Synopsis |
Documentation |
The result of searching for an imported module.
| Constructors | Found ModLocation Module | The module was found
| NoPackage PackageId | The requested package was not found
| FoundMultiple [PackageId] | _Error_: both in multiple packages
| NotFound [FilePath] (Maybe PackageId) [PackageId] [PackageId] | The module was not found, including either
* the specified places were searched
* the package that this module should have been in
* list of packages in which the module was hidden,
* list of hidden packages containing this module
| NotFoundInPackage PackageId | The module was not found in this package
Locate a module that was imported by the user. We have the
module's name, and possibly a package name. Without a package
name, this function will use the search path and the known exposed
packages to find the module, if a package is specified then only
that package is searched for the module.
Locate a specific Module. The purpose of this function is to
create a ModLocation for a given Module, that is to find out
where the files associated with this module live. It is used when
reading the interface for a module mentioned by another interface,
for example (a system import).
Search for a module in the home package only.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |