ghc- The GHC API

Safe HaskellNone




This module defines TyCons that can't be expressed in Haskell. They are all, therefore, wired-in TyCons. C.f module TysWiredIn



superKindTyCon :: TyCon Source

See Type for details of the distinction between the Kind TyCons

superKind :: Kind Source

See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds

anyKindTyCon :: TyCon Source

See Type for details of the distinction between the Kind TyCons

liftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon Source

See Type for details of the distinction between the Kind TyCons

openTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon Source

See Type for details of the distinction between the Kind TyCons

unliftedTypeKindTyCon :: TyCon Source

See Type for details of the distinction between the Kind TyCons

constraintKindTyCon :: TyCon Source

See Type for details of the distinction between the Kind TyCons

anyKind :: Kind Source

See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds

liftedTypeKind :: Kind Source

See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds

unliftedTypeKind :: Kind Source

See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds

openTypeKind :: Kind Source

See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds

constraintKind :: Kind Source

See Type for details of the distinction between these Kinds

mkArrowKind :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind Source

Given two kinds k1 and k2, creates the Kind k1 -> k2

mkArrowKinds :: [Kind] -> Kind -> Kind Source

Iterated application of mkArrowKind
