X11 Libraries (X11 package)ContentsIndex
A collection of type declarations for interfacing with Xlib.
newtype Display = Display (Ptr Display)
newtype Screen = Screen (Ptr Screen)
newtype Visual = Visual (Ptr Visual)
newtype FontStruct = FontStruct (Ptr FontStruct)
newtype GC = GC (Ptr GC)
newtype XGCValues = XGCValues (Ptr XGCValues)
newtype XSetWindowAttributes = XSetWindowAttributes XSetWindowAttributesPtr
type XSetWindowAttributesPtr = Ptr XSetWindowAttributes
type Pixel = Word32
type Position = Int32
type Dimension = Word32
type Angle = Int
type ScreenNumber = Word32
type Byte = Word8
type Buffer = Int
type ShortPosition = Int16
type ShortDimension = Word16
type ShortAngle = Int16
type Short = Int16
peekPositionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Position
peekDimensionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Dimension
peekAngleField :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Angle
pokePositionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> Position -> IO ()
pokeDimensionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> Dimension -> IO ()
pokeAngleField :: Ptr a -> Int -> Angle -> IO ()
data Storable' a = Storable' {
size :: Int
peek' :: (Ptr a -> IO a)
poke' :: (Ptr a -> a -> IO ())
alloca' :: Storable' a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withStorable' :: Storable' a -> a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
peekElemOff' :: Storable' a -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
pokeElemOff' :: Storable' a -> Ptr a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
peekArray' :: Storable' a -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO [a]
pokeArray' :: Storable' a -> Ptr a -> [a] -> IO ()
withArray' :: Storable' a -> [a] -> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Point = (Position, Position)
s_Point :: Storable' Point
peekPoint :: Ptr Point -> IO Point
pokePoint :: Ptr Point -> Point -> IO ()
peekPointArray :: Int -> Ptr Point -> IO [Point]
withPointArray :: [Point] -> (Ptr Point -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Rectangle = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension)
s_Rectangle :: Storable' Rectangle
peekRectangle :: Ptr Rectangle -> IO Rectangle
pokeRectangle :: Ptr Rectangle -> Rectangle -> IO ()
allocaRectangle :: (Ptr Rectangle -> IO a) -> IO a
withRectangle :: Rectangle -> (Ptr Rectangle -> IO a) -> IO a
peekRectangleArray :: Int -> Ptr Rectangle -> IO [Rectangle]
withRectangleArray :: [Rectangle] -> (Ptr Rectangle -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Arc = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, Angle, Angle)
s_Arc :: Storable' Arc
peekArc :: Ptr Arc -> IO Arc
pokeArc :: Ptr Arc -> Arc -> IO ()
peekArcArray :: Int -> Ptr Arc -> IO [Arc]
withArcArray :: [Arc] -> (Ptr Arc -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Segment = (Position, Position, Position, Position)
s_Segment :: Storable' Segment
peekSegment :: Ptr Segment -> IO Segment
pokeSegment :: Ptr Segment -> Segment -> IO ()
peekSegmentArray :: Int -> Ptr Segment -> IO [Segment]
withSegmentArray :: [Segment] -> (Ptr Segment -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Color = (Pixel, Word16, Word16, Word16, Word8)
s_Color :: Storable' Color
peekColor :: Ptr Color -> IO Color
pokeColor :: Ptr Color -> Color -> IO ()
allocaColor :: (Ptr Color -> IO a) -> IO a
withColor :: Color -> (Ptr Color -> IO a) -> IO a
peekColorArray :: Int -> Ptr Color -> IO [Color]
withColorArray :: [Color] -> (Ptr Color -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type ListPoint = [Point]
type ListRectangle = [Rectangle]
type ListArc = [Arc]
type ListSegment = [Segment]
type ListColor = [Color]
newtype Display
pointer to an X11 Display structure
Display (Ptr Display)
newtype Screen
pointer to an X11 Screen structure
Screen (Ptr Screen)
newtype Visual
pointer to an X11 Visual structure
Visual (Ptr Visual)
newtype FontStruct
pointer to an X11 XFontStruct structure
FontStruct (Ptr FontStruct)
newtype GC
GC (Ptr GC)
newtype XGCValues
XGCValues (Ptr XGCValues)
newtype XSetWindowAttributes
XSetWindowAttributes XSetWindowAttributesPtr
type XSetWindowAttributesPtr = Ptr XSetWindowAttributes
type Pixel = Word32
type Position = Int32
type Dimension = Word32
type Angle = Int
type ScreenNumber = Word32
type Byte = Word8
type Buffer = Int
type ShortPosition = Int16
type ShortDimension = Word16
type ShortAngle = Int16
type Short = Int16
peekPositionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Position
peekDimensionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Dimension
peekAngleField :: Ptr a -> Int -> IO Angle
pokePositionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> Position -> IO ()
pokeDimensionField :: Ptr a -> Int -> Dimension -> IO ()
pokeAngleField :: Ptr a -> Int -> Angle -> IO ()
data Storable' a
size :: Int
peek' :: (Ptr a -> IO a)
poke' :: (Ptr a -> a -> IO ())
alloca' :: Storable' a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withStorable' :: Storable' a -> a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
peekElemOff' :: Storable' a -> Ptr a -> Int -> IO a
pokeElemOff' :: Storable' a -> Ptr a -> Int -> a -> IO ()
peekArray' :: Storable' a -> Int -> Ptr a -> IO [a]
pokeArray' :: Storable' a -> Ptr a -> [a] -> IO ()
withArray' :: Storable' a -> [a] -> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Point = (Position, Position)
counterpart of an X11 XPoint structure
s_Point :: Storable' Point
peekPoint :: Ptr Point -> IO Point
pokePoint :: Ptr Point -> Point -> IO ()
peekPointArray :: Int -> Ptr Point -> IO [Point]
withPointArray :: [Point] -> (Ptr Point -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Rectangle = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension)
counterpart of an X11 XRectangle structure
s_Rectangle :: Storable' Rectangle
peekRectangle :: Ptr Rectangle -> IO Rectangle
pokeRectangle :: Ptr Rectangle -> Rectangle -> IO ()
allocaRectangle :: (Ptr Rectangle -> IO a) -> IO a
withRectangle :: Rectangle -> (Ptr Rectangle -> IO a) -> IO a
peekRectangleArray :: Int -> Ptr Rectangle -> IO [Rectangle]
withRectangleArray :: [Rectangle] -> (Ptr Rectangle -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Arc = (Position, Position, Dimension, Dimension, Angle, Angle)
counterpart of an X11 XArc structure
s_Arc :: Storable' Arc
peekArc :: Ptr Arc -> IO Arc
pokeArc :: Ptr Arc -> Arc -> IO ()
peekArcArray :: Int -> Ptr Arc -> IO [Arc]
withArcArray :: [Arc] -> (Ptr Arc -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Segment = (Position, Position, Position, Position)
counterpart of an X11 XSegment structure
s_Segment :: Storable' Segment
peekSegment :: Ptr Segment -> IO Segment
pokeSegment :: Ptr Segment -> Segment -> IO ()
peekSegmentArray :: Int -> Ptr Segment -> IO [Segment]
withSegmentArray :: [Segment] -> (Ptr Segment -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type Color = (Pixel, Word16, Word16, Word16, Word8)
counterpart of an X11 XColor structure
s_Color :: Storable' Color
peekColor :: Ptr Color -> IO Color
pokeColor :: Ptr Color -> Color -> IO ()
allocaColor :: (Ptr Color -> IO a) -> IO a
withColor :: Color -> (Ptr Color -> IO a) -> IO a
peekColorArray :: Int -> Ptr Color -> IO [Color]
withColorArray :: [Color] -> (Ptr Color -> Int -> IO b) -> IO b
type ListPoint = [Point]
type ListRectangle = [Rectangle]
type ListArc = [Arc]
type ListSegment = [Segment]
type ListColor = [Color]
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