Haskell Hierarchical Libraries (unix package)ContentsIndex
Portabilitynon-portable (requires POSIX)
File modes
Setting file modes
Checking file existence and permissions
File status
Obtaining file status
Querying file status
Hard links
Symbolic links
Renaming files
Changing file ownership
Changing file timestamps
Setting file sizes
Find system-specific limits for a file
POSIX file support
unionFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
intersectFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
nullFileMode :: FileMode
ownerReadMode :: FileMode
ownerWriteMode :: FileMode
ownerExecuteMode :: FileMode
ownerModes :: FileMode
groupReadMode :: FileMode
groupWriteMode :: FileMode
groupExecuteMode :: FileMode
groupModes :: FileMode
otherReadMode :: FileMode
otherWriteMode :: FileMode
otherExecuteMode :: FileMode
otherModes :: FileMode
setUserIDMode :: FileMode
setGroupIDMode :: FileMode
stdFileMode :: FileMode
accessModes :: FileMode
setFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
setFdMode :: Fd -> FileMode -> IO ()
setFileCreationMask :: FileMode -> IO FileMode
fileAccess :: FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool
fileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
data FileStatus
getFileStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
getFdStatus :: Fd -> IO FileStatus
getSymbolicLinkStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
deviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
fileID :: FileStatus -> FileID
fileMode :: FileStatus -> FileMode
linkCount :: FileStatus -> LinkCount
fileOwner :: FileStatus -> UserID
fileGroup :: FileStatus -> GroupID
specialDeviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
fileSize :: FileStatus -> FileOffset
accessTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
modificationTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
statusChangeTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
isBlockDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
isCharacterDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
isNamedPipe :: FileStatus -> Bool
isRegularFile :: FileStatus -> Bool
isDirectory :: FileStatus -> Bool
isSymbolicLink :: FileStatus -> Bool
isSocket :: FileStatus -> Bool
createNamedPipe :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
createDevice :: FilePath -> FileMode -> DeviceID -> IO ()
createLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
removeLink :: FilePath -> IO ()
createSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
readSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
setOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
setFdOwnerAndGroup :: Fd -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
setSymbolicLinkOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
setFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> IO ()
touchFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
setFileSize :: FilePath -> FileOffset -> IO ()
setFdSize :: Fd -> FileOffset -> IO ()
data PathVar
= FileSizeBits
| LinkLimit
| InputLineLimit
| InputQueueLimit
| FileNameLimit
| PathNameLimit
| PipeBufferLimit
| SymbolicLinkLimit
| SetOwnerAndGroupIsRestricted
| FileNamesAreNotTruncated
| VDisableChar
| AsyncIOAvailable
| PrioIOAvailable
| SyncIOAvailable
getPathVar :: FilePath -> PathVar -> IO Limit
getFdPathVar :: Fd -> PathVar -> IO Limit
File modes
unionFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
intersectFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
nullFileMode :: FileMode
ownerReadMode :: FileMode
ownerWriteMode :: FileMode
ownerExecuteMode :: FileMode
ownerModes :: FileMode
groupReadMode :: FileMode
groupWriteMode :: FileMode
groupExecuteMode :: FileMode
groupModes :: FileMode
otherReadMode :: FileMode
otherWriteMode :: FileMode
otherExecuteMode :: FileMode
otherModes :: FileMode
setUserIDMode :: FileMode
setGroupIDMode :: FileMode
stdFileMode :: FileMode
accessModes :: FileMode
Setting file modes
setFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
setFileMode path mode calls chmod to set the permission bits associated with file path to mode.
setFdMode :: Fd -> FileMode -> IO ()
setFileCreationMask :: FileMode -> IO FileMode
setFileCreationMask mode calls umask to set the process's file creation mask to mode. The previous file creation mask is returned.
Checking file existence and permissions
fileAccess :: FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool
fileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
File status
data FileStatus
Obtaining file status
getFileStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
getFileStatus path calls stat to get the FileStatus information for the file path.
getFdStatus :: Fd -> IO FileStatus
getFdStatus fd calls fstat to get the FileStatus information for the file associated with Fd fd.
getSymbolicLinkStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
Querying file status
deviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
fileID :: FileStatus -> FileID
fileMode :: FileStatus -> FileMode
linkCount :: FileStatus -> LinkCount
fileOwner :: FileStatus -> UserID
fileGroup :: FileStatus -> GroupID
specialDeviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
fileSize :: FileStatus -> FileOffset
accessTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
modificationTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
statusChangeTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
isBlockDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
isCharacterDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
isNamedPipe :: FileStatus -> Bool
isRegularFile :: FileStatus -> Bool
isDirectory :: FileStatus -> Bool
isSymbolicLink :: FileStatus -> Bool
isSocket :: FileStatus -> Bool
createNamedPipe :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
createNamedPipe fifo mode calls mkfifo to create a new named pipe, fifo, with permissions based on mode.
createDevice :: FilePath -> FileMode -> DeviceID -> IO ()
Hard links
createLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
createLink old new calls link to create a new path, new, linked to an existing file, old.
removeLink :: FilePath -> IO ()
removeLink path calls unlink to remove the link named path.
Symbolic links
createSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
readSymbolicLink :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
Renaming files
rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
rename old new calls rename to rename a file or directory from old to new.
Changing file ownership
setOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
setOwnerAndGroup path uid gid calls chown to set the UserID and GroupID associated with file path to uid and gid, respectively.
setFdOwnerAndGroup :: Fd -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
setSymbolicLinkOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
Changing file timestamps
setFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> IO ()
setFileTimes path atime mtime calls utime to set the access and modification times associated with file path to atime and mtime, respectively.
touchFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
touchFile path calls utime to set the access and modification times associated with file path to the current time.
Setting file sizes
setFileSize :: FilePath -> FileOffset -> IO ()
setFdSize :: Fd -> FileOffset -> IO ()
Find system-specific limits for a file
data PathVar
getPathVar :: FilePath -> PathVar -> IO Limit
getPathVar var path calls pathconf to obtain the dynamic value of the requested configurable file limit or option associated with file or directory path. For defined file limits, getPathVar returns the associated value. For defined file options, the result of getPathVar is undefined, but not failure.
getFdPathVar :: Fd -> PathVar -> IO Limit
getFdPathVar var fd calls fpathconf to obtain the dynamic value of the requested configurable file limit or option associated with the file or directory attached to the open channel fd. For defined file limits, getFdPathVar returns the associated value. For defined file options, the result of getFdPathVar is undefined, but not failure.
Produced by Haddock version 0.7