Copyright | (c) Alastair Reid 1997-2003 |
License | BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Esa Ilari Vuokko <> |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A collection of FFI declarations for interfacing with Win32.
createMenu :: IO HMENU #
c_CreateMenu :: IO HMENU #
createPopupMenu :: IO HMENU #
drawMenuBar :: HWND -> IO () #
c_DrawMenuBar :: HWND -> IO Bool #
mF_CHECKED :: MenuFlag #
mFT_STRING :: MenuFlag #
mF_SYSMENU :: MenuItem #
mFT_BITMAP :: MenuFlag #
mFS_GRAYED :: MenuState #
mFS_HILITE :: MenuState #
type TrackMenuFlag = UINT #
type SystemMenuCommand = UINT #
getMenuItemCount :: HMENU -> IO Int #
c_GetMenuItemCount :: HMENU -> IO Int #
data MenuItemInfo #
MenuItemInfo | |
Fields |
allocaMenuItemInfo :: (Ptr MenuItemInfo -> IO a) -> IO a #
withMenuItemInfo :: MenuItemInfo -> (Ptr MenuItemInfo -> IO a) -> IO a #
type MenuItemMask = UINT #
mIIM_ID :: MenuItemMask #
pokeFMask :: Ptr MenuItemInfo -> MenuItemMask -> IO () #
getMenuItemInfo :: HMENU -> MenuItem -> Bool -> MenuItemMask -> IO MenuItemInfo #
c_GetMenuItemInfo :: HMENU -> UINT -> Bool -> Ptr MenuItemInfo -> IO Bool #
insertMenuItem :: HMENU -> MenuItem -> Bool -> MenuItemInfo -> IO () #
c_InsertMenuItem :: HMENU -> UINT -> Bool -> Ptr MenuItemInfo -> IO Bool #
destroyMenu :: HMENU -> IO () #
c_DestroyMenu :: HMENU -> IO Bool #
setMenuItemInfo :: HMENU -> MenuItem -> Bool -> MenuItemMask -> MenuItemInfo -> IO () #
c_SetMenuItemInfo :: HMENU -> UINT -> Bool -> Ptr MenuItemInfo -> IO Bool #
trackPopupMenu :: HMENU -> TrackMenuFlag -> Int -> Int -> HWND -> RECT -> IO () #