ghc-6.12.1: The GHC APISource codeContentsIndex
Main data types representing Types
Constructing and deconstructing types
Common type constructors
Predicates on types
Main data types representing Kinds
Deconstructing Kinds
Common Kinds and SuperKinds
Common Kind type constructors
Predicates on Kinds
Type free variables
Tidying type related things up for printing
Type comparison
Forcing evaluation of types
Other views onto Types
Type representation for the code generator
Main type substitution data types
Manipulating type substitutions
Performing substitution on types
Main functions for manipulating types and type-related things
data TyThing
= AnId Id
| ADataCon DataCon
| ATyCon TyCon
| AClass Class
data Type
data PredType
= ClassP Class [Type]
| IParam (IPName Name) Type
| EqPred Type Type
type ThetaType = [PredType]
mkTyVarTy :: TyVar -> Type
mkTyVarTys :: [TyVar] -> [Type]
getTyVar :: String -> Type -> TyVar
getTyVar_maybe :: Type -> Maybe TyVar
mkAppTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkAppTys :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
splitAppTy :: Type -> (Type, Type)
splitAppTys :: Type -> (Type, [Type])
splitAppTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
repSplitAppTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
mkFunTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
mkFunTys :: [Type] -> Type -> Type
splitFunTy :: Type -> (Type, Type)
splitFunTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
splitFunTys :: Type -> ([Type], Type)
splitFunTysN :: Int -> Type -> ([Type], Type)
funResultTy :: Type -> Type
funArgTy :: Type -> Type
zipFunTys :: Outputable a => [a] -> Type -> ([(a, Type)], Type)
mkTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
mkTyConTy :: TyCon -> Type
tyConAppTyCon :: Type -> TyCon
tyConAppArgs :: Type -> [Type]
splitTyConApp_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
splitTyConApp :: Type -> (TyCon, [Type])
mkForAllTy :: TyVar -> Type -> Type
mkForAllTys :: [TyVar] -> Type -> Type
splitForAllTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyVar, Type)
splitForAllTys :: Type -> ([TyVar], Type)
applyTy :: Type -> Type -> Type
applyTys :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
applyTysD :: SDoc -> Type -> [Type] -> Type
isForAllTy :: Type -> Bool
dropForAlls :: Type -> Type
newTyConInstRhs :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
carefullySplitNewType_maybe :: [TyCon] -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe ([TyCon], Type)
tyFamInsts :: Type -> [(TyCon, [Type])]
predFamInsts :: PredType -> [(TyCon, [Type])]
mkPredTy :: PredType -> Type
mkPredTys :: ThetaType -> [Type]
mkFamilyTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type
funTyCon :: TyCon
isTyVarTy :: Type -> Bool
isFunTy :: Type -> Bool
isUnLiftedType :: Type -> Bool
isUnboxedTupleType :: Type -> Bool
isAlgType :: Type -> Bool
isClosedAlgType :: Type -> Bool
isPrimitiveType :: Type -> Bool
isStrictType :: Type -> Bool
isStrictPred :: PredType -> Bool
type Kind = Type
type SimpleKind = Kind
type KindVar = TyVar
kindFunResult :: Kind -> Kind
splitKindFunTys :: Kind -> ([Kind], Kind)
splitKindFunTysN :: Int -> Kind -> ([Kind], Kind)
liftedTypeKind :: Kind
unliftedTypeKind :: Kind
openTypeKind :: Kind
argTypeKind :: Kind
ubxTupleKind :: Kind
tySuperKind :: SuperKind
coSuperKind :: SuperKind
liftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon
openTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon
unliftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon
argTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon
ubxTupleKindTyCon :: TyCon
isLiftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isUnliftedTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isOpenTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isUbxTupleKind :: Kind -> Bool
isArgTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isKind :: Kind -> Bool
isTySuperKind :: SuperKind -> Bool
isCoSuperKind :: SuperKind -> Bool
isSuperKind :: Type -> Bool
isCoercionKind :: Kind -> Bool
isEqPred :: PredType -> Bool
mkArrowKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind
mkArrowKinds :: [Kind] -> Kind -> Kind
isSubArgTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isSubOpenTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
isSubKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
defaultKind :: Kind -> Kind
eqKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
isSubKindCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> Bool
tyVarsOfType :: Type -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfPred :: PredType -> TyVarSet
tyVarsOfTheta :: ThetaType -> TyVarSet
typeKind :: Type -> Kind
expandTypeSynonyms :: Type -> Type
tidyType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> Type
tidyTypes :: TidyEnv -> [Type] -> [Type]
tidyOpenType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, Type)
tidyOpenTypes :: TidyEnv -> [Type] -> (TidyEnv, [Type])
tidyTyVarBndr :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> (TidyEnv, TyVar)
tidyFreeTyVars :: TidyEnv -> TyVarSet -> TidyEnv
tidyOpenTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> (TidyEnv, TyVar)
tidyOpenTyVars :: TidyEnv -> [TyVar] -> (TidyEnv, [TyVar])
tidyTopType :: Type -> Type
tidyPred :: TidyEnv -> PredType -> PredType
tidyKind :: TidyEnv -> Kind -> (TidyEnv, Kind)
coreEqType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
tcEqType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
tcEqTypes :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Bool
tcCmpType :: Type -> Type -> Ordering
tcCmpTypes :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Ordering
tcEqPred :: PredType -> PredType -> Bool
tcEqPredX :: RnEnv2 -> PredType -> PredType -> Bool
tcCmpPred :: PredType -> PredType -> Ordering
tcEqTypeX :: RnEnv2 -> Type -> Type -> Bool
tcPartOfType :: Type -> Type -> Bool
tcPartOfPred :: Type -> PredType -> Bool
seqType :: Type -> ()
seqTypes :: [Type] -> ()
coreView :: Type -> Maybe Type
tcView :: Type -> Maybe Type
kindView :: Kind -> Maybe Kind
repType :: Type -> Type
data PrimRep
= VoidRep
| PtrRep
| IntRep
| WordRep
| Int64Rep
| Word64Rep
| AddrRep
| FloatRep
| DoubleRep
typePrimRep :: Type -> PrimRep
predTypeRep :: PredType -> Type
type TvSubstEnv = TyVarEnv Type
data TvSubst = TvSubst InScopeSet TvSubstEnv
emptyTvSubstEnv :: TvSubstEnv
emptyTvSubst :: TvSubst
mkTvSubst :: InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubst
mkOpenTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv -> TvSubst
zipOpenTvSubst :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubst
zipTopTvSubst :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubst
mkTopTvSubst :: [(TyVar, Type)] -> TvSubst
notElemTvSubst :: TyVar -> TvSubst -> Bool
getTvSubstEnv :: TvSubst -> TvSubstEnv
setTvSubstEnv :: TvSubst -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubst
getTvInScope :: TvSubst -> InScopeSet
extendTvInScope :: TvSubst -> [Var] -> TvSubst
extendTvSubst :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> Type -> TvSubst
extendTvSubstList :: TvSubst -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubst
isInScope :: Var -> TvSubst -> Bool
composeTvSubst :: InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstEnv
zipTyEnv :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubstEnv
isEmptyTvSubst :: TvSubst -> Bool
substTy :: TvSubst -> Type -> Type
substTys :: TvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type]
substTyWith :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> Type
substTysWith :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]
substTheta :: TvSubst -> ThetaType -> ThetaType
substPred :: TvSubst -> PredType -> PredType
substTyVar :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> Type
substTyVars :: TvSubst -> [TyVar] -> [Type]
substTyVarBndr :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> (TvSubst, TyVar)
deShadowTy :: TyVarSet -> Type -> Type
lookupTyVar :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> Maybe Type
pprType :: Type -> SDoc
pprParendType :: Type -> SDoc
pprTypeApp :: NamedThing a => a -> [Type] -> SDoc
pprTyThingCategory :: TyThing -> SDoc
pprTyThing :: TyThing -> SDoc
pprForAll :: [TyVar] -> SDoc
pprPred :: PredType -> SDoc
pprTheta :: ThetaType -> SDoc
pprThetaArrow :: ThetaType -> SDoc
pprClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> SDoc
pprKind :: Kind -> SDoc
pprParendKind :: Kind -> SDoc
pprSourceTyCon :: TyCon -> SDoc
Main data types representing Types

