Index - A
abandon | InteractiveEval, GHC |
abandonAll | InteractiveEval, GHC |
ABE | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
ABExport | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_mono | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_poly | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_prags | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abe_wrap | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
AbsBinds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
absDmd | Demand |
absentErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
absentLiteralOf | Literal, GhcPlugins |
aBSENT_ERROR_ID | MkCore, GhcPlugins |
absIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
absIntegerName | PrelNames |
AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
abstractConstr | Util, GhcPlugins |
abstractDataType | Util, GhcPlugins |
abstractFloats | SimplUtils |
AbstractTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
abs_binds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_ev_binds | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_ev_vars | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_exports | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
abs_tvs | HsBinds, HsSyn, GHC |
accSpillSL | RegAlloc.Graph.Spill |
ACoAxiom | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
AConLike | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
acosDouble# | ExtsCompat46 |
acosFloat# | ExtsCompat46 |
Activation | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
ActiveAfter | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
ActiveBefore | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
activeContext | Lexer |
activeRule | SimplUtils |
activeStgRegs | |
1 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM |
2 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.ARM64 |
3 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC |
4 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.PPC_Darwin |
5 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.SPARC |
6 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86 |
7 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.X86_64 |
8 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform.NoRegs |
9 (Function) | CodeGen.Platform |
activeUnfolding | SimplUtils |
AcyclicSCC | Digraph |
ADC | X86.Instr |
ADD | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
AddAnn | Lexer |
addAnnotation | Lexer |
addArgReps | StgCmmClosure |
addBindC | StgCmmEnv |
addBindsC | StgCmmEnv |
addBlock | Hoopl |
addBlocks | Hoopl |
addBndrRules | SimplEnv |
addBootSuffix | Module, GhcPlugins |
addBootSuffixLocn | Module, GhcPlugins |
addBootSuffix_maybe | Module, GhcPlugins |
ADDC | PPC.Instr |
addCastTo | SimplUtils |
addCFinalizerToWeak# | ExtsCompat46 |
AddCFinalizerToWeakOp | PrimOp |
addCLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins, GHC |
addCoalesce | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addConDoc | HaddockUtils |
addConDocFirst | HaddockUtils |
addConDocs | HaddockUtils |
addConflict | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addConflicts | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addDataConStupidTheta | TcPat |
addDemand | Demand |
addDependentFiles | TcRnMonad |
addDict | TcSMonad |
addDictsByClass | TcSMonad |
ADDE | PPC.Instr |
addEntrySeq | Hoopl |
addEpsInStats | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
addErr | |
1 (Function) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
addErrAt | TcRnMonad |
addErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
addErrCtxtM | TcRnMonad |
addErrs | TcRnMonad |
addErrsTc | TcRnMonad |
addErrTc | TcRnMonad |
addErrTcM | TcRnMonad |
addExclusion | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addExclusions | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addExitSeq | Hoopl |
addExprErrCtxt | TcExpr |
addFieldDoc | HaddockUtils |
addFieldDocs | HaddockUtils |
addFilesToClean | SysTools |
addFloats | SimplEnv |
addFvRn | RnEnv |
addGlobalParallelTyCon | Vectorise.Monad |
addGlobalParallelVar | Vectorise.Monad |
addHomeModuleToFinder | Finder |
ADDI | PPC.Instr |
addIdReps | StgCmmClosure |
addIdSpecialisations | Rules, GhcPlugins |
addImplics | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
addImport | PIC |
addImportNat | NCGMonad |
addInertCan | TcSMonad |
addInlineArity | Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting, Vectorise.Utils |
addInlinePrags | TcPat |
addInScopeSet | CoreSubst, GhcPlugins |
addInsols | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
addIntC# | ExtsCompat46 |
ADDIS | PPC.Instr |
addLabelSize | CLabel |
addLandmarkErrCtxt | TcRnMonad |
addListToUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addListToUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addListToUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addListToUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
addLocalFixities | RnEnv |
addLocM | TcRnMonad |
addLongErrAt | TcRnMonad |
addMessages | TcRnMonad |
addNewInScopeIds | SimplEnv |
addNode | GraphOps, GraphColor |
addNonRec | SimplEnv |
addOneFV | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
addOneToUniqSet | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
addOneToUniqSet_C | UniqSet, GhcPlugins |
addOpt | StaticFlags |
addPoints | Hoopl |
addPoints' | Hoopl |
addPreference | GraphOps, GraphColor |
Addr# | ExtsCompat46 |
addr2Int# | ExtsCompat46 |
Addr2IntOp | PrimOp |
AddrAddOp | PrimOp |
AddrBaseIndex | X86.Regs |
addRecFloats | SimplEnv |
AddrEqOp | PrimOp |
AddrGeOp | PrimOp |
AddrGtOp | PrimOp |
AddrHint | CmmType, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AddrLeOp | PrimOp |
AddrLtOp | PrimOp |
AddrMode | |
1 (Type/Class) | X86.Regs |
2 (Type/Class) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Type/Class) | SPARC.AddrMode |
addrModeRegs | X86.Regs |
AddrNeOp | PrimOp |
addRnInScopeSet | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
addrOffset | |
1 (Function) | X86.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
3 (Function) | SPARC.AddrMode |
addrPrimTy | TysPrim |
addrPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
addrPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
AddrRegImm | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.AddrMode |
AddrRegReg | |
1 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Regs |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.AddrMode |
AddrRemOp | PrimOp |
AddrRep | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
AddrSubOp | PrimOp |
addrToAny# | ExtsCompat46 |
AddrToAnyOp | PrimOp |
addSimplCount | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
addSimples | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
addSolvedDict | TcSMonad |
addSourceToTokens | GHC |
addSpecInfo | Rules, GhcPlugins |
addSRM | RegAlloc.Graph.Stats |
addTarget | GHC |
addTcEvBind | TcRnMonad, TcMType |
addTcgDUs | RnSource |
addTicksToBinds | Coverage |
addToMem | StgCmmUtils |
addToMemE | StgCmmUtils |
addToMemLbl | StgCmmUtils |
addToMemLblE | StgCmmUtils |
addTop | Hoopl |
addTop' | Hoopl |
addToUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUFM_Acc | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUFM_C | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addToUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
addTyArgTo | SimplUtils |
addUsedRdrNames | RnEnv |
addUsedRdrNamesTcS | TcSMonad |
addValArgTo | SimplUtils |
addWarn | |
1 (Function) | CmdLineParser |
2 (Function) | TcRnMonad |
addWarnAt | TcRnMonad |
addWarning | Lexer |
addWarnTc | TcRnMonad |
addWarnTcM | TcRnMonad |
addWay' | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
ADD_CC | X86.Instr |
add_err_tcm | TcRnMonad |
add_warn | TcRnMonad |
add_warn_at | TcRnMonad |
adjustHpBackwards | StgCmmLayout |
adjustMatchResult | DsUtils |
adjustMatchResultDs | DsUtils |
adjustUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
adjustUFM_Directly | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
advanceSrcLoc | SrcLoc, GhcPlugins |
AGlobal | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
AGraph | Hoopl |
aGraphOfGraph | Hoopl |
aGraphToGraph | StgCmmMonad |
ai_args | SimplUtils |
ai_discs | SimplUtils |
ai_encl | SimplUtils |
ai_fun | SimplUtils |
ai_rules | SimplUtils |
ai_strs | SimplUtils |
ai_type | SimplUtils |
AlgAlt | StgSyn |
AlgTyConRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
algTyConRhs | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
Alias | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
aliasify | LlvmCodeGen.Base |
Alignment | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
all2 | Util, GhcPlugins |
allArgRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
3 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
AllCafsCC | CostCentre |
allDistinctTyVars | Type, GhcPlugins |
allFlags | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
allFPArgRegs | |
1 (Function) | X86.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
allIntArgRegs | X86.Regs |
allM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
allMachRegNos | |
1 (Function) | X86.Regs |
2 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
AllModes | CmdLineParser |
allNameStrings | PrelNames |
Alloca | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
allocatableRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
3 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
allocateGlobalBinder | IfaceEnv |
allocateReg | |
1 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.SPARC.FreeRegs |
2 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86.FreeRegs |
3 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.X86_64.FreeRegs |
4 (Function) | RegAlloc.Linear.PPC.FreeRegs |
AllocationLimitExceeded | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
allocDynClosure | StgCmmHeap |
allocDynClosureCmm | StgCmmHeap |
allocHeapClosure | StgCmmHeap |
allocMoreStack | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | PPC.Instr |
ALLOC_AP | ByteCodeInstr |
ALLOC_AP_NOUPD | ByteCodeInstr |
ALLOC_PAP | ByteCodeInstr |
allowInterrupt | Exception |
allRealRegs | SPARC.Regs |
allThePrimOps | PrimOp |
AllTheWay | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
allUses | NameSet, GhcPlugins |
allValid | ErrUtils |
aLL_DPH_PRIM_TYCONS | Vectorise.Builtins.Base |
ALoad | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
alphaTy | TysPrim |
alphaTyVar | TysPrim |
alphaTyVars | TysPrim, GHC |
alr_context | Lexer |
alr_expecting_ocurly | Lexer |
alr_justClosedExplicitLetBlock | Lexer |
alr_last_loc | Lexer |
alr_next_token | Lexer |
alr_pending_implicit_tokens | Lexer |
Alt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AltCon | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
alterNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
alternativeClassKey | PrelNames |
alternativeClassName | PrelNames |
alterOccEnv | OccName, Name, GhcPlugins |
alterTM | TrieMap |
alterUFM | UniqFM, GhcPlugins |
alterVarEnv | VarEnv, GhcPlugins |
altHeapCheck | StgCmmHeap |
altHeapCheckReturnsTo | StgCmmHeap |
AltMerge | CoreMonad, GhcPlugins |
AltType | StgSyn |
alt_bndrs | DsUtils |
alt_pat | DsUtils |
alt_RDR | PrelNames |
alt_result | DsUtils |
alt_wrapper | DsUtils |
1 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Cond |
2 (Data Constructor) | X86.Cond |
3 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Cond |
AlwaysActive | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
alwaysFailMatchResult | DsUtils |
AlwaysInline | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
alwaysInlinePragma | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
alwaysLive | LlvmCodeGen.Regs |
alwaysQualify | Outputable, GhcPlugins, GHC |
alwaysQualifyModules | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
alwaysQualifyNames | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
Amode | |
1 (Type/Class) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
AMO_Add | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_And | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Nand | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Or | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Sub | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
AMO_Xor | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
analBwd | CmmUtils |
analFwd | CmmUtils |
analRewBwd | CmmUtils |
analRewFwd | CmmUtils |
analyzeAndRewriteBwd | Hoopl.Dataflow, Hoopl |
analyzeAndRewriteBwdBody | Hoopl |
analyzeAndRewriteBwdOx | Hoopl |
analyzeAndRewriteFwd | Hoopl.Dataflow, Hoopl |
analyzeAndRewriteFwdBody | Hoopl |
analyzeAndRewriteFwdOx | Hoopl |
analyzeBwd | Hoopl.Dataflow, Hoopl |
analyzeFwd | Hoopl.Dataflow, Hoopl |
analyzeFwdBlocks | Hoopl.Dataflow, Hoopl |
AND | |
1 (Data Constructor) | X86.Instr |
2 (Data Constructor) | PPC.Instr |
3 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.Instr |
And | BooleanFormula |
and# | ExtsCompat46 |
andCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
andI# | ExtsCompat46 |
andIntegerIdKey | PrelNames |
andIntegerName | PrelNames |
AndIOp | PrimOp |
andManyCts | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ANDN | SPARC.Instr |
AndOp | PrimOp |
andValid | ErrUtils |
andWC | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
and_RDR | PrelNames |
angleBrackets | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
AnId | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
AnnAlt | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnApp | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnAs | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnAt | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBackquote | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBang | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBind | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnBlockComment | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnBy | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCase | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnCast | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnClass | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnClose | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseC | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseP | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCloseS | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCoercion | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnColon | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnComma | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnCommaTuple | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
annCtxt | TcAnnotations |
AnnD | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
AnnDarrow | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnData | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDcolon | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDecl | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
AnnDefault | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDeriving | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDo | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocCommentNamed | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocCommentNext | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocCommentPrev | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocOptions | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocOptionsOld | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDocSection | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDot | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnDotdot | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnElse | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnEnv | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnEofPos | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnEqual | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnExport | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnExpr | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnExpr' | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnFamily | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnForall | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnForeign | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnFunId | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnGroup | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnHeader | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnHiding | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnIf | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnImport | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnIn | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnInfix | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnInstance | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnKeywordId | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLam | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnLarrow | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
Annlarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLet | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnLineComment | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnLit | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnMdo | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnMinus | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnModule | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnNewtype | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnNonRec | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnOf | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpen | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenC | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenP | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOpenS | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Annotation | |
1 (Type/Class) | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
2 (Data Constructor) | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnotationComment | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
annotations | Lexer |
annotations_comments | Lexer |
AnnPackageName | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnPattern | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnPayload | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnProc | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnProvenance | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
annProvenanceName_maybe | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
AnnQualified | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRarrow | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
Annrarrowtail | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnRec | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnRole | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnSafe | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnSemi | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnStatic | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnTarget | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
AnnThen | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnTick | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnTilde | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnTildehsh | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnType | |
1 (Data Constructor) | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
2 (Data Constructor) | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnUnit | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnUsing | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnVal | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnValStr | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnVar | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
AnnVbar | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
AnnWhere | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
ann_target | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
ann_value | Annotations, GhcPlugins |
Any | |
1 (Type/Class) | ExtsCompat46 |
2 (Data Constructor) | SPARC.CodeGen.Base |
anyBag | Bag |
anyBoxConKey | PrelNames |
AnyHpcUsage | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
anyHsc | DriverPhases |
anyKind | TysPrim, Kind, Type, GhcPlugins |
anyKindTyCon | TysPrim, Kind, Type, GhcPlugins |
anyKindTyConKey | PrelNames |
anyKindTyConName | TysPrim |
anyM | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
anyNameEnv | NameEnv, GhcPlugins |
AnySuffix | CmdLineParser |
AnySuffixPred | CmdLineParser |
anyTy | TysPrim |
anyTyCon | TysPrim |
anyTyConKey | PrelNames |
anyTypeOfKind | TysPrim |
AP | RtClosureInspect |
apAClassOpKey | PrelNames |
apAName | PrelNames |
ApiAnnKey | ApiAnnotation |
ApiAnns | ApiAnnotation, GHC |
App | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
appAIdKey | PrelNames |
appAName | PrelNames |
AppCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
appendFS | FastString, GhcPlugins |
appendGroups | HsDecls, HsSyn, GHC |
appendIdKey | PrelNames |
Appending | Llvm.Types, Llvm |
appendName | PrelNames |
appendStringBuffers | StringBuffer |
appendStubC | HscTypes, GhcPlugins |
appendWorkList | TcSMonad |
append_RDR | PrelNames |
appIsBottom | Demand |
AppleClang | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
AppleClang51 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Applicative | MonadUtils, IOEnv, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
applicativeClassKey | PrelNames |
applicativeClassName | PrelNames |
apply1Dmd | Demand |
apply2Dmd | Demand |
applyCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
applyNameMaker | RnPat |
ApplyToTy | SimplUtils |
ApplyToVal | SimplUtils |
applyTy | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
applyTypeToArg | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
applyTypeToArgs | CoreUtils, GhcPlugins |
applyTys | Type, TcType, GhcPlugins |
applyTysD | Type, GhcPlugins |
applyTysX | Type, GhcPlugins |
applyVar | Vectorise.Builtins.Base, Vectorise.Builtins |
appOL | OrdList |
AppOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
appPVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, DsMonad |
APromotionErr | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
ap_RDR | PrelNames |
