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(Darren Moffat supplied the `Readline' interface.)
The `Readline' module is a straightforward interface to the GNU
Readline library. As such, you will need to look at the GNU
documentation (and have a `libreadline.a' file around somewhere...)
You'll need to link any Readlining program with `-lreadline -ltermcap',
besides the usual `-syslib ghc' (and `-fhaskell-1.3').
The main function you'll use is:
readline :: String{-the prompt-} -> IO String
If you want to mess around with Full Readline G(l)ory, we also
rlInitialize, addHistory,
rlBindKey, rlAddDefun, RlCallbackFunction(..),
rlGetLineBuffer, rlSetLineBuffer, rlGetPoint, rlSetPoint, rlGetEnd,
rlSetEnd, rlGetMark, rlSetMark, rlSetDone, rlPendingInput,
rlPrompt, rlTerminalName, rlSetReadlineName, rlGetReadlineName
(All those names are just Haskellised versions of what you
will see in the GNU readline documentation.)
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