Types are one of:

Iff its representation is other than a pointer Unboxed types are also unlifted.
Iff it has bottom as an element. Closures always have lifted types: i.e. any let-bound identifier in Core must have a lifted type. Operationally, a lifted object is one that can be entered. Only lifted types may be unified with a type variable.
Iff it is a type with one or more constructors, whether declared with data or newtype. An algebraic type is one that can be deconstructed with a case expression. This is not the same as lifted types, because we also include unboxed tuples in this classification.
Iff it is a type declared with data, or a boxed tuple.
Iff it is a built-in type that can't be expressed in Haskell.

Currently, all primitive types are unlifted, but that's not necessarily the case: for example, Int could be primitive.

Some primitive types are unboxed, such as Int#, whereas some are boxed but unlifted (such as ByteArray#). The only primitive types that we classify as algebraic are the unboxed tuples.

Some examples of type classifications that may make this a bit clearer are:

 Type         primitive       boxed           lifted          algebraic
 Int#         Yes             No              No              No
 ByteArray#   Yes             Yes             No              No
 (# a, b #)   Yes             No              No              Yes
 (  a, b  )   No              Yes             Yes             Yes
 [a]          No              Yes             Yes             Yes

A source type is a type that is a separate type as far as the type checker is concerned, but which has a more low-level representation as far as Core-to-Core passes and the rest of the back end is concerned. Notably, PredTys are removed from the representation type while they do exist in the source types.

You don't normally have to worry about this, as the utility functions in this module will automatically convert a source into a representation type if they are spotted, to the best of it's abilities. If you don't want this to happen, use the equivalent functions from the TcType module.

data TyThing Source
A typecheckable-thing, essentially anything that has a name
AnId Id
ADataCon DataCon
ATyCon TyCon
AClass Class
show/hide Instances
data Type Source
The key representation of types within the compiler
show/hide Instances
data PredType Source

A type of the form PredTy p represents a value whose type is the Haskell predicate p, where a predicate is what occurs before the => in a Haskell type. It can be expanded into its representation, but:

  • The type checker must treat it as opaque
  • The rest of the compiler treats it as transparent

Consider these examples:

 f :: (Eq a) => a -> Int
 g :: (?x :: Int -> Int) => a -> Int
 h :: (r\l) => {r} => {l::Int | r}

Here the Eq a and ?x :: Int -> Int and rl are all called "predicates"

ClassP Class [Type]Class predicate e.g. Eq a
IParam (IPName Name) TypeImplicit parameter e.g. ?x :: Int
EqPred Type TypeEquality predicate e.g ty1 ~ ty2
show/hide Instances
type ThetaType = [PredType]Source
A collection of PredTypes
Constructing and deconstructing types
mkTyVarTy :: TyVar -> TypeSource
mkTyVarTys :: [TyVar] -> [Type]Source
getTyVar :: String -> Type -> TyVarSource
Attempts to obtain the type variable underlying a Type, and panics with the given message if this is not a type variable type. See also getTyVar_maybe
getTyVar_maybe :: Type -> Maybe TyVarSource
Attempts to obtain the type variable underlying a Type
mkAppTy :: Type -> Type -> TypeSource
Applies a type to another, as in e.g. k a
mkAppTys :: Type -> [Type] -> TypeSource
splitAppTy :: Type -> (Type, Type)Source
Attempts to take a type application apart, as in splitAppTy_maybe, and panics if this is not possible
splitAppTys :: Type -> (Type, [Type])Source
Recursively splits a type as far as is possible, leaving a residual type being applied to and the type arguments applied to it. Never fails, even if that means returning an empty list of type applications.
splitAppTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)Source
Attempt to take a type application apart, whether it is a function, type constructor, or plain type application. Note that type family applications are NEVER unsaturated by this!
repSplitAppTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)Source
Does the AppTy split as in splitAppTy_maybe, but assumes that any Core view stuff is already done
mkFunTy :: Type -> Type -> TypeSource
Creates a function type from the given argument and result type
mkFunTys :: [Type] -> Type -> TypeSource
splitFunTy :: Type -> (Type, Type)Source
Attempts to extract the argument and result types from a type, and panics if that is not possible. See also splitFunTy_maybe
splitFunTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)Source
Attempts to extract the argument and result types from a type
splitFunTys :: Type -> ([Type], Type)Source
splitFunTysN :: Int -> Type -> ([Type], Type)Source
Split off exactly the given number argument types, and panics if that is not possible
funResultTy :: Type -> TypeSource
Extract the function result type and panic if that is not possible
funArgTy :: Type -> TypeSource
Extract the function argument type and panic if that is not possible
zipFunTys :: Outputable a => [a] -> Type -> ([(a, Type)], Type)Source
Splits off argument types from the given type and associating them with the things in the input list from left to right. The final result type is returned, along with the resulting pairs of objects and types, albeit with the list of pairs in reverse order. Panics if there are not enough argument types for the input list.
mkTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> TypeSource
A key function: builds a TyConApp or FunTy as apppropriate to its arguments. Applies its arguments to the constructor from left to right
mkTyConTy :: TyCon -> TypeSource
Create the plain type constructor type which has been applied to no type arguments at all.
tyConAppTyCon :: Type -> TyConSource
The same as fst . splitTyConApp
tyConAppArgs :: Type -> [Type]Source
The same as snd . splitTyConApp
splitTyConApp_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])Source
Attempts to tease a type apart into a type constructor and the application of a number of arguments to that constructor
splitTyConApp :: Type -> (TyCon, [Type])Source
Attempts to tease a type apart into a type constructor and the application of a number of arguments to that constructor. Panics if that is not possible. See also splitTyConApp_maybe
mkForAllTy :: TyVar -> Type -> TypeSource
mkForAllTys :: [TyVar] -> Type -> TypeSource
Wraps foralls over the type using the provided TyVars from left to right
splitForAllTy_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyVar, Type)Source
Attempts to take a forall type apart, returning the bound type variable and the remainder of the type
splitForAllTys :: Type -> ([TyVar], Type)Source
Attempts to take a forall type apart, returning all the immediate such bound type variables and the remainder of the type. Always suceeds, even if that means returning an empty list of TyVars
applyTy :: Type -> Type -> TypeSource

Instantiate a forall type with one or more type arguments. Used when we have a polymorphic function applied to type args:

 f t1 t2

We use applyTys type-of-f [t1,t2] to compute the type of the expression. Panics if no application is possible.

applyTys :: Type -> [Type] -> TypeSource

This function is interesting because:

1. The function may have more for-alls than there are args

2. Less obviously, it may have fewer for-alls

For case 2. think of:

 applyTys (forall a.a) [forall b.b, Int]

This really can happen, via dressing up polymorphic types with newtype clothing. Here's an example:

 newtype R = R (forall a. a->a)
 foo = case undefined :: R of
            R f -> f ()
applyTysD :: SDoc -> Type -> [Type] -> TypeSource
isForAllTy :: Type -> BoolSource
dropForAlls :: Type -> TypeSource
Equivalent to snd . splitForAllTys
newTyConInstRhs :: TyCon -> [Type] -> TypeSource
Unwrap one layer of newtype on a type constructor and its arguments, using an eta-reduced version of the newtype if possible
carefullySplitNewType_maybe :: [TyCon] -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe ([TyCon], Type)Source
tyFamInsts :: Type -> [(TyCon, [Type])]Source
Finds type family instances occuring in a type after expanding synonyms.
predFamInsts :: PredType -> [(TyCon, [Type])]Source
Finds type family instances occuring in a predicate type after expanding synonyms.
mkPredTy :: PredType -> TypeSource
mkPredTys :: ThetaType -> [Type]Source
mkFamilyTyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> TypeSource

Given a family instance TyCon and its arg types, return the corresponding family type. E.g:

 data family T a
 data instance T (Maybe b) = MkT b

Where the instance tycon is :RTL, so:

 mkFamilyTyConApp :RTL Int  =  T (Maybe Int)
Common type constructors
funTyCon :: TyConSource
Predicates on types
isTyVarTy :: Type -> BoolSource
isFunTy :: Type -> BoolSource
isUnLiftedType :: Type -> BoolSource
See Type for what an unlifted type is
isUnboxedTupleType :: Type -> BoolSource
isAlgType :: Type -> BoolSource
See Type for what an algebraic type is. Should only be applied to types, as opposed to e.g. partially saturated type constructors
isClosedAlgType :: Type -> BoolSource
See Type for what an algebraic type is. Should only be applied to types, as opposed to e.g. partially saturated type constructors. Closed type constructors are those with a fixed right hand side, as opposed to e.g. associated types
isPrimitiveType :: Type -> BoolSource
Returns true of types that are opaque to Haskell. Most of these are unlifted, but now that we interact with .NET, we may have primtive (foreign-imported) types that are lifted
isStrictType :: Type -> BoolSource
Computes whether an argument (or let right hand side) should be computed strictly or lazily, based only on its type. Works just like isUnLiftedType, except that it has a special case for dictionaries (i.e. does not work purely on representation types)
isStrictPred :: PredType -> BoolSource

We may be strict in dictionary types, but only if it has more than one component.

(Being strict in a single-component dictionary risks poking the dictionary component, which is wrong.)

Main data types representing Kinds

There's a little subtyping at the kind level:

              / \
             /   \
            ??   (#)
           /  \
          *    #
 Where:        *    [LiftedTypeKind]   means boxed type
              #    [UnliftedTypeKind] means unboxed type
              (#)  [UbxTupleKind]     means unboxed tuple
              ??   [ArgTypeKind]      is the lub of {*, #}
              ?    [OpenTypeKind]	means any type at all

In particular:

 error :: forall a:?. String -> a
 (->)  :: ?? -> ? -> \*
 (\\(x::t) -> ...)

Where in the last example t :: ?? (i.e. is not an unboxed tuple)

type Kind = TypeSource

The key type representing kinds in the compiler. Invariant: a kind is always in one of these forms:

 FunTy k1 k2
 TyConApp PrimTyCon [...]
 TyVar kv   -- (during inference only)
 ForAll ... -- (for top-level coercions)
type SimpleKind = KindSource
type KindVar = TyVarSource
Deconstructing Kinds
kindFunResult :: Kind -> KindSource
Essentially funResultTy on kinds
splitKindFunTys :: Kind -> ([Kind], Kind)Source
Essentially splitFunTys on kinds
splitKindFunTysN :: Int -> Kind -> ([Kind], Kind)Source
Essentially splitFunTysN on kinds
Common Kinds and SuperKinds
liftedTypeKind :: KindSource
unliftedTypeKind :: KindSource
See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds
openTypeKind :: KindSource
argTypeKind :: KindSource
ubxTupleKind :: KindSource
tySuperKind :: SuperKindSource
coSuperKind :: SuperKindSource
Common Kind type constructors
liftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyConSource
openTypeKindTyCon :: TyConSource
unliftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyConSource
argTypeKindTyCon :: TyConSource
ubxTupleKindTyCon :: TyConSource
Predicates on Kinds
isLiftedTypeKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
isUnliftedTypeKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
isOpenTypeKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds
isUbxTupleKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
isArgTypeKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
isKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
Is this a kind (i.e. a type-of-types)?
isTySuperKind :: SuperKind -> BoolSource
isCoSuperKind :: SuperKind -> BoolSource
isSuperKind :: Type -> BoolSource
Is this a super-kind (i.e. a type-of-kinds)?
isCoercionKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
isEqPred :: PredType -> BoolSource
mkArrowKind :: Kind -> Kind -> KindSource
Given two kinds k1 and k2, creates the Kind k1 -> k2
mkArrowKinds :: [Kind] -> Kind -> KindSource
Iterated application of mkArrowKind
isSubArgTypeKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
True of any sub-kind of ArgTypeKind
isSubOpenTypeKind :: Kind -> BoolSource
True of any sub-kind of OpenTypeKind (i.e. anything except arrow)
isSubKind :: Kind -> Kind -> BoolSource
k1 `isSubKind` k2 checks that k1 <: k2
defaultKind :: Kind -> KindSource
Used when generalising: default kind ? and ?? to *. See Type for more information on what that means
eqKind :: Kind -> Kind -> BoolSource
isSubKindCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> BoolSource
kc1 `isSubKindCon` kc2 checks that kc1 <: kc2
Type free variables
tyVarsOfType :: Type -> TyVarSetSource
NB: for type synonyms tyVarsOfType does not expand the synonym
tyVarsOfTypes :: [Type] -> TyVarSetSource
tyVarsOfPred :: PredType -> TyVarSetSource
tyVarsOfTheta :: ThetaType -> TyVarSetSource
typeKind :: Type -> KindSource
expandTypeSynonyms :: Type -> TypeSource
Expand out all type synonyms. Actually, it'd suffice to expand out just the ones that discard type variables (e.g. type Funny a = Int) But we don't know which those are currently, so we just expand all.
Tidying type related things up for printing
tidyType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> TypeSource
tidyTypes :: TidyEnv -> [Type] -> [Type]Source
tidyOpenType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> (TidyEnv, Type)Source
Grabs the free type variables, tidies them and then uses tidyType to work over the type itself
tidyOpenTypes :: TidyEnv -> [Type] -> (TidyEnv, [Type])Source
tidyTyVarBndr :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> (TidyEnv, TyVar)Source

This tidies up a type for printing in an error message, or in an interface file.

It doesn't change the uniques at all, just the print names.

tidyFreeTyVars :: TidyEnv -> TyVarSet -> TidyEnvSource
Add the free TyVars to the env in tidy form, so that we can tidy the type they are free in
tidyOpenTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> (TidyEnv, TyVar)Source
Treat a new TyVar as a binder, and give it a fresh tidy name using the environment if one has not already been allocated. See also tidyTyVarBndr
tidyOpenTyVars :: TidyEnv -> [TyVar] -> (TidyEnv, [TyVar])Source
tidyTopType :: Type -> TypeSource
Calls tidyType on a top-level type (i.e. with an empty tidying environment)
tidyPred :: TidyEnv -> PredType -> PredTypeSource
tidyKind :: TidyEnv -> Kind -> (TidyEnv, Kind)Source
Type comparison
coreEqType :: Type -> Type -> BoolSource
Type equality test for Core types (i.e. ignores predicate-types, synonyms etc.)
tcEqType :: Type -> Type -> BoolSource
Type equality on source types. Does not look through newtypes or PredTypes, but it does look through type synonyms.
tcEqTypes :: [Type] -> [Type] -> BoolSource
tcCmpType :: Type -> Type -> OrderingSource
Type ordering on source types. Does not look through newtypes or PredTypes, but it does look through type synonyms.
tcCmpTypes :: [Type] -> [Type] -> OrderingSource
tcEqPred :: PredType -> PredType -> BoolSource
tcEqPredX :: RnEnv2 -> PredType -> PredType -> BoolSource
tcCmpPred :: PredType -> PredType -> OrderingSource
tcEqTypeX :: RnEnv2 -> Type -> Type -> BoolSource
tcPartOfType :: Type -> Type -> BoolSource
Checks whether the second argument is a subterm of the first. (We don't care about binders, as we are only interested in syntactic subterms.)
tcPartOfPred :: Type -> PredType -> BoolSource
Forcing evaluation of types
seqType :: Type -> ()Source
seqTypes :: [Type] -> ()Source
Other views onto Types
coreView :: Type -> Maybe TypeSource

In Core, we "look through" non-recursive newtypes and PredTypes: this function tries to obtain a different view of the supplied type given this

Strips off the top layer only of a type to give its underlying representation type. Returns Nothing if there is nothing to look through.

In the case of newtypes, it returns one of:

1) A vanilla TyConApp (recursive newtype, or non-saturated)

2) The newtype representation (otherwise), meaning the type written in the RHS of the newtype declaration, which may itself be a newtype

For example, with:

 newtype R = MkR S
 newtype S = MkS T
 newtype T = MkT (T -> T)

expandNewTcApp on:

  • R gives Just S * S gives Just T * T gives Nothing (no expansion)
tcView :: Type -> Maybe TypeSource
Similar to coreView, but for the type checker, which just looks through synonyms
kindView :: Kind -> Maybe KindSource
Similar to coreView or tcView, but works on Kinds
repType :: Type -> TypeSource

Looks through:

1. For-alls 2. Synonyms 3. Predicates 4. All newtypes, including recursive ones, but not newtype families

It's useful in the back end of the compiler.

