Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell softwareSource codeContentsIndex
logging and errors
running programs
copying files
installing files
file names
finding files
simple file globbing
temp files and dirs
.cabal and .buildinfo files
reading and writing files safely
generic utils
A large and somewhat miscellaneous collection of utility functions used throughout the rest of the Cabal lib and in other tools that use the Cabal lib like cabal-install. It has a very simple set of logging actions. It has low level functions for running programs, a bunch of wrappers for various directory and file functions that do extra logging.
cabalVersion :: Version
cabalBootstrapping :: Bool
die :: String -> IO a
dieWithLocation :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> String -> IO a
topHandler :: IO a -> IO a
warn :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
notice :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
setupMessage :: Verbosity -> String -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()
info :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
debug :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()
chattyTry :: String -> IO () -> IO ()
rawSystemExit :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
rawSystemStdout :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
rawSystemStdInOut :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> Maybe (String, Bool) -> Bool -> IO (String, String, ExitCode)
maybeExit :: IO ExitCode -> IO ()
xargs :: Int -> ([String] -> IO ()) -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
findProgramLocation :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findProgramVersion :: String -> (String -> String) -> Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe Version)
smartCopySources :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> [String] -> IO ()
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose :: Verbosity -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFileVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
installOrdinaryFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
installExecutableFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
installOrdinaryFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()
installDirectoryContents :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
currentDir :: FilePath
findFile :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
findFileWithExtension :: [String] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
findFileWithExtension' :: [String] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, FilePath))
findModuleFile :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> ModuleName -> IO (FilePath, FilePath)
findModuleFiles :: [FilePath] -> [String] -> [ModuleName] -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
matchFileGlob :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
matchDirFileGlob :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
parseFileGlob :: FilePath -> Maybe FileGlob
data FileGlob
= NoGlob FilePath
| FileGlob FilePath String
withTempFile :: FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> Handle -> IO a) -> IO a
withTempDirectory :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO a
defaultPackageDesc :: Verbosity -> IO FilePath
findPackageDesc :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
defaultHookedPackageDesc :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
findHookedPackageDesc :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
withFileContents :: FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
rewriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
fromUTF8 :: String -> String
toUTF8 :: String -> String
readUTF8File :: FilePath -> IO String
withUTF8FileContents :: FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO a
writeUTF8File :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()
normaliseLineEndings :: String -> String
equating :: Eq a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Bool
comparing :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> Ordering
isInfixOf :: String -> String -> Bool
intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
lowercase :: String -> String
wrapText :: String -> String
wrapLine :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]
cabalVersion :: VersionSource
cabalBootstrapping :: BoolSource
logging and errors
die :: String -> IO aSource
dieWithLocation :: FilePath -> Maybe Int -> String -> IO aSource
topHandler :: IO a -> IO aSource
warn :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()Source

Non fatal conditions that may be indicative of an error or problem.

We display these at the normal verbosity level.

notice :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()Source

Useful status messages.

We display these at the normal verbosity level.

This is for the ordinary helpful status messages that users see. Just enough information to know that things are working but not floods of detail.

setupMessage :: Verbosity -> String -> PackageIdentifier -> IO ()Source
info :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()Source

More detail on the operation of some action.

We display these messages when the verbosity level is verbose

debug :: Verbosity -> String -> IO ()Source

Detailed internal debugging information

We display these messages when the verbosity level is deafening

:: Stringa description of the action we were attempting
-> IO ()the action itself
-> IO ()
Perform an IO action, catching any IO exceptions and printing an error if one occurs.
running programs
rawSystemExit :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()Source
rawSystemStdout :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO StringSource

Run a command and return its output.

The output is assumed to be text in the locale encoding.

:: Verbosity
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> Maybe (String, Bool)input text and binary mode
-> Booloutput in binary mode
-> IO (String, String, ExitCode)output, errors, exit
Run a command and return its output, errors and exit status. Optionally also supply some input. Also provides control over whether the binary/text mode of the input and output.
maybeExit :: IO ExitCode -> IO ()Source
xargs :: Int -> ([String] -> IO ()) -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()Source

Like the unix xargs program. Useful for when we've got very long command lines that might overflow an OS limit on command line length and so you need to invoke a command multiple times to get all the args in.

Use it with either of the rawSystem variants above. For example:

 xargs (32*1024) (rawSystemExit verbosity) prog fixedArgs bigArgs
findProgramLocation :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)Source
Look for a program on the path.
:: Stringversion args
-> String -> Stringfunction to select version number from program output
-> Verbosity
-> FilePathlocation
-> IO (Maybe Version)
Look for a program and try to find it's version number. It can accept either an absolute path or the name of a program binary, in which case we will look for the program on the path.
copying files
smartCopySources :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> [ModuleName] -> [String] -> IO ()Source
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose :: Verbosity -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO ()Source
Same as createDirectoryIfMissing but logs at higher verbosity levels.
copyFileVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()Source

Copies a file without copying file permissions. The target file is created with default permissions. Any existing target file is replaced.

At higher verbosity levels it logs an info message.

copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()Source
copyFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()Source

Copies a bunch of files to a target directory, preserving the directory structure in the target location. The target directories are created if they do not exist.

The files are identified by a pair of base directory and a path relative to that base. It is only the relative part that is preserved in the destination.

For example:

 copyFiles normal "dist/src"
    [("", "src/Foo.hs"), ("dist/build/", "src/Bar.hs")]

This would copy "src/Foo.hs" to "dist/src/src/Foo.hs" and copy "dist/build/src/Bar.hs" to "dist/src/src/Bar.hs".

This operation is not atomic. Any IO failure during the copy (including any missing source files) leaves the target in an unknown state so it is best to use it with a freshly created directory so that it can be simply deleted if anything goes wrong.

installing files
installOrdinaryFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()Source
Install an ordinary file. This is like a file copy but the permissions are set appropriately for an installed file. On Unix it is "-rw-r--r--" while on Windows it uses the default permissions for the target directory.
installExecutableFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()Source
Install an executable file. This is like a file copy but the permissions are set appropriately for an installed file. On Unix it is "-rwxr-xr-x" while on Windows it uses the default permissions for the target directory.
installOrdinaryFiles :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [(FilePath, FilePath)] -> IO ()Source
This is like copyFiles but uses installOrdinaryFile.
installDirectoryContents :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()Source
This installs all the files in a directory to a target location, preserving the directory layout. All the files are assumed to be ordinary rather than executable files.
file names
currentDir :: FilePathSource
The path name that represents the current directory. In Unix, it's ".", but this is system-specific. (E.g. AmigaOS uses the empty string "" for the current directory.)
finding files
:: [FilePath]search locations
-> FilePathFile Name
-> IO FilePath
Find a file by looking in a search path. The file path must match exactly.
findFileWithExtension :: [String] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)Source
Find a file by looking in a search path with one of a list of possible file extensions. The file base name should be given and it will be tried with each of the extensions in each element of the search path.
findFileWithExtension' :: [String] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (FilePath, FilePath))Source
Like findFileWithExtension but returns which element of the search path the file was found in, and the file path relative to that base directory.
:: [FilePath]build prefix (location of objects)
-> [String]search suffixes
-> ModuleNamemodule
-> IO (FilePath, FilePath)

Find the file corresponding to a Haskell module name.

This is similar to findFileWithExtension' but specialised to a module name. The function fails if the file corresponding to the module is missing.

:: [FilePath]build prefix (location of objects)
-> [String]search suffixes
-> [ModuleName]modules
-> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]

Finds the files corresponding to a list of Haskell module names.

As findModuleFile but for a list of module names.

getDirectoryContentsRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]Source

List all the files in a directory and all subdirectories.

The order places files in sub-directories after all the files in their parent directories. The list is generated lazily so is not well defined if the source directory structure changes before the list is used.

simple file globbing
matchFileGlob :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]Source
matchDirFileGlob :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]Source
parseFileGlob :: FilePath -> Maybe FileGlobSource
data FileGlob Source
NoGlob FilePathNo glob at all, just an ordinary file
FileGlob FilePath Stringdir prefix and extension, like "foo/bar/*.baz" corresponds to FileGlob "foo/bar" ".baz"
temp files and dirs
:: FilePathTemp dir to create the file in
-> StringFile name template. See openTempFile.
-> FilePath -> Handle -> IO a
-> IO a
Use a temporary filename that doesn't already exist.
withTempDirectory :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> String -> (FilePath -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Create and use a temporary directory.

Creates a new temporary directory inside the given directory, making use of the template. The temp directory is deleted after use. For example:

 withTempDirectory verbosity "src" "sdist." $ \tmpDir -> do ...

The tmpDir will be a new subdirectory of the given directory, e.g. src/sdist.342.

.cabal and .buildinfo files
defaultPackageDesc :: Verbosity -> IO FilePathSource
Package description file (pkgname.cabal)
:: FilePathWhere to look
-> IO FilePathpkgname.cabal
Find a package description file in the given directory. Looks for .cabal files.
defaultHookedPackageDesc :: IO (Maybe FilePath)Source
Optional auxiliary package information file (pkgname.buildinfo)
:: FilePathDirectory to search
-> IO (Maybe FilePath)dir/pkgname.buildinfo, if present
Find auxiliary package information in the given directory. Looks for .buildinfo files.
reading and writing files safely
withFileContents :: FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Gets the contents of a file, but guarantee that it gets closed.

The file is read lazily but if it is not fully consumed by the action then the remaining input is truncated and the file is closed.

writeFileAtomic :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()Source

Writes a file atomically.

The file is either written sucessfully or an IO exception is raised and the original file is left unchanged.

On windows it is not possible to delete a file that is open by a process. This case will give an IO exception but the atomic property is not affected.

rewriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()Source
Write a file but only if it would have new content. If we would be writing the same as the existing content then leave the file as is so that we do not update the file's modification time.
fromUTF8 :: String -> StringSource
toUTF8 :: String -> StringSource
readUTF8File :: FilePath -> IO StringSource

Reads a UTF8 encoded text file as a Unicode String

Reads lazily using ordinary readFile.

withUTF8FileContents :: FilePath -> (String -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Reads a UTF8 encoded text file as a Unicode String

Same behaviour as withFileContents.

writeUTF8File :: FilePath -> String -> IO ()Source

Writes a Unicode String as a UTF8 encoded text file.

Uses writeFileAtomic, so provides the same guarantees.

normaliseLineEndings :: String -> StringSource
Fix different systems silly line ending conventions
generic utils
equating :: Eq a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> BoolSource
comparing :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> b -> b -> OrderingSource
isInfixOf :: String -> String -> BoolSource
intercalate :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]Source
lowercase :: String -> StringSource
wrapText :: String -> StringSource
Wraps text to the default line width. Existing newlines are preserved.
wrapLine :: Int -> [String] -> [[String]]Source
Wraps a list of words to a list of lines of words of a particular width.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.1