Copyright | (c) Alastair Reid, 1997-2003 |
License | BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Esa Ilari Vuokko <> |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell98 |
A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Win32.
type DTemplateMem = Ptr Stub_DTM Source
Stub_DTM DTemplateMem |
newtype DIA_TEMPLATE Source
type DialogStyle = WindowStyle Source
mkDialogTemplate :: String -> IO DTemplate Source
type ResourceID = Int Source
mkResource :: ResourceID -> IO (Ptr a) Source
type DialogProc = HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO Int Source
mkDialogClosure :: DialogProc -> IO (FunPtr DialogProc) Source
dialogBoxParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplate -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO Int Source
c_DialogBoxParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplate -> HWND -> FunPtr DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO Int Source
dialogBoxIndirect :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplateMem -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> IO Int Source
dialogBoxIndirectParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplateMem -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO Int Source
c_DialogBoxIndirectParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplateMem -> HWND -> FunPtr DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO Int Source
data DialogTemplate Source
DialogTemplate Int Int Int Int WindowStyle DWORD (Either ResourceID String) (Either ResourceID String) (Either ResourceID String) (Either ResourceID String) Int [DialogControl] |
data DialogControl Source
DialogControl Int Int Int Int (Either ResourceID String) (Either ResourceID String) WindowStyle DWORD Int |
pushButtonControl :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DWORD -> DWORD -> Int -> String -> DialogControl Source
listBoxControl :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DWORD -> DWORD -> Int -> String -> DialogControl Source
comboBoxControl :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DWORD -> DWORD -> Int -> String -> DialogControl Source
scrollBarControl :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DWORD -> DWORD -> Int -> String -> DialogControl Source
mkDiaTemplate :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> WindowStyle -> DWORD -> LPCWSTR -> LPCWSTR -> LPCWSTR -> LPCWSTR -> Int -> IO (Ptr DIA_TEMPLATE) Source
addControl :: Ptr DIA_TEMPLATE -> DialogControl -> IO () Source
addDiaControl :: Ptr DIA_TEMPLATE -> LPCWSTR -> Int -> LPCWSTR -> DWORD -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DWORD -> IO (Ptr DIA_TEMPLATE) Source
createDialog :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplate -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> IO HWND Source
createDialogParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplate -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO HWND Source
c_CreateDialogParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplate -> HWND -> FunPtr DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO HWND Source
createDialogIndirect :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplateMem -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> IO HWND Source
createDialogIndirectParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplateMem -> Maybe HWND -> DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO HWND Source
c_CreateDialogIndirectParam :: HINSTANCE -> DTemplateMem -> HWND -> FunPtr DialogProc -> LPARAM -> IO HWND Source
defDlgProc :: HWND -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LRESULT Source
getDlgCtrlID :: HWND -> IO Int Source
c_GetDlgCtrlID :: HWND -> IO Int Source
mapDialogRect :: HWND -> LPRECT -> IO () Source
sendDlgItemMessage :: HWND -> Int -> WindowMessage -> WPARAM -> LPARAM -> IO LONG Source