ghc-6.12.1: The GHC APISource codeContentsIndex
Expressions proper
Abstract Haskell syntax for expressions.
type LHsExpr id = Located (HsExpr id)
type PostTcExpr = HsExpr Id
type PostTcTable = [(Name, Id)]
noPostTcExpr :: PostTcExpr
noPostTcTable :: PostTcTable
type SyntaxExpr id = HsExpr id
noSyntaxExpr :: SyntaxExpr id
type SyntaxTable id = [(Name, SyntaxExpr id)]
noSyntaxTable :: SyntaxTable id
data HsExpr id
= HsVar id
| HsIPVar (IPName id)
| HsOverLit (HsOverLit id)
| HsLit HsLit
| HsLam (MatchGroup id)
| HsApp (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| OpApp (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) Fixity (LHsExpr id)
| NegApp (LHsExpr id) (SyntaxExpr id)
| HsPar (LHsExpr id)
| SectionL (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| SectionR (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| ExplicitTuple [HsTupArg id] Boxity
| HsCase (LHsExpr id) (MatchGroup id)
| HsIf (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| HsLet (HsLocalBinds id) (LHsExpr id)
| HsDo (HsStmtContext Name) [LStmt id] (LHsExpr id) PostTcType
| ExplicitList PostTcType [LHsExpr id]
| ExplicitPArr PostTcType [LHsExpr id]
| RecordCon (Located id) PostTcExpr (HsRecordBinds id)
| RecordUpd (LHsExpr id) (HsRecordBinds id) [DataCon] [PostTcType] [PostTcType]
| ExprWithTySig (LHsExpr id) (LHsType id)
| ExprWithTySigOut (LHsExpr id) (LHsType Name)
| ArithSeq PostTcExpr (ArithSeqInfo id)
| PArrSeq PostTcExpr (ArithSeqInfo id)
| HsSCC FastString (LHsExpr id)
| HsCoreAnn FastString (LHsExpr id)
| HsBracket (HsBracket id)
| HsBracketOut (HsBracket Name) [PendingSplice]
| HsSpliceE (HsSplice id)
| HsQuasiQuoteE (HsQuasiQuote id)
| HsProc (LPat id) (LHsCmdTop id)
| HsArrApp (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) PostTcType HsArrAppType Bool
| HsArrForm (LHsExpr id) (Maybe Fixity) [LHsCmdTop id]
| HsTick Int [id] (LHsExpr id)
| HsBinTick Int Int (LHsExpr id)
| HsTickPragma (FastString, (Int, Int), (Int, Int)) (LHsExpr id)
| EWildPat
| EAsPat (Located id) (LHsExpr id)
| EViewPat (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| ELazyPat (LHsExpr id)
| HsType (LHsType id)
| HsWrap HsWrapper (HsExpr id)
data HsTupArg id
= Present (LHsExpr id)
| Missing PostTcType
tupArgPresent :: HsTupArg id -> Bool
type PendingSplice = (Name, LHsExpr Id)
pprLExpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprExpr :: OutputableBndr id => HsExpr id -> SDoc
isQuietHsExpr :: HsExpr id -> Bool
pprBinds :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsLocalBindsLR idL idR -> SDoc
ppr_lexpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
ppr_expr :: OutputableBndr id => HsExpr id -> SDoc
pprCmdArg :: OutputableBndr id => HsCmdTop id -> SDoc
pa_brackets :: SDoc -> SDoc
pprDebugParendExpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprParendExpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDoc
isAtomicHsExpr :: HsExpr id -> Bool
type HsCmd id = HsExpr id
type LHsCmd id = LHsExpr id
data HsArrAppType
= HsHigherOrderApp
| HsFirstOrderApp
type LHsCmdTop id = Located (HsCmdTop id)
data HsCmdTop id = HsCmdTop (LHsCmd id) [PostTcType] PostTcType (SyntaxTable id)
type HsRecordBinds id = HsRecFields id (LHsExpr id)
data MatchGroup id = MatchGroup [LMatch id] PostTcType
type LMatch id = Located (Match id)
data Match id = Match [LPat id] (Maybe (LHsType id)) (GRHSs id)
isEmptyMatchGroup :: MatchGroup id -> Bool
matchGroupArity :: MatchGroup id -> Arity
hsLMatchPats :: LMatch id -> [LPat id]
data GRHSs id = GRHSs {
grhssGRHSs :: [LGRHS id]
grhssLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds id
type LGRHS id = Located (GRHS id)
data GRHS id = GRHS [LStmt id] (LHsExpr id)
pprMatches :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> MatchGroup idR -> SDoc
pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => idL -> Bool -> MatchGroup idR -> SDoc
pprPatBind :: (OutputableBndr bndr, OutputableBndr id) => LPat bndr -> GRHSs id -> SDoc
pprMatch :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> Match idR -> SDoc
pprGRHSs :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> GRHSs idR -> SDoc
pprGRHS :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> GRHS idR -> SDoc
pp_rhs :: OutputableBndr idR => HsMatchContext idL -> LHsExpr idR -> SDoc
type LStmt id = Located (StmtLR id id)
type LStmtLR idL idR = Located (StmtLR idL idR)
type Stmt id = StmtLR id id
data GroupByClause id
= GroupByNothing (LHsExpr id)
| GroupBySomething (Either (LHsExpr id) (SyntaxExpr id)) (LHsExpr id)
data StmtLR idL idR
= BindStmt (LPat idL) (LHsExpr idR) (SyntaxExpr idR) (SyntaxExpr idR)
| ExprStmt (LHsExpr idR) (SyntaxExpr idR) PostTcType
| LetStmt (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR)
| ParStmt [([LStmt idL], [idR])]
| TransformStmt ([LStmt idL], [idR]) (LHsExpr idR) (Maybe (LHsExpr idR))
| GroupStmt ([LStmt idL], [(idR, idR)]) (GroupByClause idR)
| RecStmt {
recS_stmts :: [LStmtLR idL idR]
recS_later_ids :: [idR]
recS_rec_ids :: [idR]
recS_bind_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR
recS_ret_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR
recS_mfix_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR
recS_rec_rets :: [PostTcExpr]
recS_dicts :: DictBinds idR
pprStmt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => StmtLR idL idR -> SDoc
pprGroupByClause :: OutputableBndr id => GroupByClause id -> SDoc
pprDo :: OutputableBndr id => HsStmtContext any -> [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
ppr_do_stmts :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
pprComp :: OutputableBndr id => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDoc
data HsSplice id = HsSplice id (LHsExpr id)
pprSplice :: OutputableBndr id => HsSplice id -> SDoc
data HsBracket id
= ExpBr (LHsExpr id)
| PatBr (LPat id)
| DecBr (HsGroup id)
| TypBr (LHsType id)
| VarBr id
pprHsBracket :: OutputableBndr id => HsBracket id -> SDoc
thBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
data ArithSeqInfo id
= From (LHsExpr id)
| FromThen (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| FromTo (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
| FromThenTo (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
pp_dotdot :: SDoc
data HsMatchContext id
= FunRhs id Bool
| CaseAlt
| LambdaExpr
| ProcExpr
| PatBindRhs
| RecUpd
| StmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id)
data HsStmtContext id
= ListComp
| DoExpr
| MDoExpr PostTcTable
| PArrComp
| PatGuard (HsMatchContext id)
| ParStmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id)
| TransformStmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id)
isDoExpr :: HsStmtContext id -> Bool
isListCompExpr :: HsStmtContext id -> Bool
matchSeparator :: HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
pprMatchContext :: Outputable id => HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
pprStmtContext :: Outputable id => HsStmtContext id -> SDoc
matchContextErrString :: Outputable id => HsMatchContext id -> SDoc
pprMatchInCtxt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> Match idR -> SDoc
pprStmtInCtxt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsStmtContext idL -> StmtLR idL idR -> SDoc
Expressions proper
type LHsExpr id = Located (HsExpr id)Source
type PostTcExpr = HsExpr IdSource
PostTcExpr is an evidence expression attached to the syntax tree by the type checker (c.f. postTcType).
type PostTcTable = [(Name, Id)]Source
We use a PostTcTable where there are a bunch of pieces of evidence, more than is convenient to keep individually.
noPostTcExpr :: PostTcExprSource
noPostTcTable :: PostTcTableSource
type SyntaxExpr id = HsExpr idSource

SyntaxExpr is like PostTcExpr, but it's filled in a little earlier, by the renamer. It's used for rebindable syntax.

E.g. (>>=) is filled in before the renamer by the appropriate Name for (>>=), and then instantiated by the type checker with its type args tec

noSyntaxExpr :: SyntaxExpr idSource
type SyntaxTable id = [(Name, SyntaxExpr id)]Source

Currently used only for CmdTop (sigh)

  • Before the renamer, this list is noSyntaxTable
  • After the renamer, it takes the form [(std_name, HsVar actual_name)] For example, for the return op of a monad
  • normal case: (GHC.Base.return, HsVar GHC.Base.return)
  • with rebindable syntax: (GHC.Base.return, return_22) where return_22 is whatever return is in scope
  • After the type checker, it takes the form [(std_name, expression)] where expression is the evidence for the method
noSyntaxTable :: SyntaxTable idSource
data HsExpr id Source
A Haskell expression.
HsVar idvariable
HsIPVar (IPName id)implicit parameter
HsOverLit (HsOverLit id)Overloaded literals
HsLit HsLitSimple (non-overloaded) literals
HsLam (MatchGroup id)
HsApp (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
OpApp (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) Fixity (LHsExpr id)
NegApp (LHsExpr id) (SyntaxExpr id)
HsPar (LHsExpr id)
SectionL (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
SectionR (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
ExplicitTuple [HsTupArg id] Boxity
HsCase (LHsExpr id) (MatchGroup id)
HsIf (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
HsLet (HsLocalBinds id) (LHsExpr id)
HsDo (HsStmtContext Name) [LStmt id] (LHsExpr id) PostTcType
ExplicitList PostTcType [LHsExpr id]
ExplicitPArr PostTcType [LHsExpr id]
RecordCon (Located id) PostTcExpr (HsRecordBinds id)
RecordUpd (LHsExpr id) (HsRecordBinds id) [DataCon] [PostTcType] [PostTcType]
ExprWithTySig (LHsExpr id) (LHsType id)
ExprWithTySigOut (LHsExpr id) (LHsType Name)
ArithSeq PostTcExpr (ArithSeqInfo id)
PArrSeq PostTcExpr (ArithSeqInfo id)
HsSCC FastString (LHsExpr id)
HsCoreAnn FastString (LHsExpr id)
HsBracket (HsBracket id)
HsBracketOut (HsBracket Name) [PendingSplice]
HsSpliceE (HsSplice id)
HsQuasiQuoteE (HsQuasiQuote id)
HsProc (LPat id) (LHsCmdTop id)
HsArrApp (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) PostTcType HsArrAppType Bool
HsArrForm (LHsExpr id) (Maybe Fixity) [LHsCmdTop id]
HsTick Int [id] (LHsExpr id)
HsBinTick Int Int (LHsExpr id)
HsTickPragma (FastString, (Int, Int), (Int, Int)) (LHsExpr id)
EAsPat (Located id) (LHsExpr id)
EViewPat (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
ELazyPat (LHsExpr id)
HsType (LHsType id)
HsWrap HsWrapper (HsExpr id)
show/hide Instances
data HsTupArg id Source
Present (LHsExpr id)
Missing PostTcType
tupArgPresent :: HsTupArg id -> BoolSource
type PendingSplice = (Name, LHsExpr Id)Source
pprLExpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
pprExpr :: OutputableBndr id => HsExpr id -> SDocSource
isQuietHsExpr :: HsExpr id -> BoolSource
pprBinds :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsLocalBindsLR idL idR -> SDocSource
ppr_lexpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
ppr_expr :: OutputableBndr id => HsExpr id -> SDocSource
pprCmdArg :: OutputableBndr id => HsCmdTop id -> SDocSource
pa_brackets :: SDoc -> SDocSource
pprDebugParendExpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
pprParendExpr :: OutputableBndr id => LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
isAtomicHsExpr :: HsExpr id -> BoolSource
type HsCmd id = HsExpr idSource
type LHsCmd id = LHsExpr idSource
data HsArrAppType Source
type LHsCmdTop id = Located (HsCmdTop id)Source
data HsCmdTop id Source
HsCmdTop (LHsCmd id) [PostTcType] PostTcType (SyntaxTable id)
show/hide Instances
type HsRecordBinds id = HsRecFields id (LHsExpr id)Source
data MatchGroup id Source
MatchGroup [LMatch id] PostTcType
type LMatch id = Located (Match id)Source
data Match id Source
Match [LPat id] (Maybe (LHsType id)) (GRHSs id)
isEmptyMatchGroup :: MatchGroup id -> BoolSource
matchGroupArity :: MatchGroup id -> AritySource
hsLMatchPats :: LMatch id -> [LPat id]Source
data GRHSs id Source
GRHSs are used both for pattern bindings and for Matches
grhssGRHSs :: [LGRHS id]Guarded RHSs
grhssLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds idThe where clause
type LGRHS id = Located (GRHS id)Source
data GRHS id Source
Guarded Right Hand Side.
