Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
GHC uses several kinds of name internally:
: see OccNameRdrName
: see RdrNameName
: see NameId
represents names that not only have aName
but also aType
and some additional details (aIdInfo
and one ofLocalIdDetails
) that are added, modified and inspected by various compiler passes. TheseVar
names may either be global or local, see VarVar
: see Var
- data Var
- type Id = Var
- isId :: Var -> Bool
- mkGlobalId :: IdDetails -> Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
- mkVanillaGlobal :: Name -> Type -> Id
- mkVanillaGlobalWithInfo :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
- mkLocalId :: Name -> Type -> Id
- mkLocalIdWithInfo :: Name -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
- mkExportedLocalId :: IdDetails -> Name -> Type -> Id
- mkSysLocal :: FastString -> Unique -> Type -> Id
- mkSysLocalM :: MonadUnique m => FastString -> Type -> m Id
- mkUserLocal :: OccName -> Unique -> Type -> SrcSpan -> Id
- mkUserLocalM :: MonadUnique m => OccName -> Type -> SrcSpan -> m Id
- mkDerivedLocalM :: MonadUnique m => (OccName -> OccName) -> Id -> Type -> m Id
- mkTemplateLocals :: [Type] -> [Id]
- mkTemplateLocalsNum :: Int -> [Type] -> [Id]
- mkTemplateLocal :: Int -> Type -> Id
- mkWorkerId :: Unique -> Id -> Type -> Id
- mkWiredInIdName :: Module -> FastString -> Unique -> Id -> Name
- idName :: Id -> Name
- idType :: Id -> Kind
- idUnique :: Id -> Unique
- idInfo :: Id -> IdInfo
- idDetails :: Id -> IdDetails
- idRepArity :: Id -> RepArity
- recordSelectorFieldLabel :: Id -> (TyCon, FieldLabel)
- setIdName :: Id -> Name -> Id
- setIdUnique :: Id -> Unique -> Id
- setIdType :: Id -> Type -> Id
- setIdExported :: Id -> Id
- setIdNotExported :: Id -> Id
- globaliseId :: Id -> Id
- localiseId :: Id -> Id
- setIdInfo :: Id -> IdInfo -> Id
- lazySetIdInfo :: Id -> IdInfo -> Id
- modifyIdInfo :: (IdInfo -> IdInfo) -> Id -> Id
- maybeModifyIdInfo :: Maybe IdInfo -> Id -> Id
- zapLamIdInfo :: Id -> Id
- zapDemandIdInfo :: Id -> Id
- zapFragileIdInfo :: Id -> Id
- transferPolyIdInfo :: Id -> [Var] -> Id -> Id
- zapIdStrictness :: Id -> Id
- isImplicitId :: Id -> Bool
- isDeadBinder :: Id -> Bool
- isStrictId :: Id -> Bool
- isExportedId :: Var -> Bool
- isLocalId :: Var -> Bool
- isGlobalId :: Var -> Bool
- isRecordSelector :: Id -> Bool
- isNaughtyRecordSelector :: Id -> Bool
- isClassOpId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe Class
- isDFunId :: Id -> Bool
- isPrimOpId :: Id -> Bool
- isPrimOpId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe PrimOp
- isFCallId :: Id -> Bool
- isFCallId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe ForeignCall
- isDataConWorkId :: Id -> Bool
- isDataConWorkId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe DataCon
- isDataConId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe DataCon
- idDataCon :: Id -> DataCon
- isConLikeId :: Id -> Bool
- isBottomingId :: Id -> Bool
- idIsFrom :: Module -> Id -> Bool
- hasNoBinding :: Id -> Bool
- type DictId = EvId
- isDictId :: Id -> Bool
- dfunNSilent :: Id -> Int
- isEvVar :: Var -> Bool
- idInlinePragma :: Id -> InlinePragma
- setInlinePragma :: Id -> InlinePragma -> Id
