ghc-9.2.6: The GHC API
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module defines types and simple operations over constraints, as used in the type-checker and constraint solver.



data QCInst Source #




Instances details
Outputable QCInst Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: QCInst -> SDoc Source #

type Xi = TcType Source #

A Xi-type is one that has been fully rewritten with respect to the inert set; that is, it has been rewritten by the algorithm in GHC.Tc.Solver.Rewrite. (Historical note: Xi, for years and years, meant that a type was type-family-free. It does *not* mean this any more.)

data Ct Source #


Instances details
Outputable Ct Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: Ct -> SDoc Source #

type Cts = Bag Ct Source #

superClassesMightHelp :: WantedConstraints -> Bool Source #

True if taking superclasses of givens, or of wanteds (to perhaps expose more equalities or functional dependencies) might help to solve this constraint. See Note [When superclasses help]

getUserTypeErrorMsg :: Ct -> Maybe Type Source #

A constraint is considered to be a custom type error, if it contains custom type errors anywhere in it. See Note [Custom type errors in constraints]

ctFlavour :: Ct -> CtFlavour Source #

Get the flavour of the given Ct

ctEqRel :: Ct -> EqRel Source #

Get the equality relation for the given Ct

mkTcEqPredLikeEv :: CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcType -> TcType Source #

Makes a new equality predicate with the same role as the given evidence.

mkGivens :: CtLoc -> [EvId] -> [Ct] Source #

ctEvEqRel :: CtEvidence -> EqRel Source #

Get the equality relation relevant for a CtEvidence

tyCoVarsOfCt :: Ct -> TcTyCoVarSet Source #

Returns free variables of constraints as a non-deterministic set

tyCoVarsOfCts :: Cts -> TcTyCoVarSet Source #

Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a non-deterministic set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in GHC.Utils.FV.

tyCoVarsOfCtList :: Ct -> [TcTyCoVar] Source #

Returns free variables of constraints as a deterministically ordered. list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in GHC.Utils.FV.

tyCoVarsOfCtsList :: Cts -> [TcTyCoVar] Source #

Returns free variables of a bag of constraints as a deterministically ordered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in GHC.Utils.FV.

data CtIrredReason Source #

Used to indicate extra information about why a CIrredCan is irreducible



this constraint has a non-canonical shape (e.g. c Int, for a variable c)

HoleBlockerReason HoleSet

this constraint is blocked on the coercion hole(s) listed See Note [Equalities with incompatible kinds] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Canonical Wrinkle (4a). Why store the HoleSet? See Wrinkle (2) of that same Note. INVARIANT: A HoleBlockerReason constraint is a homogeneous equality whose left hand side can fit in a CanEqLHS.

NonCanonicalReason CheckTyEqResult

an equality where some invariant other than (TyEq:H) of CEqCan is not satisfied; the CheckTyEqResult states exactly why INVARIANT: the CheckTyEqResult has some bit set other than cteHoleBlocker


an equality that cannot be decomposed because it is representational. Example: a b ~R# Int. These might still be solved later. INVARIANT: The constraint is a representational equality constraint


a nominal equality that relates two wholly different types, like Int ~# Bool or a b ~# 3. INVARIANT: The constraint is a nominal equality constraint


an equality like T a b c ~ Q d e where either T or Q is an abstract type constructor. See Note [Skolem abstract data] in GHC.Core.TyCon. INVARIANT: The constraint is an equality constraint between two TyConApps


Instances details
Outputable CtIrredReason Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint

isInsolubleReason :: CtIrredReason -> Bool Source #

Are we sure that more solving will never solve this constraint?

data CheckTyEqProblem Source #

An individual problem that might be logged in a CheckTyEqResult

cteOK :: CheckTyEqResult Source #

No problems in checking the validity of a type equality.

cterSetOccursCheckSoluble :: CheckTyEqResult -> CheckTyEqResult Source #

Mark a CheckTyEqResult as not having an insoluble occurs-check: any occurs check under a type family or in a representation equality is soluble.

cterHasNoProblem :: CheckTyEqResult -> Bool Source #

Check whether a CheckTyEqResult is marked successful.

cterFromKind :: CheckTyEqResult -> CheckTyEqResult Source #

Retain only information about occurs-check failures, because only that matters after recurring into a kind.

data CanEqLHS Source #

A CanEqLHS is a type that can appear on the left of a canonical equality: a type variable or exactly-saturated type family application.


TyVarLHS TcTyVar 


  • TyCon

    of the family

  • [Xi]

    exactly saturating the family


Instances details
Outputable CanEqLHS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: CanEqLHS -> SDoc Source #

canEqLHS_maybe :: Xi -> Maybe CanEqLHS Source #

Is a type a canonical LHS? That is, is it a tyvar or an exactly-saturated type family application? Does not look through type synonyms.

canEqLHSKind :: CanEqLHS -> TcKind Source #

Retrieve the kind of a CanEqLHS

canEqLHSType :: CanEqLHS -> TcType Source #

Convert a CanEqLHS back into a Expr

eqCanEqLHS :: CanEqLHS -> CanEqLHS -> Bool Source #

Are two CanEqLHSs equal?

data Hole Source #

A hole stores the information needed to report diagnostics about holes in terms (unbound identifiers or underscores) or in types (also called wildcards, as used in partial type signatures). See Note [Holes].





Instances details
Outputable Hole Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: Hole -> SDoc Source #

data HoleSort Source #

Used to indicate which sort of hole we have.


ExprHole HoleExprRef

Either an out-of-scope variable or a "true" hole in an expression (TypedHoles). The HoleExprRef says where to write the the erroring expression for -fdefer-type-errors.


A hole in a type (PartialTypeSignatures)


A hole in a constraint, like @f :: (_, Eq a) => ... Differentiated from TypeHole because a ConstraintHole is simplified differently. See Note [Do not simplify ConstraintHoles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.


Instances details
Outputable HoleSort Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: HoleSort -> SDoc Source #

isOutOfScopeHole :: Hole -> Bool Source #

Does this hole represent an "out of scope" error? See Note [Insoluble holes]

data WantedConstraints Source #




Instances details
Outputable WantedConstraints Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint

isSolvedWC :: WantedConstraints -> Bool Source #

Checks whether a the given wanted constraints are solved, i.e. that there are no simple constraints left and all the implications are solved.

tyCoVarsOfWC :: WantedConstraints -> TyCoVarSet Source #

Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a non-deterministic set. See Note [Deterministic FV] in GHC.Utils.FV.

tyCoVarsOfWCList :: WantedConstraints -> [TyCoVar] Source #

Returns free variables of WantedConstraints as a deterministically ordered list. See Note [Deterministic FV] in GHC.Utils.FV.

data ImplicStatus Source #


Instances details
Outputable ImplicStatus Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint

data CtEvidence Source #


Instances details
Outputable CtEvidence Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: CtEvidence -> SDoc Source #

data TcEvDest Source #

A place for type-checking evidence to go after it is generated. Wanted equalities are always HoleDest; other wanteds are always EvVarDest.


EvVarDest EvVar

bind this var to the evidence EvVarDest is always used for non-type-equalities e.g. class constraints

HoleDest CoercionHole

fill in this hole with the evidence HoleDest is always used for type-equalities See Note [Coercion holes] in GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep


Instances details
Outputable TcEvDest Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: TcEvDest -> SDoc Source #

toKindLoc :: CtLoc -> CtLoc Source #

Take a CtLoc and moves it to the kind level

ctEvRole :: CtEvidence -> Role Source #

Get the role relevant for a CtEvidence

data CtFlavour Source #


Wanted ShadowInfo 


Instances details
Outputable CtFlavour Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint


ppr :: CtFlavour -> SDoc Source #

Eq CtFlavour Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint

data ShadowInfo Source #




Instances details
Eq ShadowInfo Source # 
Instance details

Defined in GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint

ctFlavourContainsDerived :: CtFlavour -> Bool Source #

Does this CtFlavour subsumed Derived? True of [WD] and [D].

type CtFlavourRole = (CtFlavour, EqRel) Source #

Whether or not one Ct can rewrite another is determined by its flavour and its equality relation. See also Note [Flavours with roles] in GHC.Tc.Solver.Monad

ctEvFlavourRole :: CtEvidence -> CtFlavourRole Source #

Extract the flavour, role, and boxity from a CtEvidence

ctFlavourRole :: Ct -> CtFlavourRole Source #

Extract the flavour and role from a Ct