{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Distribution.Simple.PreProcess (preprocessComponent, preprocessExtras,
knownSuffixHandlers, ppSuffixes,
PPSuffixHandler, PreProcessor(..),
mkSimplePreProcessor, runSimplePreProcessor,
ppCpp, ppCpp', ppGreenCard, ppC2hs, ppHsc2hs,
ppHappy, ppAlex, ppUnlit, platformDefines
import Prelude ()
import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
import Distribution.Compat.Stack
import Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit
import Distribution.Backpack.DescribeUnitId
import Distribution.Package
import qualified Distribution.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Distribution.ModuleName (ModuleName)
import Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
import qualified Distribution.InstalledPackageInfo as Installed
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as PackageIndex
import Distribution.Simple.CCompiler
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import Distribution.Simple.Program
import Distribution.Simple.Test.LibV09
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Text
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.Verbosity
import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Info (os, arch)
import System.FilePath (splitExtension, dropExtensions, (</>), (<.>),
takeDirectory, normalise, replaceExtension,
data PreProcessor = PreProcessor {
platformIndependent :: Bool,
runPreProcessor :: (FilePath, FilePath)
-> (FilePath, FilePath)
-> Verbosity
-> IO ()
type PreProcessorExtras = FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
mkSimplePreProcessor :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Verbosity -> IO ())
-> (FilePath, FilePath)
-> (FilePath, FilePath) -> Verbosity -> IO ()
mkSimplePreProcessor simplePP
(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
(outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity = simplePP inFile outFile verbosity
where inFile = normalise (inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile)
outFile = normalise (outBaseDir </> outRelativeFile)
runSimplePreProcessor :: PreProcessor -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Verbosity
-> IO ()
runSimplePreProcessor pp inFile outFile verbosity =
runPreProcessor pp (".", inFile) (".", outFile) verbosity
type PPSuffixHandler
= (String, BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor)
preprocessComponent :: PackageDescription
-> Component
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> Bool
-> Verbosity
-> [PPSuffixHandler]
-> IO ()
preprocessComponent pd comp lbi clbi isSrcDist verbosity handlers = do
setupMessage' verbosity "Preprocessing" (packageId pd)
(componentLocalName clbi) (Nothing :: Maybe [(ModuleName, Module)])
case comp of
(CLib lib@Library{ libBuildInfo = bi }) -> do
let dirs = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
,autogenPackageModulesDir lbi]
for_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath $ allLibModules lib clbi) $
pre dirs (componentBuildDir lbi clbi) (localHandlers bi)
(CFLib flib@ForeignLib { foreignLibBuildInfo = bi, foreignLibName = nm }) -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
let flibDir = buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
dirs = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
,autogenPackageModulesDir lbi]
for_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath $ foreignLibModules flib) $
pre dirs flibDir (localHandlers bi)
(CExe exe@Executable { buildInfo = bi, exeName = nm }) -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
let exeDir = buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
dirs = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
,autogenPackageModulesDir lbi]
for_ (map ModuleName.toFilePath $ otherModules bi) $
pre dirs exeDir (localHandlers bi)
pre (hsSourceDirs bi) exeDir (localHandlers bi) $
dropExtensions (modulePath exe)
CTest test@TestSuite{ testName = nm } -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
case testInterface test of
TestSuiteExeV10 _ f ->
preProcessTest test f $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ -> do
let testDir = buildDir lbi </> stubName test
</> stubName test ++ "-tmp"
writeSimpleTestStub test testDir
preProcessTest test (stubFilePath test) testDir
TestSuiteUnsupported tt ->
die' verbosity $ "No support for preprocessing test "
++ "suite type " ++ display tt
CBench bm@Benchmark{ benchmarkName = nm } -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
case benchmarkInterface bm of
BenchmarkExeV10 _ f ->
preProcessBench bm f $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
BenchmarkUnsupported tt ->
die' verbosity $ "No support for preprocessing benchmark "
++ "type " ++ display tt
builtinHaskellSuffixes = ["hs", "lhs", "hsig", "lhsig"]
builtinCSuffixes = cSourceExtensions
builtinSuffixes = builtinHaskellSuffixes ++ builtinCSuffixes
localHandlers bi = [(ext, h bi lbi clbi) | (ext, h) <- handlers]
pre dirs dir lhndlrs fp =
preprocessFile dirs dir isSrcDist fp verbosity builtinSuffixes lhndlrs
preProcessTest test = preProcessComponent (testBuildInfo test)
(testModules test)
preProcessBench bm = preProcessComponent (benchmarkBuildInfo bm)
(benchmarkModules bm)
preProcessComponent bi modules exePath dir = do
let biHandlers = localHandlers bi
sourceDirs = hsSourceDirs bi ++ [ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi
, autogenPackageModulesDir lbi ]
sequence_ [ preprocessFile sourceDirs dir isSrcDist
(ModuleName.toFilePath modu) verbosity builtinSuffixes
| modu <- modules ]
preprocessFile (dir : (hsSourceDirs bi)) dir isSrcDist
(dropExtensions $ exePath) verbosity
builtinSuffixes biHandlers
:: [FilePath]
-> FilePath
-> Bool
-> FilePath
-> Verbosity
-> [String]
-> [(String, PreProcessor)]
-> IO ()
preprocessFile searchLoc buildLoc forSDist baseFile verbosity builtinSuffixes handlers = do
psrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension' (map fst handlers) searchLoc baseFile
case psrcFiles of
Nothing -> do
bsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes (buildLoc : searchLoc) baseFile
case bsrcFiles of
Nothing ->
die' verbosity $ "can't find source for " ++ baseFile
++ " in " ++ intercalate ", " searchLoc
_ -> return ()
Just (psrcLoc, psrcRelFile) -> do
let (srcStem, ext) = splitExtension psrcRelFile
psrcFile = psrcLoc </> psrcRelFile
pp = fromMaybe (error "Distribution.Simple.PreProcess: Just expected")
(lookup (tailNotNull ext) handlers)
when (not forSDist || forSDist && platformIndependent pp) $ do
ppsrcFiles <- findFileWithExtension builtinSuffixes [buildLoc] baseFile
recomp <- case ppsrcFiles of
Nothing -> return True
Just ppsrcFile ->
psrcFile `moreRecentFile` ppsrcFile
when recomp $ do
let destDir = buildLoc </> dirName srcStem
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True destDir
runPreProcessorWithHsBootHack pp
(psrcLoc, psrcRelFile)
(buildLoc, srcStem <.> "hs")
dirName = takeDirectory
tailNotNull [] = []
tailNotNull x = tail x
runPreProcessorWithHsBootHack pp
(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
(outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) = do
runPreProcessor pp
(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
(outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity
exists <- doesFileExist inBoot
when exists $ copyFileVerbose verbosity inBoot outBoot
inBoot = replaceExtension inFile "hs-boot"
outBoot = replaceExtension outFile "hs-boot"
inFile = normalise (inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile)
outFile = normalise (outBaseDir </> outRelativeFile)
ppGreenCard :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppGreenCard _ lbi _
= PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = False,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
runDbProgram verbosity greencardProgram (withPrograms lbi)
(["-tffi", "-o" ++ outFile, inFile])
ppUnlit :: PreProcessor
ppUnlit =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = True,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
withUTF8FileContents inFile $ \contents ->
either (writeUTF8File outFile) (die' verbosity) (unlit inFile contents)
ppCpp :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppCpp = ppCpp' []
ppCpp' :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppCpp' extraArgs bi lbi clbi =
case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
GHC -> ppGhcCpp ghcProgram (>= mkVersion [6,6]) args bi lbi clbi
GHCJS -> ppGhcCpp ghcjsProgram (const True) args bi lbi clbi
_ -> ppCpphs args bi lbi clbi
where cppArgs = getCppOptions bi lbi
args = cppArgs ++ extraArgs
ppGhcCpp :: Program -> (Version -> Bool)
-> [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppGhcCpp program xHs extraArgs _bi lbi clbi =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = False,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
(prog, version, _) <- requireProgramVersion verbosity
program anyVersion (withPrograms lbi)
runProgram verbosity prog $
["-E", "-cpp"]
++ (if xHs version then ["-x", "hs"] else [])
++ [ "-optP-include", "-optP"++ (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName) ]
++ ["-o", outFile, inFile]
++ extraArgs
ppCpphs :: [String] -> BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppCpphs extraArgs _bi lbi clbi =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = False,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
(cpphsProg, cpphsVersion, _) <- requireProgramVersion verbosity
cpphsProgram anyVersion (withPrograms lbi)
runProgram verbosity cpphsProg $
("-O" ++ outFile) : inFile
: "--noline" : "--strip"
: (if cpphsVersion >= mkVersion [1,6]
then ["--include="++ (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName)]
else [])
++ extraArgs
ppHsc2hs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppHsc2hs bi lbi clbi =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = False,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity -> do
(gccProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
runDbProgram verbosity hsc2hsProgram (withPrograms lbi) $
[ "--cc=" ++ programPath gccProg
, "--ld=" ++ programPath gccProg ]
++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt | opt <- programDefaultArgs gccProg
++ programOverrideArgs gccProg ]
++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt | opt <- programDefaultArgs gccProg
++ programOverrideArgs gccProg ]
++ [ what ++ "=-F" ++ opt
| isOSX
, opt <- nub (concatMap Installed.frameworkDirs pkgs)
, what <- ["--cflag", "--lflag"] ]
++ [ "--lflag=" ++ arg
| isOSX
, opt <- PD.frameworks bi ++ concatMap Installed.frameworks pkgs
, arg <- ["-framework", opt] ]
++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt | opt <- platformDefines lbi ]
++ [ "--cflag=-I" ++ dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi ]
++ [ "--cflag=-I" ++ buildDir lbi </> dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi ]
++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt | opt <- PD.ccOptions bi
++ PD.cppOptions bi ]
++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt | opt <-
[ "-I" ++ autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi,
"-I" ++ autogenPackageModulesDir lbi,
"-include", autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName ] ]
++ [ "--lflag=-L" ++ opt | opt <- PD.extraLibDirs bi ]
++ [ "--lflag=-Wl,-R," ++ opt | isELF
, opt <- PD.extraLibDirs bi ]
++ [ "--lflag=-l" ++ opt | opt <- PD.extraLibs bi ]
++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt | opt <- PD.ldOptions bi ]
++ [ "--cflag=" ++ opt
| pkg <- pkgs
, opt <- [ "-I" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.includeDirs pkg ]
++ [ opt | opt <- Installed.ccOptions pkg ] ]
++ [ "--lflag=" ++ opt
| pkg <- pkgs
, opt <- [ "-L" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.libraryDirs pkg ]
++ [ "-Wl,-R," ++ opt | isELF
, opt <- Installed.libraryDirs pkg ]
++ [ "-l" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.extraLibraries pkg ]
++ [ opt | opt <- Installed.ldOptions pkg ] ]
++ ["-o", outFile, inFile]
hacked_index = packageHacks (installedPkgs lbi)
pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder $
case PackageIndex.dependencyClosure hacked_index
(map fst (componentPackageDeps clbi)) of
Left index' -> index'
Right inf ->
error ("ppHsc2hs: broken closure: " ++ show inf)
isOSX = case buildOS of OSX -> True; _ -> False
isELF = case buildOS of OSX -> False; Windows -> False; AIX -> False; _ -> True;
packageHacks = case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
GHC -> hackRtsPackage
GHCJS -> hackRtsPackage
_ -> id
hackRtsPackage index =
case PackageIndex.lookupPackageName index (mkPackageName "rts") of
[(_, [rts])]
-> PackageIndex.insert rts { Installed.ldOptions = [] } index
_ -> error "No (or multiple) ghc rts package is registered!!"
ppHsc2hsExtras :: PreProcessorExtras
ppHsc2hsExtras buildBaseDir = filter ("_hsc.c" `isSuffixOf`) `fmap`
getDirectoryContentsRecursive buildBaseDir
ppC2hs :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppC2hs bi lbi clbi =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = False,
runPreProcessor = \(inBaseDir, inRelativeFile)
(outBaseDir, outRelativeFile) verbosity -> do
(c2hsProg, _, _) <- requireProgramVersion verbosity
c2hsProgram (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [0,15]))
(withPrograms lbi)
(gccProg, _) <- requireProgram verbosity gccProgram (withPrograms lbi)
runProgram verbosity c2hsProg $
[ "--cpp=" ++ programPath gccProg, "--cppopts=-E" ]
++ [ "--cppopts=" ++ opt | opt <- getCppOptions bi lbi ]
++ [ "--cppopts=-include" ++ (autogenComponentModulesDir lbi clbi </> cppHeaderName) ]
++ [ "--include=" ++ outBaseDir ]
++ [ "--cppopts=" ++ opt
| pkg <- pkgs
, opt <- [ "-I" ++ opt | opt <- Installed.includeDirs pkg ]
++ [ opt | opt@('-':c:_) <- Installed.ccOptions pkg
, c `elem` "DIU" ] ]
++ [ "--output-dir=" ++ outBaseDir
, "--output=" ++ outRelativeFile
, inBaseDir </> inRelativeFile ]
pkgs = PackageIndex.topologicalOrder (installedPkgs lbi)
ppC2hsExtras :: PreProcessorExtras
ppC2hsExtras d = filter (\p -> takeExtensions p == ".chs.c") `fmap`
getDirectoryContentsRecursive d
getCppOptions :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> [String]
getCppOptions bi lbi
= platformDefines lbi
++ cppOptions bi
++ ["-I" ++ dir | dir <- PD.includeDirs bi]
++ [opt | opt@('-':c:_) <- PD.ccOptions bi, c `elem` "DIU"]
platformDefines :: LocalBuildInfo -> [String]
platformDefines lbi =
case compilerFlavor comp of
GHC ->
["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt version] ++
["-D" ++ os ++ "_BUILD_OS=1"] ++
["-D" ++ arch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1"] ++
map (\os' -> "-D" ++ os' ++ "_HOST_OS=1") osStr ++
map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
compatGlasgowHaskell ++
["-D__GHCJS__=" ++ versionInt version] ++
["-D" ++ os ++ "_BUILD_OS=1"] ++
["-D" ++ arch ++ "_BUILD_ARCH=1"] ++
map (\os' -> "-D" ++ os' ++ "_HOST_OS=1") osStr ++
map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
JHC -> ["-D__JHC__=" ++ versionInt version]
HaskellSuite {} ->
["-D__HASKELL_SUITE__"] ++
map (\os' -> "-D" ++ os' ++ "_HOST_OS=1") osStr ++
map (\arch' -> "-D" ++ arch' ++ "_HOST_ARCH=1") archStr
_ -> []
comp = compiler lbi
Platform hostArch hostOS = hostPlatform lbi
version = compilerVersion comp
compatGlasgowHaskell =
maybe [] (\v -> ["-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=" ++ versionInt v])
(compilerCompatVersion GHC comp)
versionInt :: Version -> String
versionInt v = case versionNumbers v of
[] -> "1"
[n] -> show n
n1:n2:_ ->
let s1 = show n1
s2 = show n2
middle = case s2 of
_ : _ : _ -> ""
_ -> "0"
in s1 ++ middle ++ s2
osStr = case hostOS of
Linux -> ["linux"]
Windows -> ["mingw32"]
OSX -> ["darwin"]
FreeBSD -> ["freebsd"]
OpenBSD -> ["openbsd"]
NetBSD -> ["netbsd"]
DragonFly -> ["dragonfly"]
Solaris -> ["solaris2"]
AIX -> ["aix"]
HPUX -> ["hpux"]
IRIX -> ["irix"]
HaLVM -> []
IOS -> ["ios"]
Android -> ["android"]
Ghcjs -> ["ghcjs"]
Hurd -> ["hurd"]
OtherOS _ -> []
archStr = case hostArch of
I386 -> ["i386"]
X86_64 -> ["x86_64"]
PPC -> ["powerpc"]
PPC64 -> ["powerpc64"]
Sparc -> ["sparc"]
Arm -> ["arm"]
Mips -> ["mips"]
SH -> []
IA64 -> ["ia64"]
S390 -> ["s390"]
Alpha -> ["alpha"]
Hppa -> ["hppa"]
Rs6000 -> ["rs6000"]
M68k -> ["m68k"]
Vax -> ["vax"]
JavaScript -> ["javascript"]
OtherArch _ -> []
ppHappy :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppHappy _ lbi _ = pp { platformIndependent = True }
where pp = standardPP lbi happyProgram (hcFlags hc)
hc = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)
hcFlags GHC = ["-agc"]
hcFlags GHCJS = ["-agc"]
hcFlags _ = []
ppAlex :: BuildInfo -> LocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> PreProcessor
ppAlex _ lbi _ = pp { platformIndependent = True }
where pp = standardPP lbi alexProgram (hcFlags hc)
hc = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi)
hcFlags GHC = ["-g"]
hcFlags GHCJS = ["-g"]
hcFlags _ = []
standardPP :: LocalBuildInfo -> Program -> [String] -> PreProcessor
standardPP lbi prog args =
PreProcessor {
platformIndependent = False,
runPreProcessor = mkSimplePreProcessor $ \inFile outFile verbosity ->
runDbProgram verbosity prog (withPrograms lbi)
(args ++ ["-o", outFile, inFile])
ppSuffixes :: [ PPSuffixHandler ] -> [String]
ppSuffixes = map fst
knownSuffixHandlers :: [ PPSuffixHandler ]
knownSuffixHandlers =
[ ("gc", ppGreenCard)
, ("chs", ppC2hs)
, ("hsc", ppHsc2hs)
, ("x", ppAlex)
, ("y", ppHappy)
, ("ly", ppHappy)
, ("cpphs", ppCpp)
knownExtrasHandlers :: [ PreProcessorExtras ]
knownExtrasHandlers = [ ppC2hsExtras, ppHsc2hsExtras ]
preprocessExtras :: Verbosity
-> Component
-> LocalBuildInfo
-> IO [FilePath]
preprocessExtras verbosity comp lbi = case comp of
CLib _ -> pp $ buildDir lbi
(CExe Executable { exeName = nm }) -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
(CFLib ForeignLib { foreignLibName = nm }) -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName nm
pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
CTest test -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName $ testName test
case testInterface test of
TestSuiteExeV10 _ _ ->
pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
TestSuiteLibV09 _ _ ->
pp $ buildDir lbi </> stubName test </> stubName test ++ "-tmp"
TestSuiteUnsupported tt -> die' verbosity $ "No support for preprocessing test "
++ "suite type " ++ display tt
CBench bm -> do
let nm' = unUnqualComponentName $ benchmarkName bm
case benchmarkInterface bm of
BenchmarkExeV10 _ _ ->
pp $ buildDir lbi </> nm' </> nm' ++ "-tmp"
BenchmarkUnsupported tt ->
die' verbosity $ "No support for preprocessing benchmark "
++ "type " ++ display tt
pp :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
pp dir = (map (dir </>) . filter not_sub . concat)
<$> for knownExtrasHandlers
(withLexicalCallStack (\f -> f dir))
not_sub p = and [ not (pre `isPrefixOf` p) | pre <- component_dirs ]
component_dirs = component_names (localPkgDescr lbi)
component_names pkg_descr = fmap unUnqualComponentName $
mapMaybe libName (subLibraries pkg_descr) ++
map exeName (executables pkg_descr) ++
map testName (testSuites pkg_descr) ++
map benchmarkName (benchmarks pkg_descr)