aP_STACK_SPLIM | DynFlags, GhcPlugins |
Arch | Platform |
ArchAlpha | Platform |
ArchARM | Platform |
ArchARM64 | Platform |
ArchJavaScript | Platform |
ArchMipseb | Platform |
ArchMipsel | Platform |
ArchPPC | Platform |
ArchPPC_64 | Platform |
ArchSPARC | Platform |
ArchUnknown | Platform |
archWordSize | |
1 (Function) | X86.Instr |
2 (Function) | PPC.Instr |
ArchX86 | Platform |
ArchX86_64 | Platform |
Area | CmmExpr, Cmm |
Arg | CoreSyn, GhcPlugins |
ArgDescr | SMRep |
ArgGen | SMRep |
ArgInfo | |
1 (Type/Class) | SimplUtils |
2 (Data Constructor) | SimplUtils |
argInfoAppArgs | SimplUtils |
argInfoExpr | SimplUtils |
argOneShots | Demand |
argPrimRep | StgCmmClosure |
argRegs | |
1 (Function) | SPARC.Regs |
2 (Function) | X86.Regs |
3 (Function) | PPC.Regs |
ArgRep | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
argRepSizeW | StgCmmArgRep, StgCmmLayout |
argRepString | StgCmmArgRep |
args | CmmNode, Cmm |
argsOneShots | Demand |
ArgSpec | |
1 (Data Constructor) | SMRep |
2 (Type/Class) | SimplUtils |
ArgSummary | CoreUnfold |
aRG_GEN | SMRep |
arg_space | Cmm |
ArithException | Exception |
ArithSeq | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ArithSeqInfo | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ArithSeqOrigin | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
Arity | BasicTypes, GhcPlugins |
arityDataCon_RDR | PrelNames |
arityErr | TcValidity |
ArityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
arityInfo | IdInfo, GhcPlugins |
ArmABI | Platform |
armABI | Platform |
ArmISA | Platform |
armISA | Platform |
ArmISAExt | Platform |
armISAExt | Platform |
ARMv5 | Platform |
ARMv6 | Platform |
ARMv7 | Platform |
arrAIdKey | PrelNames |
arrAName | PrelNames |
Array# | ExtsCompat46 |
ArrayArray# | ExtsCompat46 |
arrayArrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
arrayArrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
ArrayException | Exception |
arrayPrimTyCon | TysPrim |
arrayPrimTyConKey | PrelNames |
ArrayPtrsRep | SMRep |
ArrayWordsRep | SMRep |
aRROW | PrelNames |
arrow | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
ArrowCtxt | |
1 (Type/Class) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
2 (Data Constructor) | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
ArrowExpr | HsExpr, HsSyn, GHC |
ArrowSkol | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad |
arrowt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
arrowtt | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
arrPtrsHdrSize | SMRep |
arrPtrsHdrSizeW | SMRep |
arrPtrsRep | SMRep |
arrWordsHdrSize | SMRep |
arrWordsHdrSizeW | SMRep |
arrWordsRep | SMRep |
As | DriverPhases |
asinDouble# | ExtsCompat46 |
asinFloat# | ExtsCompat46 |
askCc | SysTools |
Asm | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
AsmStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
asmStyle | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
AsPat | HsPat, HsSyn, GHC |
assembleBCO | ByteCodeAsm |
assembleBCOs | ByteCodeAsm |
assert | Exception |
assertErrorIdKey | PrelNames |
assertErrorName | PrelNames |
assertIdKey | PrelNames |
AssertionFailed | |
1 (Data Constructor) | Exception |
2 (Type/Class) | Exception |
assertName | PrelNames |
assertPanic | Panic, Outputable, GhcPlugins |
assertPprPanic | Outputable, GhcPlugins |
assignArgumentsPos | CmmCallConv |
AssignedDirectly | StgCmmMonad |
assignMem_I64Code | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen64 |
Assignment | Llvm.AbsSyn, Llvm |
assignReg_I64Code | SPARC.CodeGen.Gen64 |
assignStack | CmmCallConv |
assignTemp | StgCmmUtils |
AssignTo | StgCmmMonad |
Assoc | ListSetOps |
assoc | ListSetOps |
assocDefault | ListSetOps |
assocDefaultUsing | ListSetOps |
AssocFamilyTyCon | TyCon, GhcPlugins |
assocMaybe | ListSetOps |
assocUsing | ListSetOps |
AsyncException | Exception |
asyncExceptionFromException | Exception |
asyncExceptionToException | Exception |
as_arg_ty | SimplUtils |
as_hole_ty | SimplUtils |
atanDouble# | ExtsCompat46 |
atanFloat# | ExtsCompat46 |
ATcId | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
atEnd | StringBuffer |
AThing | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
ATI | Class |
atLength | Util, GhcPlugins |
atomically# | ExtsCompat46 |
AtomicallyOp | PrimOp |
AtomicMachOp | CmmMachOp, CmmExpr, Cmm |
atomicModifyMutVar# | ExtsCompat46 |
AtomicModifyMutVarOp | PrimOp |
AtomicReadByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
atomicReadIntArray# | ExtsCompat46 |
atomicReadLabel | CPrim |
atomicRMWLabel | CPrim |
atomicUpdMutVar | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
atomicUpdMutVar' | IOEnv, TcRnMonad |
AtomicWriteByteArrayOp_Int | PrimOp |
atomicWriteIntArray# | ExtsCompat46 |
atomicWriteLabel | CPrim |
attachContInfoTables | CmmProcPoint |
ATyCon | Type, HscTypes, TcEnv, GhcPlugins, GHC |
ATyVar | TcRnTypes, TcRnMonad, TcEnv |
augment | ExtsCompat46 |
augmentIdKey | PrelNames |
augmentName | PrelNames |
Avail | Avail |
AvailInfo | Avail |
availName | Avail |
availNames | Avail |
Avails | Avail |
availsToGlobalRdrEnv | InteractiveEval |
availsToNameEnv | Avail |
availsToNameSet | Avail |
AvailTC | Avail |
avx | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx2 | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512cd | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512er | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512f | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
avx512pf | DynFlags, GhcPlugins, GHC |
AxiomInstCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |
AxiomRuleCo | Coercion, GhcPlugins |