(c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998

\section[GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Monad]{The simplifier Monad}


module GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Env (
        -- * The simplifier mode
        setMode, getMode, updMode, seDynFlags, seUnfoldingOpts, seLogger,

        -- * Environments
        SimplEnv(..), pprSimplEnv,   -- Temp not abstract
        mkSimplEnv, extendIdSubst,
        extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst,
        zapSubstEnv, setSubstEnv, bumpCaseDepth,
        getInScope, setInScopeFromE, setInScopeFromF,
        setInScopeSet, modifyInScope, addNewInScopeIds,

        -- * Substitution results
        SimplSR(..), mkContEx, substId, lookupRecBndr, refineFromInScope,

        -- * Simplifying 'Id' binders
        simplNonRecBndr, simplNonRecJoinBndr, simplRecBndrs, simplRecJoinBndrs,
        simplBinder, simplBinders,
        substTy, substTyVar, getTCvSubst,
        substCo, substCoVar,

        -- * Floats
        SimplFloats(..), emptyFloats, mkRecFloats,
        mkFloatBind, addLetFloats, addJoinFloats, addFloats,
        extendFloats, wrapFloats,
        doFloatFromRhs, getTopFloatBinds,

        -- * LetFloats
        LetFloats, letFloatBinds, emptyLetFloats, unitLetFloat,
        addLetFlts,  mapLetFloats,

        -- * JoinFloats
        JoinFloat, JoinFloats, emptyJoinFloats,
        wrapJoinFloats, wrapJoinFloatsX, unitJoinFloat, addJoinFlts
    ) where

#include "HsVersions.h"

import GHC.Prelude

import GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.Monad
import GHC.Core.Opt.Monad        ( SimplMode(..) )
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Core.Utils
import GHC.Core.Multiplicity     ( scaleScaled )
import GHC.Core.Unfold
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Data.OrdList
import GHC.Types.Id as Id
import GHC.Core.Make            ( mkWildValBinder )
import GHC.Driver.Session       ( DynFlags )
import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep        ( TyCoBinder(..) )
import qualified GHC.Core.Type as Type
import GHC.Core.Type hiding     ( substTy, substTyVar, substTyVarBndr, extendTvSubst, extendCvSubst )
import qualified GHC.Core.Coercion as Coercion
import GHC.Core.Coercion hiding ( substCo, substCoVar, substCoVarBndr )
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM      ( pprUniqFM )

import Data.List (mapAccumL)

*                                                                      *
\subsubsection{The @SimplEnv@ type}
*                                                                      *

data SimplEnv
  = SimplEnv {
     ----------- Static part of the environment -----------
     -- Static in the sense of lexically scoped,
     -- wrt the original expression

        SimplEnv -> SimplMode
seMode      :: !SimplMode

        -- The current substitution
      , SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst   :: TvSubstEnv      -- InTyVar |--> OutType
      , SimplEnv -> CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst   :: CvSubstEnv      -- InCoVar |--> OutCoercion
      , SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst   :: SimplIdSubst    -- InId    |--> OutExpr

     ----------- Dynamic part of the environment -----------
     -- Dynamic in the sense of describing the setup where
     -- the expression finally ends up

        -- The current set of in-scope variables
        -- They are all OutVars, and all bound in this module
      , SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope   :: !InScopeSet       -- OutVars only

      , SimplEnv -> JoinArity
seCaseDepth :: !Int  -- Depth of multi-branch case alternatives

data SimplFloats
  = SimplFloats
      { -- Ordinary let bindings
        SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats  :: LetFloats
                -- See Note [LetFloats]

        -- Join points
      , SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
                -- Handled separately; they don't go very far
                -- We consider these to be /inside/ sfLetFloats
                -- because join points can refer to ordinary bindings,
                -- but not vice versa

        -- Includes all variables bound by sfLetFloats and
        -- sfJoinFloats, plus at least whatever is in scope where
        -- these bindings land up.
      , SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope :: InScopeSet  -- All OutVars

instance Outputable SimplFloats where
  ppr :: SimplFloats -> SDoc
ppr (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats = LetFloats
lf, sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jf, sfInScope :: SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope = InScopeSet
is })
    = String -> SDoc
text String
      SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> SDoc -> SDoc
braces ([SDoc] -> SDoc
vcat [ String -> SDoc
text String
"lets: " SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr LetFloats
                       , String -> SDoc
text String
"joins:" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr JoinFloats
                       , String -> SDoc
text String
"in_scope:" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr InScopeSet
is ])

emptyFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplFloats
emptyFloats :: SimplEnv -> SimplFloats
emptyFloats SimplEnv
  = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
                , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope SimplEnv
env }

pprSimplEnv :: SimplEnv -> SDoc
-- Used for debugging; selective
pprSimplEnv :: SimplEnv -> SDoc
pprSimplEnv SimplEnv
  = [SDoc] -> SDoc
vcat [String -> SDoc
text String
"TvSubst:" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst SimplEnv
          String -> SDoc
text String
"CvSubst:" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (SimplEnv -> CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst SimplEnv
          String -> SDoc
text String
"IdSubst:" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> SDoc
          String -> SDoc
text String
"InScope:" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> SDoc
   id_subst_doc :: SDoc
id_subst_doc = forall a key. (a -> SDoc) -> UniqFM key a -> SDoc
pprUniqFM forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst SimplEnv
   in_scope_vars_doc :: SDoc
in_scope_vars_doc = VarSet -> ([OutId] -> SDoc) -> SDoc
pprVarSet (InScopeSet -> VarSet
getInScopeVars (SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope SimplEnv
                                 ([SDoc] -> SDoc
vcat forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map OutId -> SDoc
   ppr_one :: OutId -> SDoc
ppr_one OutId
v | OutId -> Bool
isId OutId
v = forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutId
v SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (OutId -> Unfolding
idUnfolding OutId
             | Bool
otherwise = forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutId

type SimplIdSubst = IdEnv SimplSR -- IdId |--> OutExpr
        -- See Note [Extending the Subst] in GHC.Core.Subst

