Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell software
Safe HaskellNone




data ComponentName Source #


Instances details
Eq ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Ord ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Read ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Show ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Generic ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Associated Types

type Rep ComponentName :: Type -> Type Source #

Binary ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Pretty ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

Parsec ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

type Rep ComponentName # 
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.Types.ComponentName

componentNameString :: ComponentName -> Maybe UnqualComponentName Source #

This gets the underlying unqualified component name. In fact, it is guaranteed to uniquely identify a component, returning Nothing if the ComponentName was for the public library.