Synopsis |
data AGraph m l | | (<*>) :: AGraph m l -> AGraph m l -> AGraph m l | | catAGraphs :: [AGraph m l] -> AGraph m l | | freshBlockId :: MonadUnique m => String -> m BlockId | | emptyAGraph :: AGraph m l | | withFreshLabel :: String -> (BlockId -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l | | withUnique :: (Unique -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l | | mkMiddle :: m -> AGraph m l | | mkMiddles :: [m] -> AGraph m l | | mkLast :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => l -> AGraph m l | | mkZTail :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => ZTail m l -> AGraph m l | | mkBranch :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => BlockId -> AGraph m l | | mkLabel :: LastNode l => BlockId -> AGraph m l | | mkIfThenElse :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => (BlockId -> BlockId -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l -> AGraph m l -> AGraph m l | | mkWhileDo :: (Outputable m, Outputable l, LastNode l) => (BlockId -> BlockId -> AGraph m l) -> AGraph m l -> AGraph m l | | outOfLine :: (LastNode l, Outputable m, Outputable l) => AGraph m l -> AGraph m l | | emptyGraph :: Graph m l | | graphOfMiddles :: [m] -> Graph m l | | graphOfZTail :: ZTail m l -> Graph m l | | lgraphOfAGraph :: AGraph m l -> UniqSM (LGraph m l) | | graphOfAGraph :: AGraph m l -> UniqSM (Graph m l) | | labelAGraph :: BlockId -> AGraph m l -> UniqSM (LGraph m l) | | pprAGraph :: (Outputable m, LastNode l, Outputable l) => AGraph m l -> UniqSM SDoc |
Documentation |
The string argument to freshBlockId was originally helpful in debugging
the Quick C-- compiler, so I have kept it here even though at present it is
thrown away at this spot---there's no reason a BlockId couldn't one day carry
a string.
A graph is built up by splicing together graphs each containing a
single node (where a label is considered a first node. The empty
graph is a left and right unit for splicing. All of the AGraph
constructors (even complex ones like mkIfThenElse, as well as the
splicing operation *, are constant-time operations.
This function provides access to fresh labels without requiring
clients to be programmed monadically.
For the structured control-flow constructs, a condition is
represented as a function that takes as arguments the labels to
goto on truth or falsehood.
mkIfThenElse mk_cond then else
= (mk_cond L1 L2) *> L1: then <* goto J
*> L2: else <* goto J
* J:
where L1, L2, J are fresh
The argument is an AGraph that has an
empty entry sequence and no exit sequence.
The result is a new AGraph that has an empty entry sequence
connected to an empty exit sequence, with the original graph
sitting to the side out-of-line.
Example: mkMiddle (x = 3)
*> outOfLine (mkLabel L <* ...stuff...)
* mkMiddle (y = x)
Control will flow directly from x=3 to y=x;
the block starting with L is on the side.
N.B. algebraically forall g g' : g *> outOfLine g' == outOfLine g' <* g
The functions below build Graphs directly; for convenience, they
are included here with the rest of the constructor functions.
Converting an abstract graph to a concrete form is expensive: the
cost is linear in the number of nodes in the answer, plus N log N
in the number of basic blocks. The conversion is also monadic
because it may require the allocation of fresh, unique labels.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |