{-# LANGUAGE GADTs         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module GHC.Driver.GenerateCgIPEStub (generateCgIPEStub, lookupEstimatedTicks) where

import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import GHC.Cmm
import GHC.Cmm.CLabel (CLabel, mkAsmTempLabel)
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow (O)
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Block (blockSplit, blockToList)
import GHC.Cmm.Dataflow.Label
import GHC.Cmm.Info.Build (emptySRT)
import GHC.Cmm.Pipeline (cmmPipeline)
import GHC.Data.Stream (liftIO, liftEff)
import qualified GHC.Data.Stream as Stream
import GHC.Driver.Env (hsc_dflags, hsc_logger)
import GHC.Driver.Env.Types (HscEnv)
import GHC.Driver.Flags (GeneralFlag (..), DumpFlag(Opt_D_ipe_stats))
import GHC.Driver.DynFlags (gopt, targetPlatform)
import GHC.Driver.Config.StgToCmm
import GHC.Driver.Config.Cmm ( initCmmConfig )
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Runtime.Heap.Layout (isStackRep)
import GHC.Settings (platformTablesNextToCode)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Monad (getCmm, initC, runC, initFCodeState)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Prof (initInfoTableProv)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Types (CmmCgInfos (..), ModuleLFInfos)
import GHC.StgToCmm.Utils
import GHC.StgToCmm.CgUtils (CgStream)
import GHC.Types.IPE (InfoTableProvMap (provInfoTables), IpeSourceLocation)
import GHC.Types.Name.Set (NonCaffySet)
import GHC.Types.Tickish (GenTickish (SourceNote))
import GHC.Unit.Types (Module, moduleName)
import GHC.Unit.Module (moduleNameString)
import qualified GHC.Utils.Logger as Logger
import GHC.Utils.Outputable (ppr)
import GHC.Types.Unique.DSM

Note [Stacktraces from Info Table Provenance Entries (IPE based stack unwinding)]

Stacktraces can be created from return frames as they are pushed to stack for every case scrutinee.
But to make them readable / meaningful, one needs to know the source location of each return frame.

Every return frame has a distinct info table and thus a distinct code pointer (for tables next to
code) or at least a distinct address itself. Info Table Provenance Entries (IPEs) are searchable by
this pointer and contain a source location.

The info table / info table code pointer to source location map is described in:
Note [Mapping Info Tables to Source Positions]

To be able to lookup IPEs for return frames one needs to emit them during compile time. This is done
by `generateCgIPEStub`.

This leads to the question: How to figure out the source location of a return frame?

The algorithm for determining source locations for stack info tables is implemented in
`lookupEstimatedTicks` as two passes over every 'CmmGroupSRTs'. The first pass generates estimated
source locations for any labels potentially corresponding to stack info tables in the Cmm code. The
second pass walks over the Cmm decls and creates an entry in the IPE map for every info table,
looking up source locations for stack info tables in the map generated during the first pass.

The rest of this note will document exactly how the first pass generates the map from labels to
estimated source positions. The algorithms are different depending on whether tables-next-to-code
is on or off. Both algorithms have in common that we are looking for a `CmmNode.CmmTick`
(containing a `SourceNote`) that is near what we estimate to be the label of a return stack frame.

With tables-next-to-code

Let's consider this example:
 Main.returnFrame_entry() { //  [R2]
         { info_tbls: [(c18g,
                        label: block_c18g_info
                        rep: StackRep []
                        srt: Just GHC.CString.unpackCString#_closure),
                        label: Main.returnFrame_info
                        rep: HeapRep static { Fun {arity: 1 fun_type: ArgSpec 5} }
                        srt: Nothing)]
           stack_info: arg_space: 8


       c18u: // global
           //tick src<Main.hs:(7,1)-(16,15)>
           I64[Hp - 16] = sat_s16B_info;
           P64[Hp] = _s16r::P64;
           _c17j::P64 = Hp - 16;
           //tick src<Main.hs:8:25-39>
           I64[Sp - 8] = c18g;
           R3 = _c17j::P64;
           R2 = GHC.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO_closure;
           R1 = GHC.Base.$_closure;
           Sp = Sp - 8;
           call stg_ap_pp_fast(R3,
                               R1) returns to c18g, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;

The return frame `block_c18g_info` has the label `c18g` which is used in the call to `stg_ap_pp_fast`
(`returns to c18g`) as continuation (`cml_cont`). The source location we're after, is the nearest
`//tick` before the call (`//tick src<Main.hs:8:25-39>`).

In code the Cmm program is represented as a Hoopl graph. Hoopl distinguishes nodes by defining if they
are open or closed on entry (one can fallthrough to them from the previous instruction) and if they are
open or closed on exit (one can fallthrough from them to the next node).

Please refer to the paper "Hoopl: A Modular, Reusable Library for Dataflow Analysis and Transformation"
for a detailed explanation.

Here we use the fact, that calls (represented by `CmmNode.CmmCall`) are always closed on exit
(`CmmNode O C`, `O` means open, `C` closed). In other words, they are always at the end of a block.

So, given a `CmmGraph`:
  - Look at the end of every block: If it is a `CmmNode.CmmCall` returning to some label, lookup
    the nearest `CmmNode.CmmTick` by traversing the middle part of the block backwards (from end to
  - Take the first `CmmNode.CmmTick` that contains a `Tickish.SourceNote` and map the label we
    found to it's payload as an `IpeSourceLocation`. (There are other `Tickish` constructors like
    `ProfNote` or `HpcTick`, these are ignored.)

See `labelsToSourcesWithTNTC` for the implementation of this algorithm.

Without tables-next-to-code

When tables-next-to-code is off, there is no return frame / continuation label in calls. The continuation (i.e. return
frame) is set in an explicit Cmm assignment. Thus the tick lookup algorithm has to be slightly different.

 sat_s16G_entry() { //  [R1]
         { info_tbls: [(c18O,
                        label: sat_s16G_info
                        rep: HeapRep { Thunk }
                        srt: Just _u18Z_srt)]
           stack_info: arg_space: 0
       c18O: // global
           _s16G::P64 = R1;
           if ((Sp + 8) - 40 < SpLim) (likely: False) goto c18P; else goto c18Q;
       c18P: // global
           R1 = _s16G::P64;
           call (stg_gc_enter_1)(R1) args: 8, res: 0, upd: 8;
       c18Q: // global
           I64[Sp - 16] = stg_upd_frame_info;
           P64[Sp - 8] = _s16G::P64;
           //tick src<Main.hs:20:9-13>
           I64[Sp - 24] = block_c18M_info;
           R1 = GHC.Show.$fShow[]_closure;
           P64[Sp - 32] = GHC.Show.$fShowChar_closure;
           Sp = Sp - 32;
           call stg_ap_p_fast(R1) args: 16, res: 8, upd: 24;
 _blk_c18M() { //  [R1]
         { info_tbls: [(c18M,
                        label: block_c18M_info
                        rep: StackRep []
                        srt: Just System.IO.print_closure)]
           stack_info: arg_space: 0
       c18M: // global
           _s16F::P64 = R1;
           R1 = System.IO.print_closure;
           P64[Sp] = _s16F::P64;
           call stg_ap_p_fast(R1) args: 32, res: 0, upd: 24;

In this example we have to lookup `//tick src<Main.hs:20:9-13>` for the return frame `c18M`.
Notice, that this cannot be done with the `Label` `c18M`, but with the `CLabel` `block_c18M_info`
(`label: block_c18M_info` is actually a `CLabel`).

Given a `CmmGraph`:
  - Check every `CmmBlock` from top (first) to bottom (last).
  - If a `CmmTick` holding a `SourceNote` is found, remember the source location in the tick.
  - If an assignment of the form `... = block_c18M_info;` (a `CmmStore` whose RHS is a
    `CmmLit (CmmLabel l)`) is found, map that label to the most recently visited source note's

See `labelsToSourcesSansTNTC` for the implementation of this algorithm.