GRHS [LStmt id] (LHsExpr id)
pprMatches :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> MatchGroup idR -> SDocSource
pprFunBind :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => idL -> Bool -> MatchGroup idR -> SDocSource
pprPatBind :: (OutputableBndr bndr, OutputableBndr id) => LPat bndr -> GRHSs id -> SDocSource
pprMatch :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> Match idR -> SDocSource
pprGRHSs :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> GRHSs idR -> SDocSource
pprGRHS :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> GRHS idR -> SDocSource
pp_rhs :: OutputableBndr idR => HsMatchContext idL -> LHsExpr idR -> SDocSource
type LStmt id = Located (StmtLR id id)Source
type LStmtLR idL idR = Located (StmtLR idL idR)Source
type Stmt id = StmtLR id idSource
data GroupByClause id Source
GroupByNothing (LHsExpr id)
GroupBySomething (Either (LHsExpr id) (SyntaxExpr id)) (LHsExpr id)
data StmtLR idL idR Source
BindStmt (LPat idL) (LHsExpr idR) (SyntaxExpr idR) (SyntaxExpr idR)
ExprStmt (LHsExpr idR) (SyntaxExpr idR) PostTcType
LetStmt (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR)
ParStmt [([LStmt idL], [idR])]
TransformStmt ([LStmt idL], [idR]) (LHsExpr idR) (Maybe (LHsExpr idR))
GroupStmt ([LStmt idL], [(idR, idR)]) (GroupByClause idR)
recS_stmts :: [LStmtLR idL idR]
recS_later_ids :: [idR]
recS_rec_ids :: [idR]
recS_bind_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR
recS_ret_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR
recS_mfix_fn :: SyntaxExpr idR
recS_rec_rets :: [PostTcExpr]
recS_dicts :: DictBinds idR
show/hide Instances
pprStmt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => StmtLR idL idR -> SDocSource
pprGroupByClause :: OutputableBndr id => GroupByClause id -> SDocSource
pprDo :: OutputableBndr id => HsStmtContext any -> [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
ppr_do_stmts :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
pprComp :: OutputableBndr id => (SDoc -> SDoc) -> [LStmt id] -> LHsExpr id -> SDocSource
data HsSplice id Source
HsSplice id (LHsExpr id)
show/hide Instances
pprSplice :: OutputableBndr id => HsSplice id -> SDocSource
data HsBracket id Source
ExpBr (LHsExpr id)
PatBr (LPat id)
DecBr (HsGroup id)
TypBr (LHsType id)
VarBr id
show/hide Instances
pprHsBracket :: OutputableBndr id => HsBracket id -> SDocSource
thBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDocSource
data ArithSeqInfo id Source
From (LHsExpr id)
FromThen (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
FromTo (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
FromThenTo (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id) (LHsExpr id)
show/hide Instances
pp_dotdot :: SDocSource
data HsMatchContext id Source
FunRhs id Bool
StmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id)
data HsStmtContext id Source
MDoExpr PostTcTable
PatGuard (HsMatchContext id)
ParStmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id)
TransformStmtCtxt (HsStmtContext id)
isDoExpr :: HsStmtContext id -> BoolSource
isListCompExpr :: HsStmtContext id -> BoolSource
matchSeparator :: HsMatchContext id -> SDocSource
pprMatchContext :: Outputable id => HsMatchContext id -> SDocSource
pprStmtContext :: Outputable id => HsStmtContext id -> SDocSource
matchContextErrString :: Outputable id => HsMatchContext id -> SDocSource
pprMatchInCtxt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsMatchContext idL -> Match idR -> SDocSource
pprStmtInCtxt :: (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => HsStmtContext idL -> StmtLR idL idR -> SDocSource
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