- modifyInlinePragma :: Id -> (InlinePragma -> InlinePragma) -> Id
- idInlineActivation :: Id -> Activation
- setInlineActivation :: Id -> Activation -> Id
- idRuleMatchInfo :: Id -> RuleMatchInfo
- isOneShotBndr :: Var -> Bool
- isOneShotLambda :: Id -> Bool
- isProbablyOneShotLambda :: Id -> Bool
- setOneShotLambda :: Id -> Id
- clearOneShotLambda :: Id -> Id
- updOneShotInfo :: Id -> OneShotInfo -> Id
- setIdOneShotInfo :: Id -> OneShotInfo -> Id
- isStateHackType :: Type -> Bool
- stateHackOneShot :: OneShotInfo
- typeOneShot :: Type -> OneShotInfo
- idArity :: Id -> Arity
- idCallArity :: Id -> Arity
- idUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding
- realIdUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding
- idSpecialisation :: Id -> SpecInfo
- idCoreRules :: Id -> [CoreRule]
- idHasRules :: Id -> Bool
- idCafInfo :: Id -> CafInfo
- idOneShotInfo :: Id -> OneShotInfo
- idOccInfo :: Id -> OccInfo
- setIdUnfoldingLazily :: Id -> Unfolding -> Id
- setIdUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding -> Id
- setIdArity :: Id -> Arity -> Id
- setIdCallArity :: Id -> Arity -> Id
- setIdSpecialisation :: Id -> SpecInfo -> Id
- setIdCafInfo :: Id -> CafInfo -> Id
- setIdOccInfo :: Id -> OccInfo -> Id
- zapIdOccInfo :: Id -> Id
- setIdDemandInfo :: Id -> Demand -> Id
- setIdStrictness :: Id -> StrictSig -> Id
- idDemandInfo :: Id -> Demand
- idStrictness :: Id -> StrictSig
The main types
Simple construction
mkExportedLocalId :: IdDetails -> Name -> Type -> Id Source
Create a local Id
that is marked as exported.
This prevents things attached to it from being removed as dead code.
See Note [Exported LocalIds]
mkSysLocal :: FastString -> Unique -> Type -> Id Source
mkSysLocalM :: MonadUnique m => FastString -> Type -> m Id Source
mkUserLocalM :: MonadUnique m => OccName -> Type -> SrcSpan -> m Id Source
mkDerivedLocalM :: MonadUnique m => (OccName -> OccName) -> Id -> Type -> m Id Source
mkTemplateLocals :: [Type] -> [Id] Source
Create a template local for a series of types
mkTemplateLocalsNum :: Int -> [Type] -> [Id] Source
Create a template local for a series of type, but start from a specified template local
mkTemplateLocal :: Int -> Type -> Id Source
Create a template local: a family of system local Id
s in bijection with Int
s, typically used in unfoldings
mkWorkerId :: Unique -> Id -> Type -> Id Source
Workers get local names. CoreTidy will externalise these if necessary
mkWiredInIdName :: Module -> FastString -> Unique -> Id -> Name Source
Taking an Id apart
idRepArity :: Id -> RepArity Source
recordSelectorFieldLabel :: Id -> (TyCon, FieldLabel) Source
Modifying an Id
setIdUnique :: Id -> Unique -> Id Source
setIdExported :: Id -> Id Source
setIdNotExported :: Id -> Id Source
globaliseId :: Id -> Id Source
If it's a local, make it global
localiseId :: Id -> Id Source
lazySetIdInfo :: Id -> IdInfo -> Id Source
zapLamIdInfo :: Id -> Id Source
zapDemandIdInfo :: Id -> Id Source
zapFragileIdInfo :: Id -> Id Source
zapIdStrictness :: Id -> Id Source
Predicates on Ids
isImplicitId :: Id -> Bool Source
tells whether an Id
s info is implied by other
declarations, so we don't need to put its signature in an interface
file, even if it's mentioned in some other interface unfolding.
