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getProcessID :: IO ProcessID
`getProcessID' calls `getpid' to obtain the `ProcessID' for
the current process.
getParentProcessID :: IO ProcessID
`getProcessID' calls `getppid' to obtain the `ProcessID' for
the parent of the current process.
getRealUserID :: IO UserID
`getRealUserID' calls `getuid' to obtain the real `UserID'
associated with the current process.
getEffectiveUserID :: IO UserID
`getRealUserID' calls `geteuid' to obtain the effective
`UserID' associated with the current process.
setUserID :: UserID -> IO ()
`setUserID uid' calls `setuid' to set the real, effective, and
saved set-user-id associated with the current process to `uid'.
getLoginName :: IO String
`getLoginName' calls `getlogin' to obtain the login name
associated with the current process.
getRealGroupID :: IO GroupID
`getRealGroupID' calls `getgid' to obtain the real `GroupID'
associated with the current process.
getEffectiveGroupID :: IO GroupID
`getEffectiveGroupID' calls `getegid' to obtain the effective
`GroupID' associated with the current process.
setGroupID :: GroupID -> IO ()
`setGroupID gid' calls `setgid' to set the real, effective, and
saved set-group-id associated with the current process to `gid'.
getGroups :: IO [GroupID]
`getGroups' calls `getgroups' to obtain the list of
supplementary `GroupID's associated with the current process.
getEffectiveUserName :: IO String
`getEffectiveUserName' calls `cuserid' to obtain a name
associated with the effective `UserID' of the process.
getProcessGroupID :: IO ProcessGroupID
`getProcessGroupID' calls `getpgrp' to obtain the
`ProcessGroupID' for the current process.
createProcessGroup :: ProcessID -> IO ProcessGroupID
`createProcessGroup pid' calls `setpgid' to make
process `pid' a new process group leader.
joinProcessGroup :: ProcessGroupID -> IO ProcessGroupID
`joinProcessGroup pgid' calls `setpgid' to set the
`ProcessGroupID' of the current process to `pgid'.
setProcessGroupID :: ProcessID -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
`setProcessGroupID pid pgid' calls `setpgid' to set the
`ProcessGroupID' for process `pid' to `pgid'.
createSession :: IO ProcessGroupID
`createSession' calls `setsid' to create a new session
with the current process as session leader.
systemName :: SystemID -> String
nodeName :: SystemID -> String
release :: SystemID -> String
version :: SystemID -> String
machine :: SystemID -> String
getSystemID :: IO SystemID
`getSystemID' calls `uname' to obtain information
about the current operating system.
> epochTime :: IO EpochTime
`epochTime' calls `time' to obtain the number of
seconds that have elapsed since the epoch (Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970).
elapsedTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
userTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
systemTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
childUserTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
childSystemTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
getProcessTimes :: IO ProcessTimes
`getProcessTimes' calls `times' to obtain time-accounting
information for the current process and its children.
getControllingTerminalName :: IO FilePath
`getControllingTerminalName' calls `ctermid' to obtain
a name associated with the controlling terminal for the process. If a
controlling terminal exists,
`getControllingTerminalName' returns the name of the
controlling terminal.
The operation may fail with:
- `NoSuchThing'
There is no controlling terminal, or its name cannot be determined.
- `SystemError'
Various other causes.
getTerminalName :: Fd -> IO FilePath
`getTerminalName fd' calls `ttyname' to obtain a name associated
with the terminal for `Fd' `fd'. If `fd' is associated
with a terminal, `getTerminalName' returns the name of the
The operation may fail with:
- `InappropriateType'
The channel is not associated with a terminal.
- `NoSuchThing'
The channel is associated with a terminal, but it has no name.
- `SystemError'
Various other causes.
queryTerminal :: Fd -> IO Bool
`queryTerminal fd' calls `isatty' to determine whether or
not `Fd' `fd' is associated with a terminal.
getSysVar :: SysVar -> IO Limit
`getSysVar var' calls `sysconf' to obtain the
dynamic value of the requested configurable system limit or option.
For defined system limits, `getSysVar' returns the associated
value. For defined system options, the result of `getSysVar'
is undefined, but not failure.
The operation may fail with:
- `NoSuchThing'
The requested system limit or option is undefined.
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