Boolean coverage is the extent to which each of the values True and False is obtained in every syntactic boolean context (ie. guard, condition, qualifier).

HPC displays both kinds of information in two primary ways: textual reports with summary statistics (hpc report) and sources with color mark-up (hpc markup). For boolean coverage, there are four possible outcomes for each guard, condition or qualifier: both True and False values occur; only True; only False; never evaluated. In hpc-markup output, highlighting with a yellow background indicates a part of the program that was never evaluated; a green background indicates an always-True expression and a red background indicates an always-False one.

6.6.1. A small example: Reciprocation

For an example we have a program, called Recip.hs, which computes exact decimal representations of reciprocals, with recurring parts indicated in brackets.

reciprocal :: Int -> (String, Int)
reciprocal n | n > 1 = ('0' : '.' : digits, recur)
             | otherwise = error
	          "attempting to compute reciprocal of number <= 1"
  (digits, recur) = divide n 1 []
divide :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> (String, Int)
divide n c cs | c `elem` cs = ([], position c cs)
              | r == 0      = (show q, 0)
              | r /= 0      = (show q ++ digits, recur)
  (q, r) = (c*10) `quotRem` n
  (digits, recur) = divide n r (c:cs)

position :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
position n (x:xs) | n==x      = 1
                  | otherwise = 1 + position n xs

showRecip :: Int -> String
showRecip n =
  "1/" ++ show n ++ " = " ++
  if r==0 then d else take p d ++ "(" ++ drop p d ++ ")"
  p = length d - r
  (d, r) = reciprocal n

main = do
  number <- readLn
  putStrLn (showRecip number)

The HPC instrumentation is enabled using the -fhpc flag.

$ ghc -fhpc Recip.hs --make 

HPC index (.mix) files are placed placed in .hpc subdirectory. These can be considered like the .hi files for HPC.

$ ./Recip
= 0.(3)

We can generate a textual summary of coverage:

$ hpc report Recip
 80% expressions used (81/101)
 12% boolean coverage (1/8)
      14% guards (1/7), 3 always True, 
                        1 always False, 
                        2 unevaluated
       0% 'if' conditions (0/1), 1 always False
     100% qualifiers (0/0)
 55% alternatives used (5/9)
100% local declarations used (9/9)
100% top-level declarations used (5/5)

We can also generate a marked-up version of the source.

$ hpc markup Recip
writing Recip.hs.html

This generates one file per Haskell module, and 4 index files, hpc_index.html, hpc_index_alt.html, hpc_index_exp.html, hpc_index_fun.html.

6.6.2. Options for instrumenting code for coverage

Turning on code coverage is easy, use the -fhpc flag. Instrumented and non-instrumented can be freely mixed. When compiling the Main module GHC automatically detects when there is an hpc compiled file, and adds the correct initialization code.

6.6.3. The hpc toolkit

The hpc toolkit uses a cvs/svn/darcs-like interface, where a single binary contains many function units.

$ hpc 
Usage: hpc COMMAND ...

  help        Display help for hpc or a single command
Reporting Coverage:
  report      Output textual report about program coverage
  markup      Markup Haskell source with program coverage
Processing Coverage files:
  sum         Sum multiple .tix files in a single .tix file
  combine     Combine two .tix files in a single .tix file
  map         Map a function over a single .tix file
Coverage Overlays:
  overlay     Generate a .tix file from an overlay file
  draft       Generate draft overlay that provides 100% coverage
  show        Show .tix file in readable, verbose format
  version     Display version for hpc

In general, these options act on .tix file after an instrumented binary has generated it, which hpc acting as a conduit between the raw .tix file, and the more detailed reports produced.

The hpc tool assumes you are in the top-level directory of the location where you built your application, and the .tix file is in the same top-level directory. You can use the flag --srcdir to use hpc for any other directory, and use --srcdir multiple times to analyse programs compiled from difference locations, as is typical for packages.