isDeadBinder :: Id -> Bool Source
isStrictId :: Id -> Bool Source
This predicate says whether the Id
has a strict demand placed on it or
has a type such that it can always be evaluated strictly (i.e an
unlifted type, as of GHC 7.6). We need to
check separately whether the Id
has a so-called "strict type" because if
the demand for the given id
hasn't been computed yet but id
has a strict
type, we still want isStrictId id
to be True
isExportedId :: Var -> Bool Source
means "don't throw this away"
isGlobalId :: Var -> Bool Source
isRecordSelector :: Id -> Bool Source
isNaughtyRecordSelector :: Id -> Bool Source
isClassOpId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe Class Source
isPrimOpId :: Id -> Bool Source
isPrimOpId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe PrimOp Source
isFCallId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe ForeignCall Source
isDataConWorkId :: Id -> Bool Source
isDataConId_maybe :: Id -> Maybe DataCon Source
idDataCon :: Id -> DataCon Source
Get from either the worker or the wrapper Id
to the DataCon
. Currently used only in the desugarer.
INVARIANT: idDataCon (dataConWrapId d) = d
: remember, dataConWrapId
can return either the wrapper or the worker
isConLikeId :: Id -> Bool Source
isBottomingId :: Id -> Bool Source
Returns true if an application to n args would diverge
hasNoBinding :: Id -> Bool Source
Returns True
of an Id
which may not have a
binding, even though it is defined in this module.
Evidence variables
dfunNSilent :: Id -> Int Source
Inline pragma stuff
idInlinePragma :: Id -> InlinePragma Source
setInlinePragma :: Id -> InlinePragma -> Id infixl 1 Source
modifyInlinePragma :: Id -> (InlinePragma -> InlinePragma) -> Id Source
idInlineActivation :: Id -> Activation Source
setInlineActivation :: Id -> Activation -> Id infixl 1 Source
idRuleMatchInfo :: Id -> RuleMatchInfo Source
One-shot lambdas
isOneShotBndr :: Var -> Bool Source
Returns whether the lambda associated with the Id
is certainly applied at most once
This one is the "business end", called externally.
It works on type variables as well as Ids, returning True
Its main purpose is to encapsulate the Horrible State Hack
isOneShotLambda :: Id -> Bool Source
Returns whether the lambda associated with the Id
is certainly applied at most once.
You probably want to use isOneShotBndr
isProbablyOneShotLambda :: Id -> Bool Source
setOneShotLambda :: Id -> Id Source
clearOneShotLambda :: Id -> Id Source
updOneShotInfo :: Id -> OneShotInfo -> Id Source
setIdOneShotInfo :: Id -> OneShotInfo -> Id infixl 1 Source
isStateHackType :: Type -> Bool Source
stateHackOneShot :: OneShotInfo Source
Should we apply the state hack to values of this Type
typeOneShot :: Type -> OneShotInfo Source
Reading IdInfo
idCallArity :: Id -> Arity Source
idUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding Source
realIdUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding Source
idSpecialisation :: Id -> SpecInfo Source
idCoreRules :: Id -> [CoreRule] Source
idHasRules :: Id -> Bool Source
idOneShotInfo :: Id -> OneShotInfo Source
Writing IdInfo
setIdUnfoldingLazily :: Id -> Unfolding -> Id infixl 1 Source
setIdUnfolding :: Id -> Unfolding -> Id infixl 1 Source
setIdArity :: Id -> Arity -> Id infixl 1 Source
setIdCallArity :: Id -> Arity -> Id infixl 1 Source
setIdSpecialisation :: Id -> SpecInfo -> Id infixl 1 Source
setIdCafInfo :: Id -> CafInfo -> Id Source
setIdOccInfo :: Id -> OccInfo -> Id infixl 1 Source
zapIdOccInfo :: Id -> Id Source
setIdDemandInfo :: Id -> Demand -> Id infixl 1 Source
setIdStrictness :: Id -> StrictSig -> Id infixl 1 Source
idDemandInfo :: Id -> Demand Source
idStrictness :: Id -> StrictSig Source