-- | A substitution result.
data SimplSR
  = DoneEx OutExpr (Maybe JoinArity)
       -- If  x :-> DoneEx e ja   is in the SimplIdSubst
       -- then replace occurrences of x by e
       -- and  ja = Just a <=> x is a join-point of arity a
       -- See Note [Join arity in SimplIdSubst]

  | DoneId OutId
       -- If  x :-> DoneId v   is in the SimplIdSubst
       -- then replace occurrences of x by v
       -- and  v is a join-point of arity a
       --      <=> x is a join-point of arity a

  | ContEx TvSubstEnv                 -- A suspended substitution
      -- If   x :-> ContEx tv cv id e   is in the SimplISubst
      -- then replace occurrences of x by (subst (tv,cv,id) e)

instance Outputable SimplSR where
  ppr :: SimplSR -> SDoc
ppr (DoneId OutId
v)    = String -> SDoc
text String
"DoneId" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutId
  ppr (DoneEx OutExpr
e Maybe JoinArity
mj) = String -> SDoc
text String
"DoneEx" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<> SDoc
pp_mj SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutExpr
      pp_mj :: SDoc
pp_mj = case Maybe JoinArity
mj of
                Maybe JoinArity
Nothing -> SDoc
                Just JoinArity
n  -> SDoc -> SDoc
parens (JoinArity -> SDoc
int JoinArity

  ppr (ContEx TvSubstEnv
_tv CvSubstEnv
_cv SimplIdSubst
_id OutExpr
e) = [SDoc] -> SDoc
vcat [String -> SDoc
text String
"ContEx" SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutExpr
e {-,
                                ppr (filter_env tv), ppr (filter_env id) -}]
        -- where
        -- fvs = exprFreeVars e
        -- filter_env env = filterVarEnv_Directly keep env
        -- keep uniq _ = uniq `elemUFM_Directly` fvs

Note [SimplEnv invariants]
        The in-scope part of Subst includes *all* in-scope TyVars and Ids
        The elements of the set may have better IdInfo than the
        occurrences of in-scope Ids, and (more important) they will
        have a correctly-substituted type.  So we use a lookup in this
        set to replace occurrences

        The Ids in the InScopeSet are replete with their Rules,
        and as we gather info about the unfolding of an Id, we replace
        it in the in-scope set.

        The in-scope set is actually a mapping OutVar -> OutVar, and
        in case expressions we sometimes bind

        The substitution is *apply-once* only, because InIds and OutIds
        can overlap.
        For example, we generally omit mappings
                a77 -> a77
        from the substitution, when we decide not to clone a77, but it's quite
        legitimate to put the mapping in the substitution anyway.

        Furthermore, consider
                let x = case k of I# x77 -> ... in
                let y = case k of I# x77 -> ... in ...
        and suppose the body is strict in both x and y.  Then the simplifier
        will pull the first (case k) to the top; so the second (case k) will
        cancel out, mapping x77 to, well, x77!  But one is an in-Id and the
        other is an out-Id.

        Of course, the substitution *must* applied! Things in its domain
        simply aren't necessarily bound in the result.

* substId adds a binding (DoneId new_id) to the substitution if
        the Id's unique has changed

  Note, though that the substitution isn't necessarily extended
  if the type of the Id changes.  Why not?  Because of the next point:

* We *always, always* finish by looking up in the in-scope set
  any variable that doesn't get a DoneEx or DoneVar hit in the substitution.
  Reason: so that we never finish up with a "old" Id in the result.
  An old Id might point to an old unfolding and so on... which gives a space

  [The DoneEx and DoneVar hits map to "new" stuff.]

* It follows that substExpr must not do a no-op if the substitution is empty.
  substType is free to do so, however.

* When we come to a let-binding (say) we generate new IdInfo, including an
  unfolding, attach it to the binder, and add this newly adorned binder to
  the in-scope set.  So all subsequent occurrences of the binder will get
  mapped to the full-adorned binder, which is also the one put in the
  binding site.

* The in-scope "set" usually maps x->x; we use it simply for its domain.
  But sometimes we have two in-scope Ids that are synomyms, and should
  map to the same target:  x->x, y->x.  Notably:
        case y of x { ... }
  That's why the "set" is actually a VarEnv Var

Note [Join arity in SimplIdSubst]
We have to remember which incoming variables are join points: the occurrences
may not be marked correctly yet, and we're in change of propagating the change if
OccurAnal makes something a join point).

Normally the in-scope set is where we keep the latest information, but
the in-scope set tracks only OutVars; if a binding is unconditionally
inlined (via DoneEx), it never makes it into the in-scope set, and we
need to know at the occurrence site that the variable is a join point
so that we know to drop the context. Thus we remember which join
points we're substituting. -}

mkSimplEnv :: SimplMode -> SimplEnv
mkSimplEnv :: SimplMode -> SimplEnv
mkSimplEnv SimplMode
  = SimplEnv { seMode :: SimplMode
seMode      = SimplMode
             , seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope   = InScopeSet
             , seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst   = forall a. VarEnv a
             , seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst   = forall a. VarEnv a
             , seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst   = forall a. VarEnv a
             , seCaseDepth :: JoinArity
seCaseDepth = JoinArity
0 }
        -- The top level "enclosing CC" is "SUBSUMED".

init_in_scope :: InScopeSet
init_in_scope :: InScopeSet
init_in_scope = VarSet -> InScopeSet
mkInScopeSet (OutId -> VarSet
unitVarSet (Kind -> Kind -> OutId
mkWildValBinder Kind
Many Kind
              -- See Note [WildCard binders]

Note [WildCard binders]
The program to be simplified may have wild binders
    case e of wild { p -> ... }
We want to *rename* them away, so that there are no
occurrences of 'wild-id' (with wildCardKey).  The easy
way to do that is to start of with a representative
Id in the in-scope set

There can be *occurrences* of wild-id.  For example,
GHC.Core.Make.mkCoreApp transforms
   e (a /# b)   -->   case (a /# b) of wild { DEFAULT -> e wild }
This is ok provided 'wild' isn't free in 'e', and that's the delicate
thing. Generally, you want to run the simplifier to get rid of the
wild-ids before doing much else.

It's a very dark corner of GHC.  Maybe it should be cleaned up.

getMode :: SimplEnv -> SimplMode
getMode :: SimplEnv -> SimplMode
getMode SimplEnv
env = SimplEnv -> SimplMode
seMode SimplEnv

seDynFlags :: SimplEnv -> DynFlags
seDynFlags :: SimplEnv -> DynFlags
seDynFlags SimplEnv
env = SimplMode -> DynFlags
sm_dflags (SimplEnv -> SimplMode
seMode SimplEnv

seLogger :: SimplEnv -> Logger
seLogger :: SimplEnv -> Logger
seLogger SimplEnv
env = SimplMode -> Logger
sm_logger (SimplEnv -> SimplMode
seMode SimplEnv

seUnfoldingOpts :: SimplEnv -> UnfoldingOpts
seUnfoldingOpts :: SimplEnv -> UnfoldingOpts
seUnfoldingOpts SimplEnv
env = SimplMode -> UnfoldingOpts
sm_uf_opts (SimplEnv -> SimplMode
seMode SimplEnv

setMode :: SimplMode -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
setMode :: SimplMode -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
setMode SimplMode
mode SimplEnv
env = SimplEnv
env { seMode :: SimplMode
seMode = SimplMode
mode }

updMode :: (SimplMode -> SimplMode) -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
updMode :: (SimplMode -> SimplMode) -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
updMode SimplMode -> SimplMode
upd SimplEnv
  = -- Avoid keeping env alive in case inlining fails.
    let mode :: SimplMode
mode = SimplMode -> SimplMode
upd forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! (SimplEnv -> SimplMode
seMode SimplEnv
    in SimplEnv
env { seMode :: SimplMode
seMode = SimplMode
mode }

bumpCaseDepth :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
bumpCaseDepth :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
bumpCaseDepth SimplEnv
env = SimplEnv
env { seCaseDepth :: JoinArity
seCaseDepth = SimplEnv -> JoinArity
seCaseDepth SimplEnv
env forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ JoinArity
1 }

extendIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> Id -> SimplSR -> SimplEnv
extendIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplSR -> SimplEnv
extendIdSubst env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv {seIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
subst}) OutId
var SimplSR
  = ASSERT2( isId var && not (isCoVar var), ppr var )
env { seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv SimplIdSubst
subst OutId
var SimplSR
res }

extendTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> Type -> SimplEnv
extendTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> Kind -> SimplEnv
extendTvSubst env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv {seTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
tsubst}) OutId
var Kind
  = ASSERT2( isTyVar var, ppr var $$ ppr res )
env {seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv TvSubstEnv
tsubst OutId
var Kind

extendCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> CoVar -> Coercion -> SimplEnv
extendCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> Coercion -> SimplEnv
extendCvSubst env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv {seCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
csubst}) OutId
var Coercion
  = ASSERT( isCoVar var )
env {seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv CvSubstEnv
csubst OutId
var Coercion

getInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
getInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
getInScope SimplEnv
env = SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope SimplEnv

setInScopeSet :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet -> SimplEnv
setInScopeSet :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet -> SimplEnv
setInScopeSet SimplEnv
env InScopeSet
in_scope = SimplEnv
env {seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet

setInScopeFromE :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
-- See Note [Setting the right in-scope set]
setInScopeFromE :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
setInScopeFromE SimplEnv
rhs_env SimplEnv
here_env = SimplEnv
rhs_env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope SimplEnv
here_env }

setInScopeFromF :: SimplEnv -> SimplFloats -> SimplEnv
setInScopeFromF :: SimplEnv -> SimplFloats -> SimplEnv
setInScopeFromF SimplEnv
env SimplFloats
floats = SimplEnv
env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope SimplFloats
floats }

addNewInScopeIds :: SimplEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> SimplEnv
        -- The new Ids are guaranteed to be freshly allocated
addNewInScopeIds :: SimplEnv -> [OutId] -> SimplEnv
addNewInScopeIds env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv { seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope, seIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
id_subst }) [OutId]
-- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
  = let !in_scope1 :: InScopeSet
in_scope1 = InScopeSet
in_scope InScopeSet -> [OutId] -> InScopeSet
`extendInScopeSetList` [OutId]
        !id_subst1 :: SimplIdSubst
id_subst1 = SimplIdSubst
id_subst forall a. VarEnv a -> [OutId] -> VarEnv a
`delVarEnvList` [OutId]
env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
          seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
id_subst1 }
        -- Why delete?  Consider
        --      let x = a*b in (x, \x -> x+3)
        -- We add [x |-> a*b] to the substitution, but we must
        -- _delete_ it from the substitution when going inside
        -- the (\x -> ...)!

modifyInScope :: SimplEnv -> CoreBndr -> SimplEnv
-- The variable should already be in scope, but
-- replace the existing version with this new one
-- which has more information
modifyInScope :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplEnv
modifyInScope env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv {seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope}) OutId
  = SimplEnv
env {seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet -> OutId -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSet InScopeSet
in_scope OutId

{- Note [Setting the right in-scope set]
  \x. (let x = e in b) arg[x]
where the let shadows the lambda.  Really this means something like
  \x1. (let x2 = e in b) arg[x1]

- When we capture the 'arg' in an ApplyToVal continuation, we capture
  the environment, which says what 'x' is bound to, namely x1

- Then that continuation gets pushed under the let

- Finally we simplify 'arg'.  We want
     - the static, lexical environment binding x :-> x1
     - the in-scopeset from "here", under the 'let' which includes
       both x1 and x2

It's important to have the right in-scope set, else we may rename a
variable to one that is already in scope.  So we must pick up the
in-scope set from "here", but otherwise use the environment we
captured along with 'arg'.  This transfer of in-scope set is done by

zapSubstEnv :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
zapSubstEnv :: SimplEnv -> SimplEnv
zapSubstEnv SimplEnv
env = SimplEnv
env {seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = forall a. VarEnv a
emptyVarEnv, seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = forall a. VarEnv a
emptyVarEnv, seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = forall a. VarEnv a

setSubstEnv :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> SimplIdSubst -> SimplEnv
setSubstEnv :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> SimplIdSubst -> SimplEnv
setSubstEnv SimplEnv
env TvSubstEnv
tvs CvSubstEnv
cvs SimplIdSubst
ids = SimplEnv
env { seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
tvs, seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
cvs, seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
ids }

mkContEx :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplSR
mkContEx :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplSR
mkContEx (SimplEnv { seTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
tvs, seCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
cvs, seIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
ids }) OutExpr
e = TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> SimplIdSubst -> OutExpr -> SimplSR
ContEx TvSubstEnv
tvs CvSubstEnv
cvs SimplIdSubst
ids OutExpr

*                                                                      *
*                                                                      *

Note [LetFloats]
The LetFloats is a bunch of bindings, classified by a FloatFlag.

* All of them satisfy the let/app invariant


  NonRec x (y:ys)       FltLifted
  Rec [(x,rhs)]         FltLifted

  NonRec x* (p:q)       FltOKSpec   -- RHS is WHNF.  Question: why not FltLifted?
  NonRec x# (y +# 3)    FltOkSpec   -- Unboxed, but ok-for-spec'n

  NonRec x* (f y)       FltCareful  -- Strict binding; might fail or diverge

Can't happen:
  NonRec x# (a /# b)    -- Might fail; does not satisfy let/app
  NonRec x# (f y)       -- Might diverge; does not satisfy let/app

data LetFloats = LetFloats (OrdList OutBind) FloatFlag
                 -- See Note [LetFloats]

type JoinFloat  = OutBind
type JoinFloats = OrdList JoinFloat

data FloatFlag
  = FltLifted   -- All bindings are lifted and lazy *or*
                --     consist of a single primitive string literal
                --  Hence ok to float to top level, or recursive

  | FltOkSpec   -- All bindings are FltLifted *or*
                --      strict (perhaps because unlifted,
                --      perhaps because of a strict binder),
                --        *and* ok-for-speculation
                --  Hence ok to float out of the RHS
                --  of a lazy non-recursive let binding
                --  (but not to top level, or into a rec group)

  | FltCareful  -- At least one binding is strict (or unlifted)
                --      and not guaranteed cheap
                --      Do not float these bindings out of a lazy let

instance Outputable LetFloats where
  ppr :: LetFloats -> SDoc
ppr (LetFloats JoinFloats
binds FloatFlag
ff) = forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr FloatFlag
ff SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
$$ forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr (forall a. OrdList a -> [a]
fromOL JoinFloats

instance Outputable FloatFlag where
  ppr :: FloatFlag -> SDoc
ppr FloatFlag
FltLifted  = String -> SDoc
text String
  ppr FloatFlag
FltOkSpec  = String -> SDoc
text String
  ppr FloatFlag
FltCareful = String -> SDoc
text String

andFF :: FloatFlag -> FloatFlag -> FloatFlag
andFF :: FloatFlag -> FloatFlag -> FloatFlag
andFF FloatFlag
FltCareful FloatFlag
_          = FloatFlag
andFF FloatFlag
FltOkSpec  FloatFlag
FltCareful = FloatFlag
andFF FloatFlag
FltOkSpec  FloatFlag
_          = FloatFlag
andFF FloatFlag
FltLifted  FloatFlag
flt        = FloatFlag

doFloatFromRhs :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool -> SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> Bool
-- If you change this function look also at FloatIn.noFloatFromRhs
doFloatFromRhs :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag -> Bool -> SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> Bool
doFloatFromRhs TopLevelFlag
lvl RecFlag
rec Bool
str (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats = LetFloats JoinFloats
fs FloatFlag
ff }) OutExpr
  =  Bool -> Bool
not (forall a. OrdList a -> Bool
isNilOL JoinFloats
fs) Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool
want_to_float Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool
     want_to_float :: Bool
want_to_float = TopLevelFlag -> Bool
isTopLevel TopLevelFlag
lvl Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| OutExpr -> Bool
exprIsCheap OutExpr
rhs Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| OutExpr -> Bool
exprIsExpandable OutExpr
                     -- See Note [Float when cheap or expandable]
     can_float :: Bool
can_float = case FloatFlag
ff of
FltLifted  -> Bool
FltOkSpec  -> TopLevelFlag -> Bool
isNotTopLevel TopLevelFlag
lvl Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& RecFlag -> Bool
isNonRec RecFlag
FltCareful -> TopLevelFlag -> Bool
isNotTopLevel TopLevelFlag
lvl Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& RecFlag -> Bool
isNonRec RecFlag
rec Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Bool

Note [Float when cheap or expandable]
We want to float a let from a let if the residual RHS is
   a) cheap, such as (\x. blah)
   b) expandable, such as (f b) if f is CONLIKE
But there are
  - cheap things that are not expandable (eg \x. expensive)
  - expandable things that are not cheap (eg (f b) where b is CONLIKE)
so we must take the 'or' of the two.

emptyLetFloats :: LetFloats
emptyLetFloats :: LetFloats
emptyLetFloats = JoinFloats -> FloatFlag -> LetFloats
LetFloats forall a. OrdList a
nilOL FloatFlag

emptyJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
emptyJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
emptyJoinFloats = forall a. OrdList a

unitLetFloat :: OutBind -> LetFloats
-- This key function constructs a singleton float with the right form
unitLetFloat :: Bind OutId -> LetFloats
unitLetFloat Bind OutId
bind = ASSERT(all (not . isJoinId) (bindersOf bind))
                    JoinFloats -> FloatFlag -> LetFloats
LetFloats (forall a. a -> OrdList a
unitOL Bind OutId
bind) (Bind OutId -> FloatFlag
flag Bind OutId
    flag :: Bind OutId -> FloatFlag
flag (Rec {})                = FloatFlag
    flag (NonRec OutId
bndr OutExpr
      | Bool -> Bool
not (OutId -> Bool
isStrictId OutId
bndr)    = FloatFlag
      | OutExpr -> Bool
exprIsTickedString OutExpr
rhs   = FloatFlag
          -- String literals can be floated freely.
          -- See Note [Core top-level string literals] in GHC.Core.
      | OutExpr -> Bool
exprOkForSpeculation OutExpr
rhs = FloatFlag
FltOkSpec  -- Unlifted, and lifted but ok-for-spec (eg HNF)
      | Bool
otherwise                = ASSERT2( not (isUnliftedType (idType bndr)), ppr bndr )
      -- Unlifted binders can only be let-bound if exprOkForSpeculation holds

unitJoinFloat :: OutBind -> JoinFloats
unitJoinFloat :: Bind OutId -> JoinFloats
unitJoinFloat Bind OutId
bind = ASSERT(all isJoinId (bindersOf bind))
                     forall a. a -> OrdList a
unitOL Bind OutId

mkFloatBind :: SimplEnv -> OutBind -> (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
-- Make a singleton SimplFloats, and
-- extend the incoming SimplEnv's in-scope set with its binders
-- These binders may already be in the in-scope set,
-- but may have by now been augmented with more IdInfo
mkFloatBind :: SimplEnv -> Bind OutId -> (SimplFloats, SimplEnv)
mkFloatBind SimplEnv
env Bind OutId
  = (SimplFloats
floats, SimplEnv
env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope' })
    floats :: SimplFloats
      | Bind OutId -> Bool
isJoinBind Bind OutId
      = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                    , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = Bind OutId -> JoinFloats
unitJoinFloat Bind OutId
                    , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
in_scope' }
      | Bool
      = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = Bind OutId -> LetFloats
unitLetFloat Bind OutId
                    , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
                    , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
in_scope' }
    -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
    !in_scope' :: InScopeSet
in_scope' = SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope SimplEnv
env InScopeSet -> Bind OutId -> InScopeSet
`extendInScopeSetBind` Bind OutId

extendFloats :: SimplFloats -> OutBind -> SimplFloats
-- Add this binding to the floats, and extend the in-scope env too
extendFloats :: SimplFloats -> Bind OutId -> SimplFloats
extendFloats (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                          , sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
                          , sfInScope :: SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
in_scope })
             Bind OutId
  | Bind OutId -> Bool
isJoinBind Bind OutId
  = SimplFloats { sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
                , sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jfloats' }
  | Bool
  = SimplFloats { sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
                , sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jfloats }
    in_scope' :: InScopeSet
in_scope' = InScopeSet
in_scope InScopeSet -> Bind OutId -> InScopeSet
`extendInScopeSetBind` Bind OutId
    floats' :: LetFloats
floats'   = LetFloats
floats  LetFloats -> LetFloats -> LetFloats
`addLetFlts`  Bind OutId -> LetFloats
unitLetFloat Bind OutId
    jfloats' :: JoinFloats
jfloats'  = JoinFloats
jfloats JoinFloats -> JoinFloats -> JoinFloats
`addJoinFlts` Bind OutId -> JoinFloats
unitJoinFloat Bind OutId

addLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats -> SimplFloats
-- Add the let-floats for env2 to env1;
-- *plus* the in-scope set for env2, which is bigger
-- than that for env1
addLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats -> SimplFloats
addLetFloats SimplFloats
floats let_floats :: LetFloats
let_floats@(LetFloats JoinFloats
binds FloatFlag
  = SimplFloats
floats { sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats = SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats SimplFloats
floats LetFloats -> LetFloats -> LetFloats
`addLetFlts` LetFloats
           , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope   = forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> OrdList a -> b
foldlOL InScopeSet -> Bind OutId -> InScopeSet
                                   (SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope SimplFloats
floats) JoinFloats
binds }

addJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats -> SimplFloats
addJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats -> SimplFloats
addJoinFloats SimplFloats
floats JoinFloats
  = SimplFloats
floats { sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats SimplFloats
floats JoinFloats -> JoinFloats -> JoinFloats
`addJoinFlts` JoinFloats
           , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = forall b a. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> OrdList a -> b
foldlOL InScopeSet -> Bind OutId -> InScopeSet
                                    (SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope SimplFloats
floats) JoinFloats
join_floats }

extendInScopeSetBind :: InScopeSet -> CoreBind -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSetBind :: InScopeSet -> Bind OutId -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSetBind InScopeSet
in_scope Bind OutId
  = InScopeSet -> [OutId] -> InScopeSet
extendInScopeSetList InScopeSet
in_scope (forall b. Bind b -> [b]
bindersOf Bind OutId

addFloats :: SimplFloats -> SimplFloats -> SimplFloats
-- Add both let-floats and join-floats for env2 to env1;
-- *plus* the in-scope set for env2, which is bigger
-- than that for env1
addFloats :: SimplFloats -> SimplFloats -> SimplFloats
addFloats (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats = LetFloats
lf1, sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jf1 })
          (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats = LetFloats
lf2, sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jf2, sfInScope :: SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope })
  = SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
lf1 LetFloats -> LetFloats -> LetFloats
`addLetFlts` LetFloats
                , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jf1 JoinFloats -> JoinFloats -> JoinFloats
`addJoinFlts` JoinFloats
                , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
in_scope }

addLetFlts :: LetFloats -> LetFloats -> LetFloats
addLetFlts :: LetFloats -> LetFloats -> LetFloats
addLetFlts (LetFloats JoinFloats
bs1 FloatFlag
l1) (LetFloats JoinFloats
bs2 FloatFlag
  = JoinFloats -> FloatFlag -> LetFloats
LetFloats (JoinFloats
bs1 forall a. OrdList a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a
`appOL` JoinFloats
bs2) (FloatFlag
l1 FloatFlag -> FloatFlag -> FloatFlag
`andFF` FloatFlag

letFloatBinds :: LetFloats -> [CoreBind]
letFloatBinds :: LetFloats -> [Bind OutId]
letFloatBinds (LetFloats JoinFloats
bs FloatFlag
_) = forall a. OrdList a -> [a]
fromOL JoinFloats

addJoinFlts :: JoinFloats -> JoinFloats -> JoinFloats
addJoinFlts :: JoinFloats -> JoinFloats -> JoinFloats
addJoinFlts = forall a. OrdList a -> OrdList a -> OrdList a

mkRecFloats :: SimplFloats -> SimplFloats
-- Flattens the floats into a single Rec group,
-- They must either all be lifted LetFloats or all JoinFloats
mkRecFloats :: SimplFloats -> SimplFloats
mkRecFloats floats :: SimplFloats
floats@(SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats JoinFloats
bs FloatFlag
                                , sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
                                , sfInScope :: SimplFloats -> InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
in_scope })
  = ASSERT2( isNilOL bs || isNilOL jbs, ppr floats )
    SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                , sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
                , sfInScope :: InScopeSet
sfInScope    = InScopeSet
in_scope }
    -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
    !floats' :: LetFloats
floats'  | forall a. OrdList a -> Bool
isNilOL JoinFloats
bs  = LetFloats
              | Bool
otherwise   = Bind OutId -> LetFloats
unitLetFloat (forall b. [(b, Expr b)] -> Bind b
Rec (forall b. [Bind b] -> [(b, Expr b)]
flattenBinds (forall a. OrdList a -> [a]
fromOL JoinFloats
    !jfloats' :: JoinFloats
jfloats' | forall a. OrdList a -> Bool
isNilOL JoinFloats
jbs = JoinFloats
              | Bool
otherwise   = Bind OutId -> JoinFloats
unitJoinFloat (forall b. [(b, Expr b)] -> Bind b
Rec (forall b. [Bind b] -> [(b, Expr b)]
flattenBinds (forall a. OrdList a -> [a]
fromOL JoinFloats

wrapFloats :: SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
-- Wrap the floats around the expression; they should all
-- satisfy the let/app invariant, so mkLets should do the job just fine
wrapFloats :: SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
wrapFloats (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats JoinFloats
bs FloatFlag
                        , sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
jbs }) OutExpr
  = forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> OrdList a -> b
foldrOL forall b. Bind b -> Expr b -> Expr b
Let (JoinFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
wrapJoinFloats JoinFloats
jbs OutExpr
body) JoinFloats
     -- Note: Always safe to put the joins on the inside
     -- since the values can't refer to them

wrapJoinFloatsX :: SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
-- Wrap the sfJoinFloats of the env around the expression,
-- and take them out of the SimplEnv
wrapJoinFloatsX :: SimplFloats -> OutExpr -> (SimplFloats, OutExpr)
wrapJoinFloatsX SimplFloats
floats OutExpr
  = ( SimplFloats
floats { sfJoinFloats :: JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
emptyJoinFloats }
    , JoinFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
wrapJoinFloats (SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats SimplFloats
floats) OutExpr
body )

wrapJoinFloats :: JoinFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
-- Wrap the sfJoinFloats of the env around the expression,
-- and take them out of the SimplEnv
wrapJoinFloats :: JoinFloats -> OutExpr -> OutExpr
wrapJoinFloats JoinFloats
join_floats OutExpr
  = forall a b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> OrdList a -> b
foldrOL forall b. Bind b -> Expr b -> Expr b
Let OutExpr
body JoinFloats

getTopFloatBinds :: SimplFloats -> [CoreBind]
getTopFloatBinds :: SimplFloats -> [Bind OutId]
getTopFloatBinds (SimplFloats { sfLetFloats :: SimplFloats -> LetFloats
sfLetFloats  = LetFloats
                              , sfJoinFloats :: SimplFloats -> JoinFloats
sfJoinFloats = JoinFloats
  = ASSERT( isNilOL jbs )  -- Can't be any top-level join bindings
    LetFloats -> [Bind OutId]
letFloatBinds LetFloats

{-# INLINE mapLetFloats #-}
mapLetFloats :: LetFloats -> ((Id,CoreExpr) -> (Id,CoreExpr)) -> LetFloats
mapLetFloats :: LetFloats -> ((OutId, OutExpr) -> (OutId, OutExpr)) -> LetFloats
mapLetFloats (LetFloats JoinFloats
fs FloatFlag
ff) (OutId, OutExpr) -> (OutId, OutExpr)
   = JoinFloats -> FloatFlag -> LetFloats
LetFloats JoinFloats
fs1 FloatFlag
    app :: Bind OutId -> Bind OutId
app (NonRec OutId
b OutExpr
e) = case (OutId, OutExpr) -> (OutId, OutExpr)
fun (OutId
e) of (OutId
e') -> forall b. b -> Expr b -> Bind b
NonRec OutId
b' OutExpr
    app (Rec [(OutId, OutExpr)]
bs)     = forall b. [(b, Expr b)] -> Bind b
Rec (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
strictMap (OutId, OutExpr) -> (OutId, OutExpr)
fun [(OutId, OutExpr)]
    !fs1 :: JoinFloats
fs1 = (forall a b. (a -> b) -> OrdList a -> OrdList b
mapOL' Bind OutId -> Bind OutId
app JoinFloats
fs) -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]

*                                                                      *
                Substitution of Vars
*                                                                      *

Note [Global Ids in the substitution]
We look up even a global (eg imported) Id in the substitution. Consider
   case X.g_34 of b { (a,b) ->  ... case X.g_34 of { (p,q) -> ...} ... }
The binder-swap in the occurrence analyser will add a binding
for a LocalId version of g (with the same unique though):
   case X.g_34 of b { (a,b) ->  let g_34 = b in
                                ... case X.g_34 of { (p,q) -> ...} ... }
So we want to look up the inner X.g_34 in the substitution, where we'll
find that it has been substituted by b.  (Or conceivably cloned.)

substId :: SimplEnv -> InId -> SimplSR
-- Returns DoneEx only on a non-Var expression
substId :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplSR
substId (SimplEnv { seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope, seIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
ids }) OutId
  = case forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv SimplIdSubst
ids OutId
v of  -- Note [Global Ids in the substitution]
        Maybe SimplSR
Nothing               -> OutId -> SimplSR
DoneId (InScopeSet -> OutId -> OutId
refineFromInScope InScopeSet
in_scope OutId
        Just (DoneId OutId
v)       -> OutId -> SimplSR
DoneId (InScopeSet -> OutId -> OutId
refineFromInScope InScopeSet
in_scope OutId
        Just SimplSR
res              -> SimplSR
res    -- DoneEx non-var, or ContEx

        -- Get the most up-to-date thing from the in-scope set
        -- Even though it isn't in the substitution, it may be in
        -- the in-scope set with better IdInfo.
        -- See also Note [In-scope set as a substitution] in GHC.Core.Opt.Simplify.

refineFromInScope :: InScopeSet -> Var -> Var
refineFromInScope :: InScopeSet -> OutId -> OutId
refineFromInScope InScopeSet
in_scope OutId
  | OutId -> Bool
isLocalId OutId
v = case InScopeSet -> OutId -> Maybe OutId
lookupInScope InScopeSet
in_scope OutId
v of
                  Just OutId
v' -> OutId
                  Maybe OutId
Nothing -> forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SDoc -> a
pprPanic String
"refineFromInScope" (forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr InScopeSet
in_scope SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
$$ forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutId
                             -- c.f #19074 for a subtle place where this went wrong
  | Bool
otherwise = OutId

lookupRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> InId -> OutId
-- Look up an Id which has been put into the envt by simplRecBndrs,
-- but where we have not yet done its RHS
lookupRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutId
lookupRecBndr (SimplEnv { seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope, seIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
ids }) OutId
  = case forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> Maybe a
lookupVarEnv SimplIdSubst
ids OutId
v of
        Just (DoneId OutId
v) -> OutId
        Just SimplSR
_ -> forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SDoc -> a
pprPanic String
"lookupRecBndr" (forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr OutId
        Maybe SimplSR
Nothing -> InScopeSet -> OutId -> OutId
refineFromInScope InScopeSet
in_scope OutId

*                                                                      *
\section{Substituting an Id binder}
*                                                                      *

These functions are in the monad only so that they can be made strict via seq.

Note [Return type for join points]

   (join j :: Char -> Int -> Int) 77
   (     j x = \y. y + ord x    )
   (in case v of                )
   (     A -> j 'x'             )
   (     B -> j 'y'             )
   (     C -> <blah>            )

The simplifier pushes the "apply to 77" continuation inwards to give

   join j :: Char -> Int
        j x = (\y. y + ord x) 77
   in case v of
        A -> j 'x'
        B -> j 'y'
        C -> <blah> 77

Notice that the "apply to 77" continuation went into the RHS of the
join point.  And that meant that the return type of the join point

That's why we pass res_ty into simplNonRecJoinBndr, and substIdBndr
takes a (Just res_ty) argument so that it knows to do the type-changing

See also Note [Scaling join point arguments].

simplBinders :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutBndr])
simplBinders :: SimplEnv -> [OutId] -> SimplM (SimplEnv, [OutId])
simplBinders  !SimplEnv
env [OutId]
bndrs = forall (m :: * -> *) acc x y.
Monad m =>
(acc -> x -> m (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> m (acc, [y])
mapAccumLM SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplBinder  SimplEnv
env [OutId]

simplBinder :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
-- Used for lambda and case-bound variables
-- Clone Id if necessary, substitute type
-- Return with IdInfo already substituted, but (fragile) occurrence info zapped
-- The substitution is extended only if the variable is cloned, because
-- we *don't* need to use it to track occurrence info.
simplBinder :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplBinder !SimplEnv
env OutId
  | OutId -> Bool
isTyVar OutId
bndr  = do  { let (SimplEnv
env', OutId
tv) = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substTyVarBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
                        ; OutId -> ()
seqTyVar OutId
tv seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SimplEnv
env', OutId
tv) }
  | Bool
otherwise     = do  { let (SimplEnv
env', OutId
id) = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substIdBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
                        ; OutId -> ()
seqId OutId
id seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SimplEnv
env', OutId
id) }

simplNonRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
-- A non-recursive let binder
simplNonRecBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplNonRecBndr !SimplEnv
env OutId
  -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
  = do  { let (!SimplEnv
env1, OutId
id1) = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substIdBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
        ; OutId -> ()
seqId OutId
id1 seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SimplEnv
env1, OutId
id1) }

simplRecBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr] -> SimplM SimplEnv
-- Recursive let binders
simplRecBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [OutId] -> SimplM SimplEnv
simplRecBndrs env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv {}) [OutId]
  -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
  = ASSERT(all (not . isJoinId) ids)
    do  { let (!SimplEnv
env1, [OutId]
ids1) = forall (t :: * -> *) s a b.
Traversable t =>
(s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> t a -> (s, t b)
mapAccumL SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substIdBndr SimplEnv
env [OutId]
        ; [OutId] -> ()
seqIds [OutId]
ids1 seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return SimplEnv
env1 }

substIdBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
-- Might be a coercion variable
substIdBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substIdBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
  | OutId -> Bool
isCoVar OutId
bndr  = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substCoVarBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
  | Bool
otherwise     = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substNonCoVarIdBndr SimplEnv
env OutId

   :: SimplEnv
   -> InBndr    -- Env and binder to transform
   -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
-- Clone Id if necessary, substitute its type
-- Return an Id with its
--      * Type substituted
--      * UnfoldingInfo, Rules, WorkerInfo zapped
--      * Fragile OccInfo (only) zapped: Note [Robust OccInfo]
--      * Robust info, retained especially arity and demand info,
--         so that they are available to occurrences that occur in an
--         earlier binding of a letrec
-- For the robust info, see Note [Arity robustness]
-- Augment the substitution  if the unique changed
-- Extend the in-scope set with the new Id
-- Similar to GHC.Core.Subst.substIdBndr, except that
--      the type of id_subst differs
--      all fragile info is zapped
substNonCoVarIdBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substNonCoVarIdBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
id = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (OutId -> OutId) -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
subst_id_bndr SimplEnv
env OutId
id (\OutId
x -> OutId

-- Inline to make the (OutId -> OutId) function a known call.
-- This is especially important for `substNonCoVarIdBndr` which
-- passes an identity lambda.
{-# INLINE subst_id_bndr #-}
subst_id_bndr :: SimplEnv
              -> InBndr    -- Env and binder to transform
              -> (OutId -> OutId)  -- Adjust the type
              -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
subst_id_bndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> (OutId -> OutId) -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
subst_id_bndr env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv { seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope, seIdSubst :: SimplEnv -> SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
id_subst })
old_id OutId -> OutId
  = ASSERT2( not (isCoVar old_id), ppr old_id )
env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
           seIdSubst :: SimplIdSubst
seIdSubst = SimplIdSubst
new_subst }, OutId
    -- It's important that both seInScope and seIdSubst are updated with
    -- the new_id, /after/ applying adjust_type. That's why adjust_type
    -- is done here.  If we did adjust_type in simplJoinBndr (the only
    -- place that gives a non-identity adjust_type) we'd have to fiddle
    -- afresh with both seInScope and seIdSubst
    -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
    !id1 :: OutId
id1  = InScopeSet -> OutId -> OutId
uniqAway InScopeSet
in_scope OutId
    !id2 :: OutId
id2  = SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutId
substIdType SimplEnv
env OutId
    !id3 :: OutId
id3  = OutId -> OutId
zapFragileIdInfo OutId
id2       -- Zaps rules, worker-info, unfolding
                                      -- and fragile OccInfo
    !new_id :: OutId
new_id = OutId -> OutId
adjust_type OutId

        -- Extend the substitution if the unique has changed,
        -- or there's some useful occurrence information
        -- See the notes with substTyVarBndr for the delSubstEnv
    !new_subst :: SimplIdSubst
new_subst | OutId
new_id forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= OutId
              = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> a -> VarEnv a
extendVarEnv SimplIdSubst
id_subst OutId
old_id (OutId -> SimplSR
DoneId OutId
              | Bool
              = forall a. VarEnv a -> OutId -> VarEnv a
delVarEnv SimplIdSubst
id_subst OutId

    !new_in_scope :: InScopeSet
new_in_scope = InScopeSet
in_scope InScopeSet -> OutId -> InScopeSet
`extendInScopeSet` OutId

seqTyVar :: TyVar -> ()
seqTyVar :: OutId -> ()
seqTyVar OutId
b = OutId
b seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` ()

seqId :: Id -> ()
seqId :: OutId -> ()
seqId OutId
id = Kind -> ()
seqType (OutId -> Kind
idType OutId
id)  seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
           HasDebugCallStack => OutId -> IdInfo
idInfo OutId
id            seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b

seqIds :: [Id] -> ()
seqIds :: [OutId] -> ()
seqIds []       = ()
seqIds (OutId
ids) = OutId -> ()
seqId OutId
id seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` [OutId] -> ()
seqIds [OutId]

Note [Arity robustness]
We *do* transfer the arity from the in_id of a let binding to the
out_id.  This is important, so that the arity of an Id is visible in
its own RHS.  For example:
        f = \x. ....g (\y. f y)....
We can eta-reduce the arg to g, because f is a value.  But that
needs to be visible.

This interacts with the 'state hack' too:
        f :: Bool -> IO Int
        f = \x. case x of
                  True  -> f y
                  False -> \s -> ...
Can we eta-expand f?  Only if we see that f has arity 1, and then we
take advantage of the 'state hack' on the result of
(f y) :: State# -> (State#, Int) to expand the arity one more.

There is a disadvantage though.  Making the arity visible in the RHS
allows us to eta-reduce
        f = \x -> f x
        f = f
which technically is not sound.   This is very much a corner case, so
I'm not worried about it.  Another idea is to ensure that f's arity
never decreases; its arity started as 1, and we should never eta-reduce
below that.

Note [Robust OccInfo]
It's important that we *do* retain the loop-breaker OccInfo, because
that's what stops the Id getting inlined infinitely, in the body of
the letrec.

{- *********************************************************************
*                                                                      *
                Join points
*                                                                      *
********************************************************************* -}

simplNonRecJoinBndr :: SimplEnv -> InBndr
                    -> Mult -> OutType
                    -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutBndr)

-- A non-recursive let binder for a join point;
-- context being pushed inward may change the type
-- See Note [Return type for join points]
simplNonRecJoinBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> Kind -> Kind -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplNonRecJoinBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
id Kind
mult Kind
  = do { let (SimplEnv
env1, OutId
id1) = Kind -> Kind -> SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplJoinBndr Kind
mult Kind
res_ty SimplEnv
env OutId
       ; OutId -> ()
seqId OutId
id1 seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return (SimplEnv
env1, OutId
id1) }

simplRecJoinBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [InBndr]
                  -> Mult -> OutType
                  -> SimplM SimplEnv
-- Recursive let binders for join points;
-- context being pushed inward may change types
-- See Note [Return type for join points]
simplRecJoinBndrs :: SimplEnv -> [OutId] -> Kind -> Kind -> SimplM SimplEnv
simplRecJoinBndrs env :: SimplEnv
env@(SimplEnv {}) [OutId]
ids Kind
mult Kind
  = ASSERT(all isJoinId ids)
    do  { let (SimplEnv
env1, [OutId]
ids1) = forall (t :: * -> *) s a b.
Traversable t =>
(s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> t a -> (s, t b)
mapAccumL (Kind -> Kind -> SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplJoinBndr Kind
mult Kind
res_ty) SimplEnv
env [OutId]
        ; [OutId] -> ()
seqIds [OutId]
ids1 seq :: forall a b. a -> b -> b
`seq` forall (m :: * -> *) a. Monad m => a -> m a
return SimplEnv
env1 }

simplJoinBndr :: Mult -> OutType
              -> SimplEnv -> InBndr
              -> (SimplEnv, OutBndr)
simplJoinBndr :: Kind -> Kind -> SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
simplJoinBndr Kind
mult Kind
res_ty SimplEnv
env OutId
  = SimplEnv -> OutId -> (OutId -> OutId) -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
subst_id_bndr SimplEnv
env OutId
id (Kind -> Kind -> OutId -> OutId
adjustJoinPointType Kind
mult Kind

adjustJoinPointType :: Mult
                    -> Type     -- New result type
                    -> Id       -- Old join-point Id
                    -> Id       -- Adjusted jont-point Id
-- (adjustJoinPointType mult new_res_ty join_id) does two things:
--   1. Set the return type of the join_id to new_res_ty
--      See Note [Return type for join points]
--   2. Adjust the multiplicity of arrows in join_id's type, as
--      directed by 'mult'. See Note [Scaling join point arguments]
-- INVARIANT: If any of the first n binders are foralls, those tyvars
-- cannot appear in the original result type. See isValidJoinPointType.
adjustJoinPointType :: Kind -> Kind -> OutId -> OutId
adjustJoinPointType Kind
mult Kind
new_res_ty OutId
  = ASSERT( isJoinId join_id )
    OutId -> Kind -> OutId
setIdType OutId
join_id Kind
    orig_ar :: JoinArity
orig_ar = OutId -> JoinArity
idJoinArity OutId
    orig_ty :: Kind
orig_ty = OutId -> Kind
idType OutId

    new_join_ty :: Kind
new_join_ty = JoinArity -> Kind -> Kind
go JoinArity
orig_ar Kind
orig_ty :: Type

    go :: JoinArity -> Kind -> Kind
go JoinArity
0 Kind
_  = Kind
    go JoinArity
n Kind
ty | Just (TyCoBinder
arg_bndr, Kind
res_ty) <- Kind -> Maybe (TyCoBinder, Kind)
splitPiTy_maybe Kind
            = TyCoBinder -> Kind -> Kind
mkPiTy (TyCoBinder -> TyCoBinder
scale_bndr TyCoBinder
arg_bndr) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
              JoinArity -> Kind -> Kind
go (JoinArity
nforall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1) Kind
            | Bool
            = forall a. HasCallStack => String -> SDoc -> a
pprPanic String
"adjustJoinPointType" (forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr JoinArity
orig_ar SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
<+> forall a. Outputable a => a -> SDoc
ppr Kind

    -- See Note [Bangs in the Simplifier]
    scale_bndr :: TyCoBinder -> TyCoBinder
scale_bndr (Anon AnonArgFlag
af Scaled Kind
t) = AnonArgFlag -> Scaled Kind -> TyCoBinder
Anon AnonArgFlag
af forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$! (forall a. Kind -> Scaled a -> Scaled a
scaleScaled Kind
mult Scaled Kind
    scale_bndr b :: TyCoBinder
b@(Named TyCoVarBinder
_) = TyCoBinder

{- Note [Scaling join point arguments]
Consider a join point which is linear in its variable, in some context E:

E[join j :: a %1 -> a
       j x = x
  in case v of
       A -> j 'x'
       B -> <blah>]

The simplifier changes to:

join j :: a %1 -> a
     j x = E[x]
in case v of
     A -> j 'x'
     B -> E[<blah>]

If E uses its argument in a nonlinear way (e.g. a case['Many]), then
this is wrong: the join point has to change its type to a -> a.
Otherwise, we'd get a linearity error.

See also Note [Return type for join points] and Note [Join points and case-of-case].

*                                                                      *
                Impedance matching to type substitution
*                                                                      *

getTCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst (SimplEnv { seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope, seTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
                      , seCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
cv_env })
  = InScopeSet -> (TvSubstEnv, CvSubstEnv) -> TCvSubst
mkTCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope (TvSubstEnv
tv_env, CvSubstEnv

substTy :: SimplEnv -> Type -> Type
substTy :: SimplEnv -> Kind -> Kind
substTy SimplEnv
env Kind
ty = HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Kind -> Kind
Type.substTy (SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst SimplEnv
env) Kind

substTyVar :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> Type
substTyVar :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> Kind
substTyVar SimplEnv
env OutId
tv = TCvSubst -> OutId -> Kind
Type.substTyVar (SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst SimplEnv
env) OutId

substTyVarBndr :: SimplEnv -> TyVar -> (SimplEnv, TyVar)
substTyVarBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substTyVarBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
  = case HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> OutId -> (TCvSubst, OutId)
Type.substTyVarBndr (SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst SimplEnv
env) OutId
tv of
        (TCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope' TvSubstEnv
tv_env' CvSubstEnv
cv_env', OutId
           -> (SimplEnv
env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope', seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
tv_env', seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
cv_env' }, OutId

substCoVar :: SimplEnv -> CoVar -> Coercion
substCoVar :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> Coercion
substCoVar SimplEnv
env OutId
tv = TCvSubst -> OutId -> Coercion
Coercion.substCoVar (SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst SimplEnv
env) OutId

substCoVarBndr :: SimplEnv -> CoVar -> (SimplEnv, CoVar)
substCoVarBndr :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> (SimplEnv, OutId)
substCoVarBndr SimplEnv
env OutId
  = case HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> OutId -> (TCvSubst, OutId)
Coercion.substCoVarBndr (SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst SimplEnv
env) OutId
cv of
        (TCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope' TvSubstEnv
tv_env' CvSubstEnv
cv_env', OutId
           -> (SimplEnv
env { seInScope :: InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope', seTvSubst :: TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
tv_env', seCvSubst :: CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
cv_env' }, OutId

substCo :: SimplEnv -> Coercion -> Coercion
substCo :: SimplEnv -> Coercion -> Coercion
substCo SimplEnv
env Coercion
co = HasCallStack => TCvSubst -> Coercion -> Coercion
Coercion.substCo (SimplEnv -> TCvSubst
getTCvSubst SimplEnv
env) Coercion

substIdType :: SimplEnv -> Id -> Id
substIdType :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> OutId
substIdType (SimplEnv { seInScope :: SimplEnv -> InScopeSet
seInScope = InScopeSet
in_scope, seTvSubst :: SimplEnv -> TvSubstEnv
seTvSubst = TvSubstEnv
tv_env, seCvSubst :: SimplEnv -> CvSubstEnv
seCvSubst = CvSubstEnv
cv_env }) OutId
  | (forall a. VarEnv a -> Bool
isEmptyVarEnv TvSubstEnv
tv_env Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& forall a. VarEnv a -> Bool
isEmptyVarEnv CvSubstEnv
    Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Bool
  = OutId
  | Bool
otherwise = (Kind -> Kind) -> OutId -> OutId
Id.updateIdTypeAndMult (TCvSubst -> Kind -> Kind
Type.substTyUnchecked TCvSubst
subst) OutId
                -- The tyCoVarsOfType is cheaper than it looks
                -- because we cache the free tyvars of the type
                -- in a Note in the id's type itself
    no_free_vars :: Bool
no_free_vars = Kind -> Bool
noFreeVarsOfType Kind
old_ty Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Kind -> Bool
noFreeVarsOfType Kind
    subst :: TCvSubst
subst = InScopeSet -> TvSubstEnv -> CvSubstEnv -> TCvSubst
TCvSubst InScopeSet
in_scope TvSubstEnv
tv_env CvSubstEnv
    old_ty :: Kind
old_ty = OutId -> Kind
idType OutId
    old_w :: Kind
old_w  = OutId -> Kind
varMult OutId