  :: HscEnv
  -> Module
  -> InfoTableProvMap
  -- ^ If the CmmInfoTables map refer Cmm symbols which were deterministically renamed, the info table provenance map must also be accordingly renamed.
  -> ( NonCaffySet
     , ModuleLFInfos
     , Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
     , IPEStats
  -> CgStream CmmGroupSRTs CmmCgInfos
generateCgIPEStub :: HscEnv
-> Module
-> InfoTableProvMap
-> (NonCaffySet, ModuleLFInfos,
    Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> CgStream CmmGroupSRTs CmmCgInfos
generateCgIPEStub HscEnv
hsc_env Module
this_mod InfoTableProvMap
denv (NonCaffySet
nonCaffySet, ModuleLFInfos
moduleLFInfos, Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
infoTablesWithTickishes, IPEStats
initStats) = do
  let dflags :: DynFlags
dflags   = HscEnv -> DynFlags
hsc_dflags HscEnv
      platform :: Platform
platform = DynFlags -> Platform
targetPlatform DynFlags
      logger :: Logger
logger   = HscEnv -> Logger
hsc_logger HscEnv
      fstate :: FCodeState
fstate   = Platform -> FCodeState
initFCodeState Platform
      cmm_cfg :: CmmConfig
cmm_cfg  = DynFlags -> CmmConfig
initCmmConfig DynFlags
  cgState <- IO CgState -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs CgState
forall a. IO a -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO IO CgState

  -- NB: For determinism, don't use DetUniqFM to rename the IPE Cmm because
  -- detRenameCmm isn't idempotent and this Cmm references symbols in the rest
  -- of the code!  Instead, make sure all labels generated for IPE related code
  -- sources uniques from the DUniqSupply gotten from CgStream (see its use in
  -- initInfoTableProv/emitIpeBufferListNode).
  (mIpeStub, ipeCmmGroup) <- liftEff $ UDSMT $ \DUniqSupply
dus -> do

    -- Yield Cmm for Info Table Provenance Entries (IPEs)
    let denv' :: InfoTableProvMap
denv' = InfoTableProvMap
denv {provInfoTables = Map.mapKeys cit_lbl infoTablesWithTickishes}
        (((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub)
mIpeStub, DUniqSupply
dus'), DCmmGroup
ipeCmmGroup), CgState
_) =
-> FCodeState
-> CgState
-> FCode ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup)
-> (((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup), CgState)
forall a.
StgToCmmConfig -> FCodeState -> CgState -> FCode a -> (a, CgState)
runC (DynFlags -> Module -> StgToCmmConfig
initStgToCmmConfig DynFlags
dflags Module
this_mod) FCodeState
fstate CgState
cgState (FCode ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup)
 -> (((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup), CgState))
-> FCode ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup)
-> (((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup), CgState)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
              FCode (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply)
-> FCode ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply), DCmmGroup)
forall a. FCode a -> FCode (a, DCmmGroup)
getCmm (IPEStats
-> [CmmInfoTable]
-> InfoTableProvMap
-> DUniqSupply
-> FCode (Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DUniqSupply)
initInfoTableProv IPEStats
initStats (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation) -> [CmmInfoTable]
forall k a. Map k a -> [k]
Map.keys Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
infoTablesWithTickishes) InfoTableProvMap
denv' DUniqSupply

    ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DCmmGroup), DUniqSupply)
-> IO ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub), DCmmGroup), DUniqSupply)
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return ((Maybe (IPEStats, CStub)
mIpeStub, DCmmGroup
ipeCmmGroup), DUniqSupply

  (_, ipeCmmGroupSRTs) <- liftEff $ withDUS $ cmmPipeline logger cmm_cfg (emptySRT this_mod) (removeDeterm ipeCmmGroup)
  Stream.yield ipeCmmGroupSRTs

  ipeStub <-
    case mIpeStub of
      Just (IPEStats
stats, CStub
stub) -> do
        -- Print ipe stats if requested
        IO () -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs ()
forall a. IO a -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
liftIO (IO () -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs ())
-> IO () -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs ()
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          Logger -> DumpFlag -> String -> DumpFormat -> SDoc -> IO ()
Logger.putDumpFileMaybe Logger
"IPE Stats for module " String -> String -> String
forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ (ModuleName -> String
moduleNameString (ModuleName -> String) -> ModuleName -> String
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Module -> ModuleName
forall unit. GenModule unit -> ModuleName
moduleName Module
            (IPEStats -> SDoc
forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr IPEStats
        CStub -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs CStub
forall a. a -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return CStub
      Maybe (IPEStats, CStub)
Nothing -> CStub -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs CStub
forall a. a -> Stream (UniqDSMT IO) CmmGroupSRTs a
forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return CStub
forall a. Monoid a => a

  return CmmCgInfos {cgNonCafs = nonCaffySet, cgLFInfos = moduleLFInfos, cgIPEStub = ipeStub}

-- | Given:
--   * an initial mapping from info tables to possible source locations,
--   * initial 'IPEStats',
--   * a 'CmmGroupSRTs',
-- map every info table listed in the 'CmmProc's of the group to their possible
-- source locations and update 'IPEStats' for skipped stack info tables (in case
-- both -finfo-table-map and -fno-info-table-map-with-stack were given). See:
-- Note [Stacktraces from Info Table Provenance Entries (IPE based stack unwinding)]
-- Note: While it would be cleaner if we could keep the recursion and
-- accumulation internal to this function, this cannot be done without
-- separately traversing stream of 'CmmGroupSRTs' in 'GHC.Driver.Main'. The
-- initial implementation of this logic did such a thing, and code generation
-- performance suffered considerably as a result (see #23103).
  :: HscEnv
  -> Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
  -> IPEStats
  -> CmmGroupSRTs
  -> IO (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
lookupEstimatedTicks :: HscEnv
-> Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> IPEStats
-> CmmGroupSRTs
-> IO (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
lookupEstimatedTicks HscEnv
hsc_env Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
ipes IPEStats
stats CmmGroupSRTs
cmm_group_srts =
    -- Pass 2: Create an entry in the IPE map for every info table listed in
    -- this CmmGroupSRTs. If the info table is a stack info table and
    -- -finfo-table-map-with-stack is enabled, look up its estimated source
    -- location in the map generate during Pass 1. If the info table is a stack
    -- info table and -finfo-table-map-with-stack is not enabled, skip the table
    -- and note it as skipped in the IPE stats. If the info table is not a stack
    -- info table, insert into the IPE map with no source location information
    -- (for now; see `convertInfoProvMap` in GHC.StgToCmm.Utils to see how source
    -- locations for these tables get filled in)
    (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> IO (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
forall a. a -> IO a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ((Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
 -> IO (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats))
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> IO (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
 -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
 -> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats))
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> CmmGroupSRTs
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
collectInfoTables (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
ipes, IPEStats
stats) CmmGroupSRTs
    dflags :: DynFlags
dflags = HscEnv -> DynFlags
hsc_dflags HscEnv
    platform :: Platform
platform = DynFlags -> Platform
targetPlatform DynFlags

    -- Pass 1: Map every label meeting the conditions described in Note
    -- [Stacktraces from Info Table Provenance Entries (IPE based stack
    -- unwinding)] to the estimated source location (also as described in the
    -- aformentioned note)
    -- Note: It's important that this remains a thunk so we do not compute this
    -- map if -fno-info-table-with-stack is given
    labelsToSources :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
    labelsToSources :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSources =
      if Platform -> Bool
platformTablesNextToCode Platform
platform then
        (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
 -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
 -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> CmmGroupSRTs
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesWithTNTC Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall k a. Map k a
Map.empty CmmGroupSRTs
        (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
 -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
 -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> CmmGroupSRTs
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesSansTNTC Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall k a. Map k a
Map.empty CmmGroupSRTs

      :: (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
      -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
      -> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
    collectInfoTables :: (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
collectInfoTables (!Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, !IPEStats
stats) (CmmProc CmmTopInfo
h CLabel
_ [GlobalRegUse]
_ CmmGraph
_) =
        ((Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
 -> Label
 -> CmmInfoTable
 -> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats))
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> LabelMap CmmInfoTable
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
forall t b. (t -> Label -> b -> t) -> t -> LabelMap b -> t
mapFoldlWithKey (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> Label
-> CmmInfoTable
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
go (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, IPEStats
stats) (CmmTopInfo -> LabelMap CmmInfoTable
forall (f :: * -> *). GenCmmTopInfo f -> f CmmInfoTable
info_tbls CmmTopInfo
        go :: (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
           -> Label
           -> CmmInfoTable
           -> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
        go :: (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
-> Label
-> CmmInfoTable
-> (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation), IPEStats)
go (!Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, !IPEStats
stats) Label
lbl' CmmInfoTable
tbl =
            lbl :: CLabel
lbl =
              if Platform -> Bool
platformTablesNextToCode Platform
platform then
                -- TNTC case, the mapped CLabel will be the result of
                -- mkAsmTempLabel on the info table label
                Label -> CLabel
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> CLabel
mkAsmTempLabel Label
                -- Non-TNTC case, the mapped CLabel will be the CLabel of the
                -- info table itself
                CmmInfoTable -> CLabel
cit_lbl CmmInfoTable
            if (SMRep -> Bool
isStackRep (SMRep -> Bool) -> (CmmInfoTable -> SMRep) -> CmmInfoTable -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. CmmInfoTable -> SMRep
cit_rep) CmmInfoTable
tbl then
              if GeneralFlag -> DynFlags -> Bool
gopt GeneralFlag
Opt_InfoTableMapWithStack DynFlags
dflags then
                -- This is a stack info table and we DO want to put it in the
                -- info table map
-> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
-> Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.insert CmmInfoTable
tbl (CLabel -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup CLabel
lbl Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSources) Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, IPEStats
                -- This is a stack info table but we DO NOT want to put it in
                -- the info table map (-fno-info-table-map-with-stack was
                -- given), track it as skipped
                (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, IPEStats
stats IPEStats -> IPEStats -> IPEStats
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> IPEStats
              -- This is not a stack info table, so put it in the map with no
              -- source location (for now)
-> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
-> Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.insert CmmInfoTable
tbl Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, IPEStats
    collectInfoTables (!Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, !IPEStats
stats) GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
_ = (Map CmmInfoTable (Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
acc, IPEStats

-- | See Note [Stacktraces from Info Table Provenance Entries (IPE based stack unwinding)]
  :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
  -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
  -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesWithTNTC :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesWithTNTC Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc (CmmProc CmmTopInfo
_ CLabel
_ [GlobalRegUse]
_ CmmGraph
cmm_graph) =
    (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
 -> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> [CmmBlock]
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
go Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc (CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock]
toBlockList CmmGraph
    go :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation -> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
    go :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
go Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc CmmBlock
block =
        case (,) (CLabel -> IpeSourceLocation -> (CLabel, IpeSourceLocation))
-> Maybe CLabel
-> Maybe (IpeSourceLocation -> (CLabel, IpeSourceLocation))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe CLabel
returnFrameLabel Maybe (IpeSourceLocation -> (CLabel, IpeSourceLocation))
-> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe (CLabel, IpeSourceLocation)
forall a b. Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
lastTickInBlock of
          Just (CLabel
clabel, IpeSourceLocation
src_loc) -> CLabel
-> IpeSourceLocation
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.insert CLabel
clabel IpeSourceLocation
src_loc Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
          Maybe (CLabel, IpeSourceLocation)
Nothing -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
        (CmmNode C O
_, Block CmmNode O O
middleBlock, CmmNode O C
endBlock) = CmmBlock -> (CmmNode C O, Block CmmNode O O, CmmNode O C)
forall (n :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> *).
Block n C C -> (n C O, Block n O O, n O C)
blockSplit CmmBlock

        returnFrameLabel :: Maybe CLabel
        returnFrameLabel :: Maybe CLabel
returnFrameLabel =
          case CmmNode O C
endBlock of
            (CmmCall CmmExpr
_ (Just Label
l) [GlobalRegUse]
_ ByteOff
_ ByteOff
_ ByteOff
_) -> CLabel -> Maybe CLabel
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (CLabel -> Maybe CLabel) -> CLabel -> Maybe CLabel
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Label -> CLabel
forall a. Uniquable a => a -> CLabel
mkAsmTempLabel Label
            CmmNode O C
_ -> Maybe CLabel
forall a. Maybe a

        lastTickInBlock :: Maybe IpeSourceLocation
lastTickInBlock = (CmmNode O O -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
-> [CmmNode O O]
-> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) a b.
Foldable t =>
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldr CmmNode O O -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
maybeTick Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing (Block CmmNode O O -> [CmmNode O O]
forall (n :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> *).
Block n O O -> [n O O]
blockToList Block CmmNode O O

        maybeTick :: CmmNode O O -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
        maybeTick :: CmmNode O O -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
maybeTick CmmNode O O
_ s :: Maybe IpeSourceLocation
s@(Just IpeSourceLocation
_) = Maybe IpeSourceLocation
        maybeTick (CmmTick (SourceNote RealSrcSpan
span LexicalFastString
name)) Maybe IpeSourceLocation
Nothing = IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (RealSrcSpan
span, LexicalFastString
        maybeTick CmmNode O O
_ Maybe IpeSourceLocation
_ = Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. Maybe a
labelsToSourcesWithTNTC Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
_ = Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation

-- | See Note [Stacktraces from Info Table Provenance Entries (IPE based stack unwinding)]
  :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
  -> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
  -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesSansTNTC :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesSansTNTC Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc (CmmProc CmmTopInfo
_ CLabel
_ [GlobalRegUse]
_ CmmGraph
cmm_graph) =
    (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
 -> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> [CmmBlock]
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
go Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc (CmmGraph -> [CmmBlock]
toBlockList CmmGraph
    go :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation -> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
    go :: Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> CmmBlock -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
go Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc CmmBlock
block = (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst ((Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
 -> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation)
-> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ((Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
 -> CmmNode O O
 -> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation))
-> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> [CmmNode O O]
-> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
forall (t :: * -> *) b a.
Foldable t =>
(b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
foldl' (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> CmmNode O O
-> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
collectLabels (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc, Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing) (Block CmmNode O O -> [CmmNode O O]
forall (n :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> *).
Block n O O -> [n O O]
blockToList Block CmmNode O O
        (CmmNode C O
_, Block CmmNode O O
middleBlock, CmmNode O C
_) = CmmBlock -> (CmmNode C O, Block CmmNode O O, CmmNode O C)
forall (n :: Extensibility -> Extensibility -> *).
Block n C C -> (n C O, Block n O O, n O C)
blockSplit CmmBlock

          :: (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
          -> CmmNode O O
          -> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
        collectLabels :: (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
-> CmmNode O O
-> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
collectLabels (!Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc, Maybe IpeSourceLocation
lastTick) CmmNode O O
b =
          case (CmmNode O O
b, Maybe IpeSourceLocation
lastTick) of
            (CmmStore CmmExpr
_ (CmmLit (CmmLabel CLabel
l)) AlignmentSpec
_, Just IpeSourceLocation
src_loc) ->
-> IpeSourceLocation
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
-> Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
forall k a. Ord k => k -> a -> Map k a -> Map k a
Map.insert CLabel
l IpeSourceLocation
src_loc Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc, Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. Maybe a
            (CmmTick (SourceNote RealSrcSpan
span LexicalFastString
name), Maybe IpeSourceLocation
_) ->
              (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc, IpeSourceLocation -> Maybe IpeSourceLocation
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (RealSrcSpan
span, LexicalFastString
            (CmmNode O O, Maybe IpeSourceLocation)
_ -> (Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc, Maybe IpeSourceLocation
labelsToSourcesSansTNTC Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation
acc GenCmmDecl RawCmmStatics CmmTopInfo CmmGraph
_ = Map CLabel IpeSourceLocation