ghc-6.10.3: The GHC APIContentsIndex
newtype GenCmm d h g = Cmm [GenCmmTop d h g]
type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
type RawCmm = GenCmm CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
data GenCmmTop d h g
= CmmProc h CLabel CmmFormalsWithoutKinds g
| CmmData Section [d]
type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
type RawCmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
newtype ListGraph i = ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i]
cmmMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g'
cmmTopMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g'
cmmMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmm d h g -> m (GenCmm d h g')
cmmTopMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> m (GenCmmTop d h g')
data CmmInfo = CmmInfo (Maybe BlockId) (Maybe UpdateFrame) CmmInfoTable
data UpdateFrame = UpdateFrame CmmExpr [CmmExpr]
data CmmInfoTable
= CmmInfoTable ProfilingInfo ClosureTypeTag ClosureTypeInfo
| CmmNonInfoTable
data ClosureTypeInfo
= ConstrInfo ClosureLayout ConstrTag ConstrDescription
| FunInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT FunType FunArity ArgDescr SlowEntry
| ThunkInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT
| ThunkSelectorInfo SelectorOffset C_SRT
| ContInfo [Maybe LocalReg] C_SRT
data ProfilingInfo = ProfilingInfo CmmLit CmmLit
type ClosureTypeTag = StgHalfWord
data GenBasicBlock i = BasicBlock BlockId [i]
type CmmBasicBlock = GenBasicBlock CmmStmt
blockId :: GenBasicBlock i -> BlockId
blockStmts :: GenBasicBlock i -> [i]
mapBlockStmts :: (i -> i') -> GenBasicBlock i -> GenBasicBlock i'
data CmmReturnInfo
= CmmMayReturn
| CmmNeverReturns
data CmmStmt
= CmmNop
| CmmComment FastString
| CmmAssign CmmReg CmmExpr
| CmmStore CmmExpr CmmExpr
| CmmCall CmmCallTarget CmmFormals CmmActuals CmmSafety CmmReturnInfo
| CmmBranch BlockId
| CmmCondBranch CmmExpr BlockId
| CmmSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId]
| CmmJump CmmExpr CmmActuals
| CmmReturn CmmActuals
type CmmActual = CmmKinded CmmExpr
type CmmActuals = [CmmActual]
type CmmFormal = CmmKinded LocalReg
type CmmFormals = [CmmFormal]
type CmmKind = MachHint
type CmmFormalsWithoutKinds = [CmmFormalWithoutKind]
type CmmFormalWithoutKind = LocalReg
data CmmKinded a = CmmKinded {
kindlessCmm :: a
cmmKind :: CmmKind
data CmmSafety
= CmmUnsafe
| CmmSafe C_SRT
data CmmCallTarget
= CmmCallee CmmExpr CCallConv
| CmmPrim CallishMachOp
data CmmStatic
= CmmStaticLit CmmLit
| CmmUninitialised Int
| CmmAlign Int
| CmmDataLabel CLabel
| CmmString [Word8]
data Section
= Text
| Data
| ReadOnlyData
| RelocatableReadOnlyData
| UninitialisedData
| ReadOnlyData16
| OtherSection String
module CmmExpr
newtype GenCmm d h g
Cmm [GenCmmTop d h g]
show/hide Instances
(Outputable d, Outputable info, Outputable g) => Outputable (GenCmm d info g)
type Cmm = GenCmm CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
Cmm with the info table as a data type
type RawCmm = GenCmm CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
Cmm with the info tables converted to a list of CmmStatic
data GenCmmTop d h g
A top-level chunk, abstracted over the type of the contents of the basic blocks (Cmm or instructions are the likely instantiations).
CmmProc h CLabel CmmFormalsWithoutKinds g
CmmData Section [d]
show/hide Instances
type CmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic CmmInfo (ListGraph CmmStmt)
type RawCmmTop = GenCmmTop CmmStatic [CmmStatic] (ListGraph CmmStmt)
newtype ListGraph i
A control-flow graph represented as a list of extended basic blocks.
ListGraph [GenBasicBlock i]Code, may be empty. The first block is the entry point. The order is otherwise initially unimportant, but at some point the code gen will fix the order.
show/hide Instances
cmmMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmm d h g -> GenCmm d h g'
cmmTopMapGraph :: (g -> g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> GenCmmTop d h g'
cmmMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmm d h g -> m (GenCmm d h g')
cmmTopMapGraphM :: Monad m => (String -> g -> m g') -> GenCmmTop d h g -> m (GenCmmTop d h g')
data CmmInfo
CmmInfo (Maybe BlockId) (Maybe UpdateFrame) CmmInfoTable
show/hide Instances
data UpdateFrame
A frame that is to be pushed before entry to the function. Used to handle update frames.
UpdateFrame CmmExpr [CmmExpr]
data CmmInfoTable
CmmInfoTable ProfilingInfo ClosureTypeTag ClosureTypeInfo
data ClosureTypeInfo
ConstrInfo ClosureLayout ConstrTag ConstrDescription
FunInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT FunType FunArity ArgDescr SlowEntry
ThunkInfo ClosureLayout C_SRT
ThunkSelectorInfo SelectorOffset C_SRT
ContInfo [Maybe LocalReg] C_SRT
data ProfilingInfo
ProfilingInfo CmmLit CmmLit
type ClosureTypeTag = StgHalfWord
data GenBasicBlock i
BasicBlock BlockId [i]
show/hide Instances
type CmmBasicBlock = GenBasicBlock CmmStmt
blockId :: GenBasicBlock i -> BlockId
blockStmts :: GenBasicBlock i -> [i]
mapBlockStmts :: (i -> i') -> GenBasicBlock i -> GenBasicBlock i'
data CmmReturnInfo
data CmmStmt
CmmComment FastString
CmmAssign CmmReg CmmExpr
CmmStore CmmExpr CmmExpr
CmmCall CmmCallTarget CmmFormals CmmActuals CmmSafety CmmReturnInfo
CmmBranch BlockId
CmmCondBranch CmmExpr BlockId
CmmSwitch CmmExpr [Maybe BlockId]
CmmJump CmmExpr CmmActuals
CmmReturn CmmActuals
show/hide Instances
type CmmActual = CmmKinded CmmExpr
type CmmActuals = [CmmActual]
type CmmFormal = CmmKinded LocalReg
type CmmFormals = [CmmFormal]
type CmmKind = MachHint
type CmmFormalsWithoutKinds = [CmmFormalWithoutKind]
type CmmFormalWithoutKind = LocalReg
data CmmKinded a
kindlessCmm :: a
cmmKind :: CmmKind
show/hide Instances
data CmmSafety
CmmSafe C_SRT
show/hide Instances
data CmmCallTarget
CmmCallee CmmExpr CCallConv
CmmPrim CallishMachOp
show/hide Instances
data CmmStatic
CmmStaticLit CmmLit
CmmUninitialised Int
CmmAlign Int
CmmDataLabel CLabel
CmmString [Word8]
show/hide Instances
data Section
OtherSection String
module CmmExpr
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