ghc-6.12.1: The GHC APISource codeContentsIndex
type ProcPointSet = BlockSet
data Status
= ReachedBy ProcPointSet
| ProcPoint
callProcPoints :: CmmGraph -> ProcPointSet
minimalProcPointSet :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad ProcPointSet
addProcPointProtocols :: ProcPointSet -> ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad CmmGraph
splitAtProcPoints :: CLabel -> ProcPointSet -> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Status -> CmmTopZ -> FuelMonad [CmmTopZ]
procPointAnalysis :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv Status)
type ProcPointSet = BlockSetSource
data Status Source
ReachedBy ProcPointSet
show/hide Instances
callProcPoints :: CmmGraph -> ProcPointSetSource
minimalProcPointSet :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad ProcPointSetSource
addProcPointProtocols :: ProcPointSet -> ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad CmmGraphSource
Function optimize_calls chooses protocols only for those proc points that are relevant to the optimization explained above. The others are assigned by add_unassigned, which is not yet clever.
splitAtProcPoints :: CLabel -> ProcPointSet -> ProcPointSet -> BlockEnv Status -> CmmTopZ -> FuelMonad [CmmTopZ]Source
procPointAnalysis :: ProcPointSet -> CmmGraph -> FuelMonad (BlockEnv Status)Source
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