Type representation for the code generator
data PrimRep Source
A PrimRep is an abstraction of a type. It contains information that the code generator needs in order to pass arguments, return results, and store values of this type.
IntRepSigned, word-sized value
WordRepUnsigned, word-sized value
Int64RepSigned, 64 bit value (with 32-bit words only)
Word64RepUnsigned, 64 bit value (with 32-bit words only)
AddrRepA pointer, but not to a Haskell value (use PtrRep)
show/hide Instances
typePrimRep :: Type -> PrimRepSource
Discovers the primitive representation of a more abstract Type
predTypeRep :: PredType -> TypeSource
Convert a PredType to its representation type. However, it unwraps only the outermost level; for example, the result might be a newtype application
Main type substitution data types
type TvSubstEnv = TyVarEnv TypeSource
A substitition of Types for TyVars
data TvSubst Source

Type substitution

The following invariants must hold of a TvSubst:

1. The in-scope set is needed only to guide the generation of fresh uniques

2. In particular, the kind of the type variables in the in-scope set is not relevant

3. The substition is only applied ONCE! This is because in general such application will not reached a fixed point.

TvSubst InScopeSet TvSubstEnv
show/hide Instances
Manipulating type substitutions
emptyTvSubstEnv :: TvSubstEnvSource
emptyTvSubst :: TvSubstSource
mkTvSubst :: InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstSource
mkOpenTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstSource
Generates the in-scope set for the TvSubst from the types in the incoming environment, hence open
zipOpenTvSubst :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubstSource
Generates the in-scope set for the TvSubst from the types in the incoming environment, hence open
zipTopTvSubst :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubstSource
mkTopTvSubst :: [(TyVar, Type)] -> TvSubstSource
Called when doing top-level substitutions. Here we expect that the free vars of the range of the substitution will be empty.
notElemTvSubst :: TyVar -> TvSubst -> BoolSource
getTvSubstEnv :: TvSubst -> TvSubstEnvSource
setTvSubstEnv :: TvSubst -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstSource
getTvInScope :: TvSubst -> InScopeSetSource
extendTvInScope :: TvSubst -> [Var] -> TvSubstSource
extendTvSubst :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> Type -> TvSubstSource
extendTvSubstList :: TvSubst -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubstSource
isInScope :: Var -> TvSubst -> BoolSource
composeTvSubst :: InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstEnv -> TvSubstEnvSource
(compose env1 env2)(x) is env1(env2(x)); i.e. apply env2 then env1. It assumes that both are idempotent. Typically, env1 is the refinement to a base substitution env2
zipTyEnv :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> TvSubstEnvSource
isEmptyTvSubst :: TvSubst -> BoolSource
Performing substitution on types
substTy :: TvSubst -> Type -> TypeSource
Substitute within a Type
substTys :: TvSubst -> [Type] -> [Type]Source
Substitute within several Types
substTyWith :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Type -> TypeSource
Type substitution making use of an TvSubst that is assumed to be open, see zipOpenTvSubst
substTysWith :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]Source
Type substitution making use of an TvSubst that is assumed to be open, see zipOpenTvSubst
substTheta :: TvSubst -> ThetaType -> ThetaTypeSource
Substitute within a ThetaType
substPred :: TvSubst -> PredType -> PredTypeSource
Substitute within a PredType
substTyVar :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> TypeSource
substTyVars :: TvSubst -> [TyVar] -> [Type]Source
substTyVarBndr :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> (TvSubst, TyVar)Source
deShadowTy :: TyVarSet -> Type -> TypeSource
Remove any nested binders mentioning the TyVars in the TyVarSet
lookupTyVar :: TvSubst -> TyVar -> Maybe TypeSource
pprType :: Type -> SDocSource
pprParendType :: Type -> SDocSource
pprTypeApp :: NamedThing a => a -> [Type] -> SDocSource
pprTyThingCategory :: TyThing -> SDocSource
pprTyThing :: TyThing -> SDocSource
pprForAll :: [TyVar] -> SDocSource
pprPred :: PredType -> SDocSource
pprTheta :: ThetaType -> SDocSource
pprThetaArrow :: ThetaType -> SDocSource
pprClassPred :: Class -> [Type] -> SDocSource
pprKind :: Kind -> SDocSource
pprParendKind :: Kind -> SDocSource
pprSourceTyCon :: TyCon -> SDocSource

Pretty prints a TyCon, using the family instance in case of a representation tycon. For example:

 data T [a] = ...

In that case we want to print T [a], where T is the family TyCon

Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0