Distribution.Extension | Portability | portable | Stability | alpha | Maintainer | Isaac Jones <ijones@syntaxpolice.org> |
Description |
Haskell language extensions
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data Extension |
This represents non-standard compiler extensions which each
package might employ.
| Constructors | OverlappingInstances | | RecursiveDo | | ParallelListComp | | MultiParamTypeClasses | | NoMonomorphismRestriction | | FunctionalDependencies | | RankNTypes | | PolymorphicComponents | | ExistentialQuantification | | ScopedTypeVariables | | ImplicitParams | | FlexibleContexts | | FlexibleInstances | | EmptyDataDecls | | CPP | | TypeSynonymInstances | | TemplateHaskell | | ForeignFunctionInterface | | AllowOverlappingInstances | | AllowUndecidableInstances | | AllowIncoherentInstances | | InlinePhase | | ContextStack | | Arrows | | Generics | | NoImplicitPrelude | | NamedFieldPuns | | ExtensibleRecords | | RestrictedTypeSynonyms | | HereDocuments | | UnsafeOverlappingInstances | |
| Instances | |
type Opt = String |
extensionsToNHCFlag :: [Extension] -> ([Extension], [Opt]) |
NHC: Return the unsupported extensions, and the flags for the supported extensions
extensionsToGHCFlag :: [Extension] -> ([Extension], [Opt]) |
GHC: Return the unsupported extensions, and the flags for the supported extensions
extensionsToHugsFlag :: [Extension] -> ([Extension], [Opt]) |
Hugs: Return the unsupported extensions, and the flags for the supported extensions
Produced by Haddock version 0.7 |