Win32- A binding to part of the Win32 librarySource codeContentsIndex
MaintainerEsa Ilari Vuokko <>
A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Win32.
type CharSet = UINTSource
type PitchAndFamily = UINTSource
type OutPrecision = UINTSource
type ClipPrecision = UINTSource
type FontQuality = UINTSource
type FontWeight = Word32Source
type FaceName = StringSource
aNSI_CHARSET :: CharSetSource
dEFAULT_CHARSET :: CharSetSource
sYMBOL_CHARSET :: CharSetSource
hANGEUL_CHARSET :: CharSetSource
dEFAULT_PITCH :: PitchAndFamilySource
oEM_CHARSET :: CharSetSource
fIXED_PITCH :: PitchAndFamilySource
vARIABLE_PITCH :: PitchAndFamilySource
fF_DONTCARE :: PitchAndFamilySource
fF_ROMAN :: PitchAndFamilySource
fF_SWISS :: PitchAndFamilySource
fF_MODERN :: PitchAndFamilySource
pitchMask :: PitchAndFamilySource
familyMask :: PitchAndFamilySource
fF_SCRIPT :: PitchAndFamilySource
fF_DECORATIVE :: PitchAndFamilySource
oUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
oUT_STRING_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
oUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
oUT_STROKE_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
oUT_TT_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
oUT_DEVICE_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
cLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS :: ClipPrecisionSource
oUT_RASTER_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
cLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS :: ClipPrecisionSource
oUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS :: OutPrecisionSource
cLIP_STROKE_PRECIS :: ClipPrecisionSource
cLIP_MASK :: ClipPrecisionSource
cLIP_LH_ANGLES :: ClipPrecisionSource
dEFAULT_QUALITY :: FontQualitySource
cLIP_TT_ALWAYS :: ClipPrecisionSource
dRAFT_QUALITY :: FontQualitySource
cLIP_EMBEDDED :: ClipPrecisionSource
pROOF_QUALITY :: FontQualitySource
fW_DONTCARE :: FontWeightSource
fW_THIN :: FontWeightSource
fW_EXTRALIGHT :: FontWeightSource
fW_LIGHT :: FontWeightSource
fW_NORMAL :: FontWeightSource
fW_MEDIUM :: FontWeightSource
fW_SEMIBOLD :: FontWeightSource
fW_BOLD :: FontWeightSource
fW_EXTRABOLD :: FontWeightSource
fW_HEAVY :: FontWeightSource
fW_REGULAR :: FontWeightSource
fW_ULTRALIGHT :: FontWeightSource
fW_DEMIBOLD :: FontWeightSource
createFont :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> FontWeight -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> CharSet -> OutPrecision -> ClipPrecision -> FontQuality -> PitchAndFamily -> FaceName -> IO HFONTSource
fW_ULTRABOLD :: FontWeightSource
fW_BLACK :: FontWeightSource
c_CreateFont :: INT -> INT -> INT -> INT -> FontWeight -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> CharSet -> OutPrecision -> ClipPrecision -> FontQuality -> PitchAndFamily -> LPCTSTR -> IO HFONTSource
deleteFont :: HFONT -> IO ()Source
type StockFont = WORDSource
oEM_FIXED_FONT :: StockFontSource
aNSI_FIXED_FONT :: StockFontSource
aNSI_VAR_FONT :: StockFontSource
sYSTEM_FONT :: StockFontSource
dEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT :: StockFontSource
getStockFont :: StockFont -> IO HFONTSource
sYSTEM_FIXED_FONT :: StockFontSource
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