We now explain in more details the major modes of hpc. hpc report

hpc report gives a textual report of coverage. By default, all modules and packages are considered in generating report, unless include or exclude are used. The report is a summary unless the --per-module flag is used. The --xml-output option allows for tools to use hpc to glean coverage.

$ hpc help report
Usage: hpc report [OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]


    --per-module                  show module level detail
    --decl-list                   show unused decls
    --exclude=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --include=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  include MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --srcdir=DIR                  path to source directory of .hs files
                                  multi-use of srcdir possible
    --hpcdir=DIR                  sub-directory that contains .mix files
                                  default .hpc [rarely used]
    --xml-output                  show output in XML hpc markup

hpc markup marks up source files into colored html.

$ hpc help markup
Usage: hpc markup [OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<MODULE> [<MODULE> ..]]


    --exclude=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --include=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  include MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --srcdir=DIR                  path to source directory of .hs files
                                  multi-use of srcdir possible
    --hpcdir=DIR                  sub-directory that contains .mix files
                                  default .hpc [rarely used]
    --fun-entry-count             show top-level function entry counts
    --highlight-covered           highlight covered code, rather that code gaps
    --destdir=DIR                 path to write output to hpc sum

hpc sum adds together any number of .tix files into a single .tix file. hpc sum does not change the original .tix file; it generates a new .tix file.

$ hpc help sum
Usage: hpc sum [OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> [<TIX_FILE> [<TIX_FILE> ..]]
Sum multiple .tix files in a single .tix file


    --exclude=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --include=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  include MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --output=FILE                 output FILE
    --union                       use the union of the module namespace (default is intersection) hpc combine

hpc combine is the swiss army knife of hpc. It can be used to take the difference between .tix files, to subtract one .tix file from another, or to add two .tix files. hpc combine does not change the original .tix file; it generates a new .tix file.

$ hpc help combine
Usage: hpc combine [OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> <TIX_FILE>
Combine two .tix files in a single .tix file


    --exclude=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --include=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  include MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --output=FILE                 output FILE
    --function=FUNCTION           combine .tix files with join function, default = ADD
                                  FUNCTION = ADD | DIFF | SUB
    --union                       use the union of the module namespace (default is intersection) hpc map

hpc map inverts or zeros a .tix file. hpc map does not change the original .tix file; it generates a new .tix file.

$ hpc help map
Usage: hpc map [OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE> 
Map a function over a single .tix file


    --exclude=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --include=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  include MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --output=FILE                 output FILE
    --function=FUNCTION           apply function to .tix files, default = ID
                                  FUNCTION = ID | INV | ZERO
    --union                       use the union of the module namespace (default is intersection) hpc overlay and hpc draft

Overlays are an experimental feature of HPC, a textual description of coverage. hpc draft is used to generate a draft overlay from a .tix file, and hpc overlay generates a .tix files from an overlay.

% hpc help overlay
Usage: hpc overlay [OPTION] .. <OVERLAY_FILE> [<OVERLAY_FILE> [...]]


    --srcdir=DIR   path to source directory of .hs files
                   multi-use of srcdir possible
    --hpcdir=DIR   sub-directory that contains .mix files
                   default .hpc [rarely used]
    --output=FILE  output FILE
% hpc help draft  
Usage: hpc draft [OPTION] .. <TIX_FILE>


    --exclude=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  exclude MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --include=[PACKAGE:][MODULE]  include MODULE and/or PACKAGE
    --srcdir=DIR                  path to source directory of .hs files
                                  multi-use of srcdir possible
    --hpcdir=DIR                  sub-directory that contains .mix files
                                  default .hpc [rarely used]
    --output=FILE                 output FILE

6.6.4. Caveats and Shortcomings of Haskell Program Coverage

HPC does not attempt to lock the .tix file, so multiple concurrently running binaries in the same directory will exhibit a race condition. There is no way to change the name of the .tix file generated, apart from renaming the binary. HPC does not work with GHCi.