Synopsis |
initTc :: HscEnv -> HscSource -> Bool -> Module -> TcM r -> IO (Messages, Maybe r) | | initTcPrintErrors :: HscEnv -> Module -> TcM r -> IO (Messages, Maybe r) | | initTcRnIf :: Char -> HscEnv -> gbl -> lcl -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> IO a | | getTopEnv :: TcRnIf gbl lcl HscEnv | | getGblEnv :: TcRnIf gbl lcl gbl | | updGblEnv :: (gbl -> gbl) -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | setGblEnv :: gbl -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | getLclEnv :: TcRnIf gbl lcl lcl | | updLclEnv :: (lcl -> lcl) -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | setLclEnv :: lcl' -> TcRnIf gbl lcl' a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | getEnvs :: TcRnIf gbl lcl (gbl, lcl) | | setEnvs :: (gbl', lcl') -> TcRnIf gbl' lcl' a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | getDOpts :: TcRnIf gbl lcl DynFlags | | doptM :: DynFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl Bool | | setOptM :: DynFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | unsetOptM :: DynFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | ifOptM :: DynFlag -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () | | getGhcMode :: TcRnIf gbl lcl GhcMode | | getEpsVar :: TcRnIf gbl lcl (TcRef ExternalPackageState) | | getEps :: TcRnIf gbl lcl ExternalPackageState | | updateEps :: (ExternalPackageState -> (ExternalPackageState, a)) -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | updateEps_ :: (ExternalPackageState -> ExternalPackageState) -> TcRnIf gbl lcl () | | getHpt :: TcRnIf gbl lcl HomePackageTable | | getEpsAndHpt :: TcRnIf gbl lcl (ExternalPackageState, HomePackageTable) | | newUnique :: TcRnIf gbl lcl Unique | | newUniqueSupply :: TcRnIf gbl lcl UniqSupply | | newLocalName :: Name -> TcRnIf gbl lcl Name | | newSysLocalIds :: FastString -> [TcType] -> TcRnIf gbl lcl [TcId] | | traceRn :: SDoc -> TcRn () | | traceSplice :: SDoc -> TcRn () | | traceTc :: SDoc -> TcRn () | | traceHiDiffs :: SDoc -> TcRnIf m n () | | traceIf :: SDoc -> TcRnIf m n () | | traceOptIf :: DynFlag -> SDoc -> TcRnIf m n () | | traceOptTcRn :: DynFlag -> SDoc -> TcRn () | | dumpTcRn :: SDoc -> TcRn () | | debugDumpTcRn :: SDoc -> TcRn () | | dumpOptTcRn :: DynFlag -> SDoc -> TcRn () | | getModule :: TcRn Module | | setModule :: Module -> TcRn a -> TcRn a | | tcIsHsBoot :: TcRn Bool | | getGlobalRdrEnv :: TcRn GlobalRdrEnv | | getRdrEnvs :: TcRn (GlobalRdrEnv, LocalRdrEnv) | | getImports :: TcRn ImportAvails | | getFixityEnv :: TcRn FixityEnv | | extendFixityEnv :: [(Name, FixItem)] -> RnM a -> RnM a | | getRecFieldEnv :: TcRn RecFieldEnv | | getDeclaredDefaultTys :: TcRn (Maybe [Type]) | | getSrcSpanM :: TcRn SrcSpan | | setSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> TcRn a -> TcRn a | | addLocM :: (a -> TcM b) -> Located a -> TcM b | | wrapLocM :: (a -> TcM b) -> Located a -> TcM (Located b) | | wrapLocFstM :: (a -> TcM (b, c)) -> Located a -> TcM (Located b, c) | | wrapLocSndM :: (a -> TcM (b, c)) -> Located a -> TcM (b, Located c) | | getErrsVar :: TcRn (TcRef Messages) | | setErrsVar :: TcRef Messages -> TcRn a -> TcRn a | | addErr :: Message -> TcRn () | | failWith :: Message -> TcRn a | | addErrAt :: SrcSpan -> Message -> TcRn () | | addErrs :: [(SrcSpan, Message)] -> TcRn () | | addWarn :: Message -> TcRn () | | addWarnAt :: SrcSpan -> Message -> TcRn () | | checkErr :: Bool -> Message -> TcRn () | | warnIf :: Bool -> Message -> TcRn () | | addMessages :: Messages -> TcRn () | | discardWarnings :: TcRn a -> TcRn a | | addReport :: Message -> Message -> TcRn () | | addReportAt :: SrcSpan -> Message -> Message -> TcRn () | | addLongErrAt :: SrcSpan -> Message -> Message -> TcRn () | | try_m :: TcRn r -> TcRn (Either IOEnvFailure r) | | recoverM :: TcRn r -> TcRn r -> TcRn r | | mapAndRecoverM :: (a -> TcRn b) -> [a] -> TcRn [b] | | tryTc :: TcRn a -> TcRn (Messages, Maybe a) | | tryTcErrs :: TcRn a -> TcRn (Messages, Maybe a) | | tryTcLIE :: TcM a -> TcM (Messages, Maybe a) | | tryTcLIE_ :: TcM r -> TcM r -> TcM r | | checkNoErrs :: TcM r -> TcM r | | ifErrsM :: TcRn r -> TcRn r -> TcRn r | | failIfErrsM :: TcRn () | | getErrCtxt :: TcM [ErrCtxt] | | setErrCtxt :: [ErrCtxt] -> TcM a -> TcM a | | addErrCtxt :: Message -> TcM a -> TcM a | | addErrCtxtM :: (TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, Message)) -> TcM a -> TcM a | | addLandmarkErrCtxt :: Message -> TcM a -> TcM a | | updCtxt :: ([ErrCtxt] -> [ErrCtxt]) -> TcM a -> TcM a | | maybeAddErrCtxt :: Maybe Message -> TcM a -> TcM a | | popErrCtxt :: TcM a -> TcM a | | getInstLoc :: InstOrigin -> TcM InstLoc | | setInstCtxt :: InstLoc -> TcM a -> TcM a | | addErrTc :: Message -> TcM () | | addErrsTc :: [Message] -> TcM () | | addErrTcM :: (TidyEnv, Message) -> TcM () | | failWithTc :: Message -> TcM a | | failWithTcM :: (TidyEnv, Message) -> TcM a | | checkTc :: Bool -> Message -> TcM () | | addWarnTc :: Message -> TcM () | | addWarnTcM :: (TidyEnv, Message) -> TcM () | | warnTc :: Bool -> Message -> TcM () | | tcInitTidyEnv :: TcM TidyEnv | | add_err_tcm :: TidyEnv -> Message -> SrcSpan -> [ErrCtxt] -> TcM () | | mkErrInfo :: TidyEnv -> [ErrCtxt] -> TcM SDoc | | mAX_CONTEXTS :: Int | | debugTc :: TcM () -> TcM () | | chooseUniqueOccTc :: (OccSet -> OccName) -> TcM OccName | | getLIEVar :: TcM (TcRef LIE) | | setLIEVar :: TcRef LIE -> TcM a -> TcM a | | getLIE :: TcM a -> TcM (a, [Inst]) | | extendLIE :: Inst -> TcM () | | extendLIEs :: [Inst] -> TcM () | | setLclTypeEnv :: TcLclEnv -> TcM a -> TcM a | | getTcTyVarBindsVar :: TcM (TcRef TcTyVarBinds) | | getTcTyVarBinds :: TcM a -> TcM (a, TcTyVarBinds) | | bindMetaTyVar :: TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcM () | | getTcTyVarBindsRelation :: TcM [(TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet)] | | recordThUse :: TcM () | | keepAliveTc :: Id -> TcM () | | keepAliveSetTc :: NameSet -> TcM () | | getStage :: TcM ThStage | | setStage :: ThStage -> TcM a -> TcM a | | getLocalRdrEnv :: RnM LocalRdrEnv | | setLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> RnM a -> RnM a | | mkIfLclEnv :: Module -> SDoc -> IfLclEnv | | initIfaceTcRn :: IfG a -> TcRn a | | initIfaceExtCore :: IfL a -> TcRn a | | initIfaceCheck :: HscEnv -> IfG a -> IO a | | initIfaceTc :: ModIface -> (TcRef TypeEnv -> IfL a) -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a | | initIfaceRules :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IfG a -> IO a | | initIfaceLcl :: Module -> SDoc -> IfL a -> IfM lcl a | | getIfModule :: IfL Module | | failIfM :: Message -> IfL a | | forkM_maybe :: SDoc -> IfL a -> IfL (Maybe a) | | forkM :: SDoc -> IfL a -> IfL a | | module TcRnTypes | | module IOEnv |
Documentation |
Do it flag is true
Update the external package state. Returns the second result of the
modifier function.
This is an atomic operation and forces evaluation of the modified EPS in
order to avoid space leaks.
Update the external package state.
This is an atomic operation and forces evaluation of the modified EPS in
order to avoid space leaks.
module TcRnTypes |
module IOEnv |
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |