Synopsis |
Time zones
data TimeZone |
A TimeZone is a whole number of minutes offset from UTC, together with a name and a "just for summer" flag.
| Constructors | TimeZone | | timeZoneMinutes :: Int | The number of minutes offset from UTC. Positive means local time will be later in the day than UTC.
| timeZoneSummerOnly :: Bool | Is this time zone just persisting for the summer?
| timeZoneName :: String | The name of the zone, typically a three- or four-letter acronym.
| Instances | |
timeZoneOffsetString :: TimeZone -> String |
Text representing the offset of this timezone, such as "-0800" or "+0400" (like %z in formatTime)
minutesToTimeZone :: Int -> TimeZone |
Create a nameless non-summer timezone for this number of minutes
hoursToTimeZone :: Int -> TimeZone |
Create a nameless non-summer timezone for this number of hours
utc :: TimeZone |
The UTC time zone
getTimeZone :: UTCTime -> IO TimeZone |
Get the local time-zone for a given time (varying as per summertime adjustments)
getCurrentTimeZone :: IO TimeZone |
Get the current time-zone
Time of day
data TimeOfDay |
Time of day as represented in hour, minute and second (with picoseconds), typically used to express local time of day.
| Constructors | TimeOfDay | | todHour :: Int | range 0 - 23
| todMin :: Int | range 0 - 59
| todSec :: Pico | Note that 0 <= todSec < 61, accomodating leap seconds.
Any local minute may have a leap second, since leap seconds happen in all zones simultaneously
| Instances | |
midnight :: TimeOfDay |
Hour zero
midday :: TimeOfDay |
Hour twelve
utcToLocalTimeOfDay :: TimeZone -> TimeOfDay -> (Integer, TimeOfDay) |
Convert a ToD in UTC to a ToD in some timezone, together with a day adjustment.
localToUTCTimeOfDay :: TimeZone -> TimeOfDay -> (Integer, TimeOfDay) |
Convert a ToD in some timezone to a ToD in UTC, together with a day adjustment.
timeToTimeOfDay :: DiffTime -> TimeOfDay |
Get a TimeOfDay given a time since midnight.
Time more than 24h will be converted to leap-seconds.
timeOfDayToTime :: TimeOfDay -> DiffTime |
Find out how much time since midnight a given TimeOfDay is.
dayFractionToTimeOfDay :: Rational -> TimeOfDay |
Get a TimeOfDay given the fraction of a day since midnight.
timeOfDayToDayFraction :: TimeOfDay -> Rational |
Get the fraction of a day since midnight given a TimeOfDay.
Local Time
data LocalTime |
A simple day and time aggregate, where the day is of the specified parameter,
and the time is a TimeOfDay.
Conversion of this (as local civil time) to UTC depends on the time zone.
Conversion of this (as local mean time) to UT1 depends on the longitude.
| Constructors | | Instances | |
utcToLocalTime :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> LocalTime |
show a UTC time in a given time zone as a LocalTime
localTimeToUTC :: TimeZone -> LocalTime -> UTCTime |
find out what UTC time a given LocalTime in a given time zone is
ut1ToLocalTime :: Rational -> UniversalTime -> LocalTime |
1st arg is observation meridian in degrees, positive is East
localTimeToUT1 :: Rational -> LocalTime -> UniversalTime |
1st arg is observation meridian in degrees, positive is East
data ZonedTime |
A local time together with a TimeZone.
| Constructors | | Instances | |
utcToZonedTime :: TimeZone -> UTCTime -> ZonedTime |
zonedTimeToUTC :: ZonedTime -> UTCTime |
getZonedTime :: IO ZonedTime |
utcToLocalZonedTime :: UTCTime -> IO ZonedTime |
UNIX-style formatting
class FormatTime t where |
| Methods | | | Instances | |
formatTime :: FormatTime t => TimeLocale -> String -> t -> String |
Substitute various time-related information for each %-code in the string, as per formatCharacter.
For all types (note these three are done here, not by formatCharacter):
- %%
- %
- %t
- tab
- %n
- newline
For TimeZone (and ZonedTime and UTCTime):
- %z
- timezone offset
- %Z
- timezone name
For LocalTime (and ZonedTime and UTCTime):
- %c
- as dateTimeFmt locale (e.g. %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y)
For TimeOfDay (and LocalTime and ZonedTime and UTCTime):
- %R
- same as %H:%M
- %T
- same as %H:%M:%S
- %X
- as timeFmt locale (e.g. %H:%M:%S)
- %r
- as time12Fmt locale (e.g. %I:%M:%S %p)
- %P
- day half from (amPm locale), converted to lowercase, am, pm
- %p
- day half from (amPm locale), AM, PM
- %H
- hour, 24-hour, leading 0 as needed, 00 - 23
- %I
- hour, 12-hour, leading 0 as needed, 01 - 12
- %k
- hour, 24-hour, leading space as needed, 0 - 23
- %l
- hour, 12-hour, leading space as needed, 1 - 12
- %M
- minute, 00 - 59
- %S
- second with decimal part if not an integer, 00 - 60.999999999999
For UTCTime and ZonedTime:
- %s
- number of seconds since the Unix epoch
For Day (and LocalTime and ZonedTime and UTCTime):
- %D
- same as %m/%d/%y
- %F
- same as %Y-%m-%d
- %x
- as dateFmt locale (e.g. %m/%d/%y)
- %Y
- year
- %y
- last two digits of year, 00 - 99
- %C
- century (being the first two digits of the year), 00 - 99
- %B
- month name, long form (fst from months locale), January - December
- %b, %h
- month name, short form (snd from months locale), Jan - Dec
- %m
- month of year, leading 0 as needed, 01 - 12
- %d
- day of month, leading 0 as needed, 01 - 31
- %e
- day of month, leading space as needed, 1 - 31
- %j
- day of year for Ordinal Date format, 001 - 366
- %G
- year for Week Date format
- %g
- last two digits of year for Week Date format, 00 - 99
- %V
- week for Week Date format, 01 - 53
- %u
- day for Week Date format, 1 - 7
- %a
- day of week, short form (snd from wDays locale), Sun - Sat
- %A
- day of week, long form (fst from wDays locale), Sunday - Saturday
- %U
- week number of year, where weeks start on Sunday (as sundayStartWeek), 01 - 53
- %w
- day of week number, 0 (= Sunday) - 6 (= Saturday)
- %W
- week number of year, where weeks start on Monday (as mondayStartWeek), 01 - 53
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |